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Stephen Knox Sep 8
Deep in the upside, on Christ’s overlook.
Words come like songs, from a pre-written book.

Connecting of senses, feeling harmonious love.
Plunging in deeper, seeing something above.

The center path leads up, as far as it goes.
Accessing all, that the universe knows.

When coming back out, the trick is you see.
Maneuvering new feelings, to maintain harmony.

This rapid evolution, creating thoughts from the heart.
Assisting convergence, in which we all play our part.

Focus not on, whether good or bad fall.
We all go together, or none go at all.

Forgiving yourself, and feeling the grace.
spiritually evolving, the whole human race.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
Coming change expected. Soon the bolide birth begins.

Shining down its brilliant light. Revealing all of our sins.

Lies begin to dissipate. New ideas take hold.

The understanding of bygone youth, is achieved by growing old.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
Have you ever had a feeling, a feeling so true.
Of why you came down here, to be split up in two.

The past we have lived through, will always exist.
Right in beside us, using some mathematical twist.

Work on connecting, all the you, that you can.
Playing your part, in fulfilling gods plan.

If life with no purpose, is what you believe.
Try opening your heart, and begin to receive.

The God of our existence, has never been the same.
As this lord being worshipped, that created the game.

The true source, has little to do with this place.
So well disguised, within everyone's face.

Here is the last thing, I'd like you to know.
Things happening above, also happen below.

Duality clutches to both goodness and wrath.
Keeping us centered, upon the middle path.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
In America, people believe that they’re free.
Unable to cope with their reality.

I’m not saying that things, always were right.
But people with sense, used to put up a fight.

Now very few good people, work at the top.
So close comes the time, that we have to say stop.

Strange occurrences now, do not go unseen.
Sensing that most of you, know what I mean.

With conscience harmony, now on the rise.
Nearing the time, we hear subsurface cries.

From having on blinders, and running in place.
To a vast understanding, of time and of space.

Living the way, things really should be.
It’s the happening of this, that you’re starting to see.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
To all work together, we need not agree.
Each has their mission, some of us three.

Bridges over puddles, the buddha might say.
Help all the lost, since they’re not far away.

The gift you’ll be given, if honest and true.
Showing you all the things, youcan now do.

Use inner knowledge, filling your cup.
Notice how time has begun to speed up.

Love and compassion, given today.
Expands never ending, on the middle way.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
Thinking myself, to when I was little.
Helping me choose, my path in the middle.

Now it’s become, abundantly clear.
The light growing in me, replaces the fear,

Working way down, deep inside.
Processing things, I could never abide.

With trickle of truth flowing in my ear.
Reveals all that’s hidden, both far and near.

Feelings in me of oneness and bliss.
like a continuous wave of my very first kiss.

Sharpness of mind and improving ones health.
Means paying it forward, repairing yourself.

Doing these things, while holding them dear.
Vibrating higher, pulling destiny near.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
Big me, stays close now, always feeling never far.
I finally, kind of , absorbed from him, what my qualifications are.

All of my bad choices, and every mistake that I made.
They all share equal importance, to any aces that I’ve played.

Up on Buddha’s perch, this is what you’ll see.
The number of everything there ever was, most important being three.

Arriving at this moment, with its programmed and linear way.
I think back to the where that I was, but with nothing more to say.

As a soldier in god’s army of love, I have only this to decree.
The hardest part, so far, in this, is the estrangement I’ve imposed upon me.

If I had stayed, with family near, and decided not to roam,
Chances are, I’d been locked away, first time I said, adrenochrome.

With inward focus, guiding something, half the world can’t see.
That will change quite quickly , with what, soon will come to be.

Assuming I was chosen since, I never answered the call.
So simply said, the best way ahead, is to never stop giving your all.

These threads that I call, connecting it all, they work something like a key.
Excepting my role in the coming event , opening up to “big me”.

Thanks for letting me vent a bit, guess I’ll call it a day.
I’ve denied the old, to except the new, gave all my money away.

So when you’ve finally had enough of this, call it, organized societal decay.
there’s always some room, hope to welcome you soon,
here on the middle way.
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