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Stephen Knox Sep 8
Releasing all your judgments, it’s like mopping up the floor.
You think you have it all cleaned up, but then, you notice more.

The edges and the corners, hunker down to clean.
Shine your light way down in there, to find what’s gone unseen.

Residue, flecks and dirt, from many years before.
Thriving there unnoticed, right atop the kitchen floor.

All these tiny judgements, that your ego makes for you.
Must be looked at mindfully, releasing what’s untrue.

These daily, small conclusions, that you promptly tuck away.
Building up inside you like, spiritual decay.  

Equanimity in consciousness, it’s this you will attain.
Thoughtfulness in all you do, the swamp will start to drain.

So meeting someone out there, that is living on the fringe.
Look deeply and say hi to them, removing all your cringe.

They are you and you are me, it’s this that you will see.
Spreading like a wild fire, as you remember you’re the key.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
There’s something about this early group, the ones that started first.
Denying the old to except the new, can never be rehearsed.

They’re scattered sparsely all around, nothing left to chance.
Often seen with underwear, on the outside of their pants.

Switching to the positive age, it’s light that we become.
so working on forgiving yourself, might not be so dumb.

The light that will configure you, soon about to start.
This will help you understand, when thinking with your heart.

With senses traveling higher than, you ever would have thought.
The world we knew will drip away, as old begins to rot.

As our world now awakens, to this glorious new day.
Chances are we’ll meet again, upon the middle way.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
I can still climb into the moment,  when I knew what I had found.
Being lifted up so high, that I could barely see the ground.

We think ourselves into the good times, so many when we were new.
Spreading them all around us, our custom relationship glue.

As time passed our love crashed, and we began to drift apart.
Since I couldn’t stop what I felt for you, so I went about breaking my heart.

The in and out, the back and forth, it took me down so deep.
But every time as if on cue, love would make me leap.

Back to you got harder and colder, with every time I fell.
In spite of that, the love I felt, kept me under your spell.

Removing myself from everything, the love I shared with you.
Taught me all about myself, and things I needed to do.

Our time together gave me tools, that I never had before.
No longer fearing anyone, passing through my door.

Love from a distance is a peculiar thing, it’s not like closeup love.
One learns to just send it out, and trust in god above.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
When did I know?
What were my earliest clues?
Was it when something amazing happened just for me?
Was it when someone told me I was special?
Was it when animals would communicate with me?
Is that when I knew?
No, I always knew.
I knew from my first memories who the  creator was.
I lived as such, for a long time, through original perception
I enjoyed kindergarten because of Judy Dodge.
She was a fringe hippie, too old to start over.
Too young to realize that it was all just a controlled opposition.
Put in place simulating resistance.
Mrs. Dodge nourished me as the creator.
Making us passports, and flying us all over the world.
Showing us different cultures, and tasting their food.
My kindergarten picture is me, sitting reverse Indian style.
Hands flat together, fingers intertwined.
Resting my chin on my fingers.
A knowing smile on my face.
Black turtleneck, of course.
After that all the pictures are of the creation, not the creator.
The creation began around then.
Growing more and more as I neared first grade.
Finding ways to wear it.
It was the needful pleaser.
It was the shameless liar.
Hiding me from this kali yuga world.
From then I slowly slid deeper inside.
The more control I gave it.
The more it would change my reality.
Somewhere early on I went to sleep.
During this time the creation went about doing its job.
Which was, keeping me alive.
Time passes.
Love happens.
Feeling wonderful.
Seeing between the cracks.
I want more!
What fun!
The creation has been busy.
Building its reality of fear.
Fear is the creation’s only tool, but it has a thousand ways to use it.
Love crashes.
The creation regains control.
Lulling me to forget.
Forget that I exist.
Slowly waking.
Bits, here and there.
Synchronic detection rising.
Disturbing and uncomfortable knowledge.
Understanding of truth.
Self realization.
The veil dissolves.
Disassembling the creation.
Piece by piece.
Fractal by fractal.
A thin layer of creation.
Like glass, embedded in me.
Discoloring You.
Camouflaging You.
Hiding You.
It can’t let me see You.
Terrified of You.
Can’t exist with You.
The creation sends a blow.
It lands.
The creation stabs.
You bleed.
The creation strikes!
You cry.
Deep rumble.
Your pain.
I twinge.
You Cry!
I hurt.
I feel.
I care.
Shattered glass!
Melting fog.
Quantum matching
Love flows.
Awakening to it all.
Remembering it all.
Feeling it all.
Reaching out my hand.
To You.
Completing Our link.
Love flowing.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
Politics, media, business and such.
The zionists have control deep in their clutch.

To control all the money is where it began.
The last on their list is the bank of Iran

Our zionist rulers can hide in plain sight.
Speak poorly of them, Judaism takes up the fight.

They never can let us separate them.
From the regular people following Judaism.

Any attack on their Kabbalist ways.
You’re tagged an anti semite, for the rest of your days.

All that we know has been taken away.
Slowly replaced with their rot and decay.

We are just cattle that feed them our fear.
Kept in the dark with all the lies we hold dear.

They need that you read all these words and feel shame.
Regaining control of you inside of this game.

The darkness they worship can cause you no harm.
The eternal inside you, is there to disarm.

Once you are honest and speak only truth.
You see through these lies that began in your youth

No longer will the zionists be able to hide.
The light that is coming will be our new guide.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
Ever since way back, when I was small.
I had dreams of a woman, I knew not at all.

Try as I might, to catch a glimpse of her face.
The moment I awaken, all I saw would erase.

Every single night, as I arrive in my dreams.
She would show me that reality is not as it seems.

Her presence is not part of time and of space.
Outside of my dreams, I can find not a trace.

I look very closely at all those I meet.
Even the people, I pass on the street.

Hoping to see her, or that she’ll find me.
Recognizing we make up, two parts of the three.

I see now that I am just farther along.
Waiting for her, to put words to my song.

Looking at time back from here to the past.
She’s always with me, like a shadow I cast

Stop worrying about things, that you know to be true.
The secret behind why, we are split up in two.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
When using an add-on text messaging app.
They glean all your data, to sell you more crap.

They bypass your rights when you click “I agree”.
No need to use money, their program is free.

It listens to every single word that you say.
Deciding which ads that are sent on their way.

We know now big changes are coming to us.
But before going forward, there are things to discuss .

Elon is building a chip for your head.
If you think that’s a good thing you’re sadly misled.

The Mason’s believe that control will stay theirs.
But power will shift once we gather in pairs.

Split into two separate people, we are.
Finding each other again, from afar.

I struggle with words, for the things that I feel.
This cosmic connection we share is unreal.  

When finding each other you’ll immediately know.
The closeness you feel, will continually grow.

Service to others keeping karma at bay.
Extending loves light must be done every day.
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