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Here's a little pome
From your little girl
Dedicated to the one
Who brought me
             to the world...

I wasn't an easy child
I thought it would be fun
To run through
              the house screaming
              tormenting everyone!

There was the time
              when I got "lost"
It must've made you bats!
But, of course, you found me...
               in a cage with feral cats!

I got lost on that Hawaiian trip
In that department store...
The largest in the country!
Couldn't find me anywhere!

Another time I climbed on up
To cookies on the shelf...
The top of those cabinets!
I could have killed myself!

Then, as I got older
I became more wild
I won't go into details
But I was a tough child!

I'm surprised I'm still around
For all the things I've done
I must be here to love you now
And I DO love you, ***!

Yeah, I'm surprised I'm living!
I've done SO many things...
I got high... could've been higher...
With a halo and some WINGS!

'Cause moms?
They can be tougher
They can do more than shout
They brought us
IN to this 'ol world...
            and they can take us OUT!

Here's to my Maternal Unit
Yup... you must've passed the test
And when God gave out the hearts

He gave you the BEST!

♡ Your daughter Catherine
Our neighbors kept feral Manx
cats. I got "lost" when I was 4.
The momma cat had had a
litter of kittens in a cage they
kept in the backyard, and I
decided I wanted to pet the kitties. That mother cat
was pacing and hissing for
all she was worth! I made my
mom frantic! And that sure
wasn't the LAST TIME! LOL!

I'm going to be gone most of the
day at a mom's day party...
Lord willing I'll be back reading
Tomorrow ♡♡♡


when you feel like
you're drowning

learn to be a fish!.

(C) 5/14/2017

Thanks for the honor!
This was a very pleasant surprise!  

Blessings to you ALL!

There's an old saying;
Beware the man who fakes a limp.

But to all those who would fake a limp;
Beware the limp does not become part of you.
if you don’t like the way things are
either change them
or change your attitude
 May 2017 Stan Gichuki
 May 2017 Stan Gichuki
Our new beautiful
every one want to date her
She said, "she preferred me
for a date.."
I asked, "Why??"
She replied, "You stopped
attracting me was attracted!!"
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