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Stephen Knox Sep 8
Who makes these rules for this world that we live.
Extracting from us things we never would give.

They’re tied to a time back far as it goes.
They have methods to control us that nobody knows.

Kemet, then Babylon is from which they did rise.
I see all they’ve done through heterochromian eyes.

Separate from those, that we think are in charge.
This group has grown smaller, but was never large.

The things I won’t tell of would give you a fright
Those that should know have been granted the sight.

The positive side of our nature will rise.
Letting us see them without their disguise.

The light that is coming, will show that their grift.
Must come to an end as the world begins to shift.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
Why we’ve been lied to and kept in the dark.
Slaves to their purpose,  we keep jumping the shark.

They learned long ago, from all they’ve amassed.
That control of tomorrow requires erasing the past.

Looking outside for the answers you seek.
Is a program they use that is making you weak.

Finding the truth, behind all that they hide.
Is easy as vibrating higher inside.

All from within so that everything is known.
The harvest that’s granted, first needs to be sown.

Slow down your thoughts, to go deep, down within.
You’ll see something new that’s about to begin.

These photons that soon will come down from above.
Activating you with the purest of love.

Understanding that, truly, our world is a stage.
Opening your eyes to this golden new age.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
Realizing the purpose, that you are down here to do.
This higher perception is part of the new.

The part you’ll be playing, of what comes to be.
Flowing from you at your highest frequency.

The light from the sun Is the creation of love.
Its flow is high density, coming down from above.

Work on these things that you can not let go.
By accepting yourself, you’ll give love a chance to flow.

To argue a point so it not be a fight.
Stop wasting your time with who’s wrong and who’s right.

By keeping our focus on things based on fear.
discord and sadness will always be near.  

Do something kind for a stranger you meet.
When riding the bus always give up your seat.

Greed in this world can only cease to be.
Recognizing that unity is the way to be free.

Stop worrying about things that give you dismay.
By being grateful for everything, you’ll find the middle way.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
The realization of what all this is, gets granted by our deeds.
Focus not on the hardships, given attention they grow like weeds.

When connecting with the source of us, the Hero will always emerge .
Feeling the light that’s inside you, uncertainties now have been purged.

Traveling in to see this realm, up higher than you might think.
Looking down at these worlds intertwined, evolving together in sync

Seeing the happenings of the now, consciously look inside.
Notice that worlds of division, are right on course to collide.

Looking at every problem, seeing every side.
Be forthright in your honesty to always know who lied          

We’ve been stuck inside here since this began, nine of us come and we go.  
Understanding that the waters above, are expressly there to hold us below.

I’ve seen what things will come to pass, on the day of this brilliant light.
dark secrets finally visible, compelling us all to unite.

The knowledge, downloads or upgrades, however they are known.
Have always been deep inside you, like seeds that need to be grown

Resolving that external problems are solved deep from within. This light that gives reflection, again will soon begin.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
Karma gets directed at those that they chose.
This is the simple technique that they use.

By supplying us with any dumb thing that we ask.
A crucial component, for completing their task.

For example; What about fruit with no seeds.
understanding that this is a blunder in deeds.

For this convenience, that we asked for, generations ago.
This wheel we call karma, will often turn slow.

The debt shall be paid in full, when it’s due.
See shortage of food as the world splits in two.

Knowing deep and truly, the rules to this game.
Accepting there’s darkness without looking for blame.

To all that are dealing with struggle and strife.
Everything comes from inside in the life.

The sun will soon shine, in a different sort of way.
Trifinity achieved on that very special day.

Denying the old ways, is what one must do.
Realizing your path and accepting the new.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
The traveler arrives, so let it be known.
Whichever your realm, you are never alone.

There is so much more, than can be seen with your eye.
The new light will help, you see shapes in the sky.

The truth of self growth, are secrets disclosed.
More lies now than ever, still the universe knows.  

If knowing inside, you were chosen for this.
Now come the hard times, that will lead you to bliss.

Removing the thoughts, that filled you with fear.
Easily done, since you’re the only one here.

No longer are you subject to karma’s swift wrath.
Taking your place, upon the middle path.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
Configuring words to gather as poems.
Broadcasting out, so people might know them.

When reciting them notice if ringing you hear.
This is a sign higher vibrations are near.

These words thrown together might not make much sense.
But read them again if the world gets too tense.

When sliding into the ever present now.
The why fades away, understanding the how.

Solving world problems involves looking inside.
Releasing the things, that you always would hide.

Don’t let belief systems get in the way.
Deep introspection can be done every day.

Understanding the one thing important to know.
Things happening above also happen below.

The darkness of night always turns into day.
Where the ying meets the yang, is called the middle way.
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