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 2d layla
Grant him this night
For he longs for the cold embrace

As he lays haphazardly
In a universe seemingly displaced

Swallow whole
And serve nothingness like you once did

Cast the black
For he’s all ready and intrepid
 2d layla

Rou t i n

I want you so badly

But I am inconsistant
 2d layla
A Poet
 2d layla
A Poet
You found the hidden meadow,
enveloped in its fragrance.

So handsome, dark and tall.
Intoxicating thoughts that swirl the mind.

Please, soul don't weep.
for he is my moon, the stars and my king.

My heart is racing,
My arms are shaking,
Please set me free, for you belong to another.
So please, set me free,
let me be, free.
 2d layla
Brain matter oozing sideways
Adults are oh so dumb
The masked man is on the loose
You need more than just a gun
Shes running for her life
The woods so very dark
Grandmother’s seen as insane
Michael Myers has left his mark
currently watching Halloween and hiding behind my phone
I was walking down the street,
And I saw you from afar.
Staring at me from the park bench,
On the elementary school's playground.
You waved at me,
I didn't wave back.
I don't think I'm ready to forgive you yet.
Someday I'll be ready, just not now.
The scars of battle,
The Wounds of War,
Fallen warriors bleed
A river to red

But when a man
Is hurt, not by swords
But by consequences
Of love, of life

It's not blood that pours,
But tears of ink
Into the crumbled tapestry
Of a poet's heart
I think I fall in love too easily,
Maybe that's why people keep leaving me.
I have a whole box of herbal tea,
That I bought after she left me by our favorite tree.
It's still my favorite tree.
 3d layla
If they’re not proud of me,
Can’t I be proud of myself?
“So we need to conform with you just being salutatorian?”
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