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it really wasnt until i was hurt
that i realized i could feel
it wasnt till we both walked away
that i saw what we had was real.

i am so sorry i was who i am
i tried so hard to change for you
i wanted you to love me
but now i think were officially through.
Look in to my eyes,
can you see what
I've seen?

Can you see the
let down?

I've cried many tears,
I've stayed up alone
just sitting there in the

I want to feel loved
and happy.
Not just ALONE and

So why don't you save
me from this BREAKDOWN,
so i won't lose everything.....
once again.

TRUST me to be okay,
help me trough this
so I'm not just on my

Let down, is what i will
fell along with pain and

Feelings have no meaning
I'm always sad, no REAL
smile crosses my lips.

This time it might be OVER.
I can't seem to win,
this war against...Myself.
So as time goes on i will
let go of
Please know I love you
For all that its worth
Had I the power
I'd slow down the Earth
Keep day from the night
Our lovers moon never setting
Knowing I can't is truly upsetting
You've a piece of my heart
I'll never get back
But the Earth is slipping from my grasp
I can't hold it back
I don't want this to end
Our love or this night
So every sunset
I'll hold back the Earth
And pray for endless night
 Jan 2015 Stephanie G
Tears don't help,
Tears don't stop the pain and anguish,
They don't stop death or bring people back.
They won't stop anger or abuse.

Tears are just water cascading down your face as they do mine.

They are cheap and do nothing other than cause pain.

I learnt the hard way of learning that tears do nothing.

Don't do the same.
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