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Stxlle Oct 2015
Its not you
Its me
That was cliche
Don't you agree?

It hurts me more
that I caused you pain
by rejecting everything you do
You've got nothing to gain

I don't like you
Not the way you do
So walk away
What I say is true

I don't want to upset you
You have to understand
This is better than false hope
I know this isn't what you have planned

I am not the one for you
We are not meant to be
Don't make this difficult
Just stop fighting for me

Stop trying to convince me
I don't feel the same way
Just let me go
We aren't close friends anyway

Please stop
You're hurting yourself more
Its all wishful thinking
I'm not the person you should adore

I'm sorry
That's all I can say
I'm sorry
That it has to end this way
I wrote this poem for a guy who likes me but ,obviously from the poem, I don't like him back. I have trouble figuring out how to tell him so I just wrote a poem... I needed this out of my system since it was eating me from the inside out
  Sep 2015 Stxlle
Im not a poet
because when lives are on the line
i can't twist words to say what i mean
im not a poet
love is a foreign term too me
i still can't use metaphor too display how i feel when he's with me
im not a poet
all the words i have ever spoken
ive thought a thousand times over
there's too many words i have left lieing on my lips
im not a poet
self expression is still an alien weird to me
how can i express myself when i don't know who I am
im not a poet
and yet
*im still here
Stxlle Sep 2015
Look me in the eye
and tell me a story
Don't start to cry
You shouldn't worry

No words need to be spoken
No actions need to be done
We are all broken
Each and every one

Let me see your eyes
Let me look close
You cannot disguise
the plot that you compose

I look in yours
You look in mine
Inside I see the universe
Planets, galaxies and  stars that shine

I see secrets and memories
Knowledge and emotions
I see chaos and peace
Stillness and motion

I see creativity and imagination
Reality all twisted
I see boredom and fascination
My perception of things have shifted

I see talent and passion
interest and hobbies
I see love and compassion
family and priorities

I see beliefs and ethics
morals and history
I see facts and academics
books and their story

I see insecurities and broken hearts
wars and self doubt
I see a collection of your art
And things you never told me about

I break the connection
comprehending what I saw
All the beauty and complexion
Left me in awe
Stxlle Sep 2015
Words bleed
from your eyes
because you see all the lies

Words dripped
from your nose
because you weren't careful of the words you chose

Words fly
out of your ears
to prevent all the tears

Words form
on your skin
describing all your sins

Words corrupt
your mouth
concealing all your doubt

Words float
in your head
of all the words you never said
Stxlle Nov 2013
Each and everyday I try to get a glimpse of you
Just one glimpse would make me happy
I don't even know why I smile when I see you

You are like a drug to me
Making me addicted

My mind tells me "No, don't. You'll get hurt"
but my heart is pushing me, encouraging me to see you again
So I do

I rest my back against the wall
and I turn around, slipping one eye off the edge of the wall
I see you and I quickly look away

My heart pumping. Goosebumps appearing My mind is lost in thoughts

You don't even know I'm here
You don't even know who I am

I take a chance and I take another peek, a longer one
And  there you are
Talking, talking to your friends
You look handsome like you do everyday
I ju-

You suddenly look in my direction

I panic then I just turn around and walk away
A smile escapes my lips. I try not to giggle

I head home still thinking about you,
excited to come back tomorrow to see you again
Give me some constructive criticism that would help me improve my poetry writing.  Please give me enjoy my poem :) {Inspired by my best friend }
Stxlle Nov 2013
You dance better than me
You sing better than me
Prettier, taller, smarter

Well **** you are as perfect as a Barbie

I’m as interesting as nothing compared to you.
You can get whatever you want with a snap of a finger. Make guys fall for you at the speed of light.

I am nothing compared to you

You make me look at MYSELF and say “I’m nothing”

You do so many things I can do.

I write.
You write better
I draw
You draw better
Well I bet your poem is better than mine

I do something and ****** I know you can do it better.

All I want is to be better than you at something. No matter how small. I want to be better.

Confident. Pretty hair. Thin.
I am nothing compared to you
Please give me some comments of what you think of my poem and what I should do to improve my writing. It is the first one I wrote and published. :)
Hope you enjoy x.

— The End —