Was it the challenge that you were after?
You just wanted me because nobody else has ever had me?
I was unbreakable, nobody could get to me.
You just wanted what you couldn't have.
And after some time, when you realized you had finally truly gotten me,
You left, because the thrill of the chase was gone.
So you moved on to a new challenge.
Was it the lust?
I don't see how it could be, I'm not an attractive person.
But it seems that the times you miss most are the times that we were together for lust, not love.
And when my lust finally turned to love, you left.
When we no longer fooled around, you got bored of me.
Was it to brag?
Did you just want me so that you could say you were dating a senior, a track star, a guy that everyone liked?
But when you realized that I wasn't as amazing as you thought, you were disappointed and bored, so you left.
I've run every possibility through my mind, and they all make sense except for one little detail:
You say you still love me.
So either you are lying to me and making sure that you break my heart beyond repair,
Or you are confused.
Because if you love me, you wouldn't love him too.