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Starr Nov 2017
Thanks for the pain you left me,
To swallow me alive,
to tear me apart.

Thanks for turning
out the lights,
so I could drown
in the darkness.

Thanks for leaving me
to sink into the despair.
Like quicksand, pulling me under
and stealing my breath.

Thank you, it's much appreciated.
Starr Nov 2017
This is a message to my country and to the President.
Today and everyday you write bills,
you talk to your people, drink coffee,
While we do our duties for this country,
I paid my debts with my short life.

I walked this long and boring road keeping you and your kids safe Mr. President,
But did I make it home to my family safely?
I stood alone fighting over seas,
while you sat in your nice, warm, leather seat.
I had a family at home, Mr. President,
and now I can’t see them again.

I was lost to this fight, between countries, fighting other fathers.
To you, what do the stars and stripes stand for?
To me, I thought they stood for freedom, Not wars and taxes?
Are salaries and taxes worth more than my life?
You tell me, Mr. President, you choose which one to come back home,
Our soldiers or our salaries?
This is a poem that one of my good friends collaborated with me on.
Starr Nov 2017
Floating through a sea
so full, yet so empty.
They bind my heart
with chains of despair.
They rip through my mind,
cruel and unforgiving.
They are carved into me,
leaving their scars on my life.
They are wasted, carelessly,
and so relentlessly.
Yet, I still feel
broken and beat.
Like a tornado
they destroy everything
in their path.
Tearing down the brick wall
that I put up so long ago.
The pain and hurt swirl around me
pushing me into the darkness.
Never letting up, never giving up.
Starr Nov 2017
Life is a grenade
ready to explode
at any given time.
Life is broken mirror
cracked in random spots.
Life is an ocean
wild, beautiful, and free.
Life is a raging fire
burning out of control,
bright, and dangerous.
Life is a meadow
full of beautiful flowers
on a rainy day.
Life is whatever story
you decide to create.
Starr Nov 2017
I wander around
in a world of madness
lost with nowhere to go
Sadness and sorrow
are the only friends I've
come to know.
My heart has gone cold,
for love cannot be found.
Darkness blots out the stars.
My mind is empty
and my voice is lost.
My step falters and
I slip to the floor
I stuck in a dark room,
without windows or doors.
Life just goes on,
leaving me behind
to wander some more.
Starr Oct 2017
Dark clouds blanket the sky
Lightning flashes in her eyes
roaring waters run down her face
her only friend is pain
It follows her wherever she goes
She cries for someone to help her
yet, she is alone
She searches for relief night and day
for there has to be some way
At last, a door opens, stopping the rain
She's found a new path
a roadway of faith
The clouds drift apart
and sunlight pours through them
and down on her face
drying her tears and
erasing the tracks the had made
Her heart is brimming with hope
Her face filled with joy
She is a bird who's been set free
Pain is only a memory.
Starr Oct 2017
An old spark ignites
Sending a trail of fire
through my heart
It burns through my body
begging for his touch
But the flames cannot be quenched
they rage on like a wild fire
I need to give him up
The flames curl in desire
and I willingly abide
Knowing that in the morning
there will be another fight.
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