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 Jan 2015 Spider Murphy
The road behind bares us a backdrop, too many nights find us fractured in our thoughts and the dreamers we once were are far from the two people who stand today.

We're broken, mere splinters of our shipwreck past, driftwood on a shore that drowns every time the ocean breathes.
The path is littered with slaughtered dreams that didn't bleed.

As time and tide wait for no man shall we find it a tragic scene?
simply erased with the sunsets demise?
No one gets away without a scar and mine speak a road map to chaos
and a found hello to you.

Mine own scars are fingertips
gouged into the sand and faded
but salted by tears of the ocean, inerasable by the tide.
A soul washed up upon the shore, a road map etched delicately into fine bones.
You can trace where I'd been before. All roads lead to your hello.

In broken lines and have uttered phrases and one too many empty night.
Backdrop of chaos does paint in the darkest colors you could ever imagine .

How does it gets so flawed by our own creations and vices my dear?
Does it still ring ever so true?

The bell rings true whispering distant voices
Empty nights are just bottles lined up as dead soldiers
We contemplated our own truths and fell victim to our own vices
The backdrop is black, no colour beneath skin.
Honestly? Where does our downfall begin?

Two ships underneath the nightscape past the spark once understood the flame and nothing more .
In empty alleys, like cats to prowl, we find our moments, and then bury our thoughts to lay for no others to see.

half written papers and half heard conversation the keys of the piano haunt the silence as myself shadows that still remain.

Nothing is but a thought and those are like dead flowers laid to waste a reflection of far better times

The night crawls to meet the day as it has so many times before.

The thought of the minds bottle lay empty upon the table.
A fond farewell is but a sugar coated goodbye.
And I seldom have minced my words to mask their sting.

The page forever bleeds.

Pages that lay scattered on a ***** floor
Bleeding ink into cracks
that will forever more
hide the spirit of our souls
It has been truly my honor to co write this John : Enjoy
Shuffling in broken down shoes
Where people blink blindly by
Thoughts are ruined by today
Tomorrow seems to be no better

Why does humanity dwell in death
Where children are taken away
Snuffed out like a candle flame
As leaders play in their war games

Souls are burning in crying shame
If only words could heal as before
But nobody wants to try to change
Innocent blood spills unnoticed

The last great poet has shut the book
Scratched out his eyes of the unseen
Broken his fingers of all around him
Alas, that great poet will never be me
Copyright Chris Smith 2014
 Jul 2014 Spider Murphy
We both knew it would never be enough
when we both tried to walk away
We said our goodbyes to an overladen sky
if only one of us had tried to stay

We could have laughed, we could have  cried
we didn't have to say goodbye
Only both us did know
when the tears fell to the snow
there was nothing left to try

Then summer came
and thawed our hearts
we both started again
A river flowed
and a conscious glowed
New beginnings became an end

We laughed, we cried
we forgot where we started to be
we lived
we'll die
forgetting it was you and me

So please don't forget me
as the river starts to dry
my tears are never ending
unrelenting from my eyes
So please don't forget me
Even though we said goodbye
We tried...
*we tried...
There is music to this, in my head... I just sang it to my husband and daughter (with much embarrssment, I cant sing to save myself) wish I could play the music that goes with it...
Poison was the taste so wicked the pleasures shared my dear .
You were the best poison sampled  in a nocturnal desire all is dead .
Let the pain bring the  pleasures of guilt a tattered memory of my most wicked design.

When flesh is your vice will you not drown in the darkest waters as I have so easily drown within you.?

Her  love was a fix.
Her passion reeked of ****** and I fell victim as so many other's before.
**** me in pains plessure to erase my regrets she begged of me from the confines of a  already empty bed.

Nothing to fill the void.
May are darkness be shared my little girl .
Why can't you see the games never revolved around you but merely absorbed you as all the rest.

If only we understood the pains pleasure maybe as strangers we could **** as we do the ones best kept secret within hates plain sight.
I am the edge of the most evil design.
Poison your kiss and forever it lingers to this fool's thirst.

Have are  secrets simply grown into a existence all there own?
Carve are pleasures I see its passion deeply within your eyes
Tonight was a regret tomorrow a forgotten tune left to die as my soul apart.

Do we question are likes or simply take them as fools and allow them to fade?
My demon need's no slumber within my nightmares existence .
Sweetheart did you dig only to find a little fractured side of yourself?

Are lives are toxic I loved the pain you so easily did embrace as of leftover conquests sweat smells of truths we ourselves can no longer embrace .

The door is closed as the belt around your neck.
We together are poisons pleasure how tragic this night with others we did waste.

As misery always seems to embrace only regret.
This as weird as it sounds was part of a conversation .
And You thought I was strange when I was joking .

— The End —