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Starr Dec 2017
Mirror, mirror,
on the wall
Who's the fairest of them all?

Is it those
short or tall?

Is it those
large or small?

Mirror, mirror
hanging there,

Is it those,
with pretty hair?

Is it those
who actually care?

Mirror, mirror,
your standards
are paper thin.

It's really
what lies within.
Starr Dec 2017
They may say that you aren't pretty enough.
But true beauty is in your heart,
not your face. You don't need to hide
behind that mask of make-up.
You matter.

The number on the scale doesn't matter.
Your dress size doesn't matter.
You matter.

Your voice deserves
to be heard.
Your opinion matters.
You matter.

Don't let anyone say
you aren't good enough.
You matter.
A pretty face doesn't matter. Your weight doesn't matter. You matter.
Starr Dec 2017
You have no idea
how much it hurts.
You have no idea
how alone I am.
You complain about
how horrible your life is,
as though your life
is worse than everyone else's.
But there are people everywhere
who have is it worse than you.
Yet, you have the gall to
rant to me about your life.
But, you have no idea.
Starr Nov 2017
Life is a race
every one craves to win.
Everyone is out for
their own selfish interests.
We are all climbing this mountain,
trying get to the top.
The smart ones
climb over whoever they need to.
The reckless ones
wear cleats.
The fools are left for dead.
Everybody pushes down the
weak people, walking all over them.
It's every man for himself.
Starr Nov 2017
What happens afterwards?
If I knew, I'd have been gone
a long time ago instead of
letting my heart break repeatedly.
Instead of letting you hurt me.
Rather than letting the pain swallow me.

I always get my hopes up,
just to watch them fall.
I always lead with my heart,
Just to see you break it.
I let your words eat me away,
devouring my dignity.
I let you put me down,
drowning my self-esteem.

I feel like an old toy;
used, broken, set down,
and never picked back up.
I feel like a pest, unwanted
and displeasing.
I feel alone and invisible,
while standing in a crowd.

If I knew what came after death,
and it wasn't too bad,
then I would be gone.
Starr Nov 2017
How is it you can say that you love me? You trick and lie to me. You take my dreams and crumble them as though they are worthless. You beat me down and rip me up with your hateful words.
I'm stupid. I'm an idiot. I'm a *****.
Yet, you claim to love me.......yeah, right

You put on a show for the people around us, pretending to be a saint, even though you're from hell. You're a hypocrite, picking out  my flaws, while missing your own.
But you love me...... whatever

You tell twisted stories, fibs and lies, and say deceit isn't right. You sneak around like a fox, stealing my happiness like a rabbit from a burrow.
You can't stand my tear, yet you continue to hurt me. You don't want me around, but won't let me go.
But you love me.........sure you do.
Starr Nov 2017
I'm trapped in a fox's den
of deceit.
I'm stuck in a spider's web
of lies

My hope has been lost
to the claws of a vulture.
My dreams have been crushed
by a self-centered beast.
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