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636 · Dec 2017
No Idea
Starr Dec 2017
You have no idea
how much it hurts.
You have no idea
how alone I am.
You complain about
how horrible your life is,
as though your life
is worse than everyone else's.
But there are people everywhere
who have is it worse than you.
Yet, you have the gall to
rant to me about your life.
But, you have no idea.
485 · Oct 2017
Take a Look Around
Starr Oct 2017
There are people on the streets that are barely alive
Others that barely make ends meet
Then there those who seem to have it all
but really they are missing out on the love that they need
There are people over seas fighting for our country
And people here a home killing their own brothers
There are criminals and victims
The rich and the poor
The unknown and the famous
Some people are greedy, others are grateful
Some people are caring, while others are hateful
But if we all took a step back and realized that
everyone has their own struggles
then maybe, just maybe the world could be a better place.
476 · Dec 2017
You Matter
Starr Dec 2017
They may say that you aren't pretty enough.
But true beauty is in your heart,
not your face. You don't need to hide
behind that mask of make-up.
You matter.

The number on the scale doesn't matter.
Your dress size doesn't matter.
You matter.

Your voice deserves
to be heard.
Your opinion matters.
You matter.

Don't let anyone say
you aren't good enough.
You matter.
A pretty face doesn't matter. Your weight doesn't matter. You matter.
475 · Oct 2017
Starr Oct 2017
The mountains arise
With courage she strides

When obstacles appear
she doesn't shed a tear

Her head's held up high
for this is her life

She weaves her own path
against the world's wrath

Before dawn's first light
she's up for the fight
453 · Nov 2017
Starr Nov 2017
I wander around
in a world of madness
lost with nowhere to go
Sadness and sorrow
are the only friends I've
come to know.
My heart has gone cold,
for love cannot be found.
Darkness blots out the stars.
My mind is empty
and my voice is lost.
My step falters and
I slip to the floor
I stuck in a dark room,
without windows or doors.
Life just goes on,
leaving me behind
to wander some more.
395 · Oct 2017
Scars On My Heart
Starr Oct 2017
They say all men were created equal
but it seems this isn't true
For if my feelings were a color
right now they would be blue

You ask for my perfection
as if it's a simple thing
I'm trapped like a prisoner
with no relief from my pain

Your word are a whip
that leaves scars on my heart
you say that you love me
but then tear me apart
385 · Oct 2017
Starr Oct 2017
We're best friends for ever
We're sisters till the end
Then I can't stand you
all the rumor's you spread

I love you
I hate you
we're friends
but we're not

Our friendship has a shiny exterior
but it's really just rust
A shiny red apple
full of rot

I love you
I hate you
we're friends
but we're not
359 · Oct 2017
Two Faced
Starr Oct 2017
You think she is happy
but truly she is torn
Her eyes twinkle, but-
Oh! - Look again
it's really just tears
tracking down to her chin
She's the center of attention
but would rather be alone
She dresses to impress
But couldn't care less
She acts like sunshine
but really she's rain
She say that she's fine
'cause she won't share her pain
She'd rather cry all alone
in a little pool of shame
349 · Oct 2017
Starr Oct 2017
She's surrounded by people
yet she is alone
Her misery hangs in the air like smoke
She feels as though she's trapped in a box
with no way to escape
Like a permanent marker
she can't erase the pain
She can't bear to look in the mirror
for fear of what she'll see
Her shame is a loyal dog
following her unrelentlessly
The sun has quit shining
and clouds fill the sky
and rain pours down from her eyes
She tries to hold on
but the pain stabs like a knife
pulling her under and dimming the lights.
338 · Oct 2017
Addiction Of Mine
Starr Oct 2017
He's like whiskey and coke
He's worse than any drug I could smoke
A habit I can't break
No matter how much of an effort I make

He's my addiction
I simply can't resist him
I can't give him up
For I love him too much

I want his love
like an addict needs a drug
I'm an alcoholic and
He's the bottle I drink from
335 · Oct 2017
Walk Away
Starr Oct 2017
You continuously
shoot me down
Firing off your
insults without warning
Your words are your ammo
Your mouth is your gun
Like a killer, you
have no empathy
Like a cougar,
you rip me apart
You get joy from
the pain you cause me
You laugh at
my cries gleefully
Your claws stab my heart
Your bite cuts deep
But I still stand back up
And hold my head high
and walk away with
courage in each stride.
I am constantly being put down by someone who is a big part of my life. But I won't give up and neither should you.
326 · Oct 2017
Nothing Left
Starr Oct 2017
An ocean never sailed
A mountain never climbed
A seed never planted
A flower never bloomed
A life never lived
A light never shined
Nothing lost for you to find.

A heart never broken
A cry never heard
A question never answered
A page never turned
A story never told
A lesson never learned
Nothing right to be wrong.

A sight never seen
A scent never smelled
A sound never heard
A picture never taken
A song never sang
A gun never shot
No fight to be fought.

A dream never chased
A shoe never laced
A box never opened
A hole never dug
A person never loved
A book never read
Nothing left to be said.
There is too much in life for you to do for you to give up. Just keep going, and fighting the fight, because you'll regret what you didn't do, more than what you did do.
323 · Oct 2017
Roadway Of Faith
Starr Oct 2017
Dark clouds blanket the sky
Lightning flashes in her eyes
roaring waters run down her face
her only friend is pain
It follows her wherever she goes
She cries for someone to help her
yet, she is alone
She searches for relief night and day
for there has to be some way
At last, a door opens, stopping the rain
She's found a new path
a roadway of faith
The clouds drift apart
and sunlight pours through them
and down on her face
drying her tears and
erasing the tracks the had made
Her heart is brimming with hope
Her face filled with joy
She is a bird who's been set free
Pain is only a memory.
320 · Nov 2017
Soldiers & Salaries
Starr Nov 2017
This is a message to my country and to the President.
Today and everyday you write bills,
you talk to your people, drink coffee,
While we do our duties for this country,
I paid my debts with my short life.

I walked this long and boring road keeping you and your kids safe Mr. President,
But did I make it home to my family safely?
I stood alone fighting over seas,
while you sat in your nice, warm, leather seat.
I had a family at home, Mr. President,
and now I can’t see them again.

I was lost to this fight, between countries, fighting other fathers.
To you, what do the stars and stripes stand for?
To me, I thought they stood for freedom, Not wars and taxes?
Are salaries and taxes worth more than my life?
You tell me, Mr. President, you choose which one to come back home,
Our soldiers or our salaries?
This is a poem that one of my good friends collaborated with me on.
318 · Nov 2017
Flowers on a Rainy Day
Starr Nov 2017
Life is a grenade
ready to explode
at any given time.
Life is broken mirror
cracked in random spots.
Life is an ocean
wild, beautiful, and free.
Life is a raging fire
burning out of control,
bright, and dangerous.
Life is a meadow
full of beautiful flowers
on a rainy day.
Life is whatever story
you decide to create.
318 · Oct 2017
Look what you did
Starr Oct 2017
The tears have fallen
The cries have been heard
look what you did

My heart is clenched
by the fist of saddness
look what you did

I look but I cannot see
I seek but I cannot find
Look what you did

I pray but get no answer
My pain has no relief
Look what you did
311 · Nov 2017
Starr Nov 2017
Floating through a sea
so full, yet so empty.
They bind my heart
with chains of despair.
They rip through my mind,
cruel and unforgiving.
They are carved into me,
leaving their scars on my life.
They are wasted, carelessly,
and so relentlessly.
Yet, I still feel
broken and beat.
Like a tornado
they destroy everything
in their path.
Tearing down the brick wall
that I put up so long ago.
The pain and hurt swirl around me
pushing me into the darkness.
Never letting up, never giving up.
305 · Oct 2017
The Way Things Used To Be
Starr Oct 2017
I wish we could go back to
the way things used to be
When we played with sidewalk chalk
and had bruises on our knees
When we didn't care what
others had to say
When we could fight and make up
When all we did was play
Back when we didn't have regrets
Everything was a game
Nothing had us stressed
Nobody had a label
We weren't pretty, ugly, rich, or poor
But nothing's like this anymore.
288 · Oct 2017
Starr Oct 2017
I love you you say
yet I'm the one you betray

You ask me to stay
and lead me astray

I'll always be there for you
but I know this isn't true

I'll never leave you
as if I don't have a clue

You say believe me
but you're a snake in the weeds

You say that you'll change or that you'll try
but I know that this is all just a lie
265 · Oct 2017
You Can't Borrow Time
Starr Oct 2017
We used to wish that we could be older
Not realizing what growing up really was
Now here we are trying to keep up
as time blows on past us
You can't run or hide
the second will still tick on by
You can't hit pause in real life
Hours turn to days
And days into months
I  guess growing up isn't all that fun
You can't back up, for time will only march forward
there is no rewind button
You can't just hit clear or backspace
life doesn't work that way
You just have to keep going
With your head held up high
Just take what you can get
'cause you can't borrow time
265 · Nov 2017
Yeah, Right
Starr Nov 2017
How is it you can say that you love me? You trick and lie to me. You take my dreams and crumble them as though they are worthless. You beat me down and rip me up with your hateful words.
I'm stupid. I'm an idiot. I'm a *****.
Yet, you claim to love me.......yeah, right

You put on a show for the people around us, pretending to be a saint, even though you're from hell. You're a hypocrite, picking out  my flaws, while missing your own.
But you love me...... whatever

You tell twisted stories, fibs and lies, and say deceit isn't right. You sneak around like a fox, stealing my happiness like a rabbit from a burrow.
You can't stand my tear, yet you continue to hurt me. You don't want me around, but won't let me go.
But you love me.........sure you do.
263 · Oct 2017
Wild Fire
Starr Oct 2017
An old spark ignites
Sending a trail of fire
through my heart
It burns through my body
begging for his touch
But the flames cannot be quenched
they rage on like a wild fire
I need to give him up
The flames curl in desire
and I willingly abide
Knowing that in the morning
there will be another fight.
262 · Oct 2017
Starr Oct 2017
You will always have a choice
To follow or to be followed
To follow in someone else's footprints
or to make your own
You can take a path that is already laid out
or lay out your own

Tough times will come; they always do
You can turn back or keep pushing forward
You can hurdle the obstacles
or let them stop you in your tracks

You will always have a choice
To fight or to surrender
258 · Oct 2017
A Million wishes
Starr Oct 2017
A bridge of sorrow,
A river of tears
Carving canyons into her mind
A heart in a billion pieces,
Never to be put back together
A head hung in shame,
Hanging there forever
A long burnt out flame,
Ashes gone cold in the night
A million wishes never granted
She wants to forget but time won’t allow it
A rose withered on the vine
A light that never got to shine.
255 · Oct 2017
Starr Oct 2017
People will point and people will whisper
Honey, just walk past them, they aren’t worth your time
They will tell stories and spread rumors
Darling hold your head high
Somebody will knock you down
Just stand up straighter and shake off the dust
They will laugh and say what they want
But baby, hit’em where it hurts
They may think they are better than you
Keep on running and you’ll end up in first
Someone may think they can get through life without a hitch
But sweetheart, believe me Karma’s a *****
250 · Nov 2017
I Would Be Gone
Starr Nov 2017
What happens afterwards?
If I knew, I'd have been gone
a long time ago instead of
letting my heart break repeatedly.
Instead of letting you hurt me.
Rather than letting the pain swallow me.

I always get my hopes up,
just to watch them fall.
I always lead with my heart,
Just to see you break it.
I let your words eat me away,
devouring my dignity.
I let you put me down,
drowning my self-esteem.

I feel like an old toy;
used, broken, set down,
and never picked back up.
I feel like a pest, unwanted
and displeasing.
I feel alone and invisible,
while standing in a crowd.

If I knew what came after death,
and it wasn't too bad,
then I would be gone.
250 · Oct 2017
Lost Pieces
Starr Oct 2017
My heart is a puzzle
that cannot be solved
the pieces are scattered
some broken, some lost
A couple have tried to gather the pieces
but realized the problem
and simply retreated
Some pieces were taken a souveniers
perhaps a way to remember my tears
My heart has been stolen
a few times before
but is always given back
broken even more
248 · Nov 2017
Starr Nov 2017
I'm trapped in a fox's den
of deceit.
I'm stuck in a spider's web
of lies

My hope has been lost
to the claws of a vulture.
My dreams have been crushed
by a self-centered beast.
239 · Nov 2017
Starr Nov 2017
Thanks for the pain you left me,
To swallow me alive,
to tear me apart.

Thanks for turning
out the lights,
so I could drown
in the darkness.

Thanks for leaving me
to sink into the despair.
Like quicksand, pulling me under
and stealing my breath.

Thank you, it's much appreciated.
223 · Dec 2017
Mirror, Mirror
Starr Dec 2017
Mirror, mirror,
on the wall
Who's the fairest of them all?

Is it those
short or tall?

Is it those
large or small?

Mirror, mirror
hanging there,

Is it those,
with pretty hair?

Is it those
who actually care?

Mirror, mirror,
your standards
are paper thin.

It's really
what lies within.
218 · Mar 2018
Beautiful Faces
Starr Mar 2018
A blank canvas
waiting for the feel of the
brushes blending in the paints
creating beautiful faces,
upon which our world is built.
They've created our bias
opinions, and built our
idea of beauty.

We beg for the mirror's
wretched approval, as
we cover up our least
important flaws.
Our beautiful faces are
all we care to see.
Yet the beauty on the
inside is all we really need.
216 · Feb 2018
Holding the Key
Starr Feb 2018
lost in this jungle
of thoughts, I wander
and search for a
clear path to reality.
I am entangled by
these vines of wonder
they hold me tight
with no sign of surrender.

trapped in this prison
of a mind, cut off
from all truth.
Walls surround me
closing me in.
I am in search for an
escape route
and finally it shall end.
I have found a door
although it is locked.
And who should have
the key?
Nobody, but me.
#trapped #alone
215 · Nov 2017
Starr Nov 2017
Life is a race
every one craves to win.
Everyone is out for
their own selfish interests.
We are all climbing this mountain,
trying get to the top.
The smart ones
climb over whoever they need to.
The reckless ones
wear cleats.
The fools are left for dead.
Everybody pushes down the
weak people, walking all over them.
It's every man for himself.
215 · Oct 2017
Don't Know Why
Starr Oct 2017
I want you
but can't have you
I crave your love
but have to resist you
I wish to pull you closer
but have to walk away
It's like a fire
continuously burning
A thirst I cannot quench
A well that won't run dry
I love you, but don't know why.
214 · Feb 2020
Starr Feb 2020
I mistook salt for sugar
and it burned my mouth
every time I took a drink.
Sipping, I decided the sting
was more tolerable
in small doses.
But one accidental gulp
sent me running.
and now I’m just left with
a salty aftertaste in my mouth
Or maybe that’s my tears
206 · Feb 2018
You are loved
Starr Feb 2018
This is for you who
no one has told
You are beautiful.
This is for you
who sits all alone
You matter.
This is for you who
feels invisible
You are loved

You who cries every night,  
shed your tears no more.
You who hides beneath
your covers,
do not be afraid.
You who feels lost and
out of place
You are loved.

You are loved.
193 · Feb 2018
Among the Clouds
Starr Feb 2018
I want to run long and far away,
to a place unknown to all.
To a place where I am me and only me.
A place where I can dry
my tears and throw away my fears.

I want to climb the tallest mountain,
and stand at the top and
laugh for no reason at all.
Laugh at my victory,
and feel the euphoria in the cool air,
laughing among the clouds.

I want to dance beneath the
stars, their pinpoints of light
shining down on me.
Dancing in the night air,
with no one around to see.
Landing in the cool grass to
stare up at the beauty scattered like
pebbles in the night sky.
189 · Feb 2020
Starr Feb 2020
Long eyelashes blinking away the snowflakes
hands reaching to catch them as they fall
their beauty melting away in her hands
188 · Oct 2017
Death's Kiss
Starr Oct 2017
long, white fingers, ice cold lips
death's kiss

a handful of pills too many
the world around me dims

a noose pulled tight
the ground begins to spin

I jump and then I'm falling
the darkness is calling

Long, white fingers, ice cold lips
a death wish
186 · Mar 2018
Dear "Diary"
Starr Mar 2018
Dear 'Diary,'
I've made it another day.
I smiled amd laughed as though I was fine. I said good morning, though I don't think its really good. I said hello to those who wave, because that's how I'm expected to behave. I show a smile and make my eyes say I'm happy, so nobody wonders if I'm really fine.

They don't know that I cry all alone. They don't know that my smile is just covering my pain. They don't know that I'm not really fine. They don't know.

But that is okay, its just another day. I'll do it again tomorrow, and then the next day. But maybe one time, my smile will be genuine, and I'll really be fine. And then I won't have to cry.
182 · Feb 2020
Starr Feb 2020
I kissed the lips of my Prince Charming

If only I had realized I was looking into the eyes

of my Bluebeard
178 · Feb 2018
Wicked Humanity
Starr Feb 2018
Dirt obstructs the view
of the world.
Deceit pours from mouths
like rain from clouds.
We tread on paths
of treachery.
They lead us to oceans
of lies.
Our minds create
twisted tales.
We lay beneath our covers
hiding from the truth.
But the skeletons in the closet
have come out to play.
And the ***** laundry of the night
hangs high in the day.
176 · Feb 2018
The Girl
Starr Feb 2018
The girl who sits alone,
eating lunch by herself,
It will get better.

The girl standing
in front of the mirror
frowning at what she sees
You are beautiful

The girl in the rumors
their whispers never stop,
they have given her many names
Don't believe a single thing.

The girl they call a *****
she walks with her head down,
her eyes cast to the ground.
She is innocent of the accusations.
You are amazing.
174 · Mar 2018
Starr Mar 2018
I'm only human
and I break down and cry.
I'm only human,
my flaws reach the clouds.
I'm only human
and they keep ripping me down
I'm only human
and my words have no sound.

I'm only human
getting up off the ground.
I'm only human
my hands reaching for the clouds.
I'm only human
lost but now I'm found
I'm only human
and you can hear my voice now.
I'm only human
and they can't take me down.
168 · Jan 2018
This Game We Call Love
Starr Jan 2018
She's drowning in a game
where the stakes are too high.
She's losing her name,
and doesn't want to be tamed.

Her cards are all in
and she's run out of time.
The rings on her finger
but she doesn't want to linger.

The odds are against her
for she's lost her shine.
All eyes are on her,
but she wants a bigger future.

The bets have been placed
and she's last in line.
She  prays it isn't true,
but still says I do.
167 · Feb 2018
Starr Feb 2018
Let me fly,
high above the ground
Flying in the clouds.
Feeling the wind around me
with the world far below my feet.

Release me from this cage;
unlock the door and let the
light seep into the darkness that
holds me hostage.
Cut these ropes that bind my happiness
Take away these weights that threaten to
pull me under and deep into
the all damning darkness that longs to take me away.
Release me from these cold thoughts that tinge my mind
with darkness.

Let me fly,
high above the the ground.
Flying in the clouds.
My body light as a feather.
Nothing dragging me down.
165 · Feb 2020
Starr Feb 2020
My independence I craved
The one thing you decided to take
152 · Feb 2018
Starr Feb 2018
What if I'm not who I seem?
Maybe I'm not as happy as my smile tries to be.
Maybe life is just dragging me along,
pulling me to my destiny.
Maybe I'm not swimming through this ocean,
but sinking to the darkest depths of the sea.
Maybe this isn't the beginning of my story,
instead  these are the last words for you to
149 · Jan 2018
Starr Jan 2018
I built a wall
surrounding my heart
guarding my mind
being careful that nobody
could get inside.
If anyone should try,
I just push them away.
And watch as they fade.
I lock the doors tight,
rather than opening them,
for that would be inviting
myself to be hurt.
Letting myself be knocked down.

So I hide in the darkness
to save myself,
to save my heart.
I lock the windows tight,
with the shades drawn,
not answering to your knock,
not letting you in.
For if I did, pain would follow
letting you see, I'm
not as strong as I seem.
141 · Feb 2020
Beautiful Thorns
Starr Feb 2020
Beautiful people, with beautiful words
seductively interesting
Their voices hold contempt

Beautiful roses, with sweet scented petals
Curiously radiant
Their stems hold thorns
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