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 May 2013 Skye Applebome
I grow tired and place my head
down in his lap, looking up at him.
I worry how he will receive this action
but there is nothing to worry about because
he smiles at me as if this were our normal routine.

And to my surprise, he leans down over me
and he kisses my forehead sweetly,
just the way he used to when he was almost mine.
And even more surprising, he leans down again
and kisses my forehead again
and then again
and then once more.

All around there are murmurs of confusion
as no one has seen us this way in a while
but we pay them no mind because we
are stuck in this moment in time.

He grows tired and places his head
down upon my lap, looking up at me.
He does not worry how I will receive this action
because everything is too perfect for words right now
and this used to be our normal routine.

And not much to his surprise, I run my fingers
through his hair, tracing over paths I memorized
so very, very long ago.

And I feel myself compelled to lean down and
kiss his lips, but I don't because something is
different, strange, wrong about this situation.

I cannot decide what it is and I do not care
because I have him here and everything is beautiful.

And just before I lean down to press my lips to his,
He is gone and I?
I have opened my eyes.

And I think to myself with a smile,
*what a wonderful dream.
Just kind of needed to write about it, I guess?
“Hey, you
Yeah, you, what you looking at”?
“Did you buy tickets”

That was roared at me as I watched this fine gentleman try to dump a package

At first, I thought it was just ordinary ******* but he was being too protective of it
then whatever it was, moved ever so slightly

I couldn’t move
I was rooted to the spot
he could roar and bellow all he liked
but I wasn’t going anywhere
I couldn’t

He looked at me with an evil grin
and just dropped his bundle in the bin
then with an ignorant shrug
went on his way his errand done
I think I actually heard him whistle

I rushed over
and gently picked up this man’s *******
I unwrapped it
it was a beautiful little kitten
it’s colour being its only distinguishing mark
a tiny scrap of a thing

It wasn’t moving now
no sound emitting
I massaged its little chest
urging it on with every thing I had
A tiny little rise
I can do this

It slowly opened its eyes
took deep racking breaths
its little body spasmed
blessed relief
its breathing no longer laboured
a most wondrous thing
like a baby’s first cry
a miaow, barely audible
music to my ears
then getting louder
rising to a fantastic ear-busting, heartwarming crescendo

I’ve kept it
it’s now my companion
when it wants to be
I called her Hope

One man’s ******* is now my treasure
you are my wonder,

all i can not figure out,

all i think about,

last night i dreamt about,

last week i lost,

this week i want,

my hope is all,

my life is,

light at the end of my tunnel,

star in the day sky,

savior of mine,

heart breaker,

one who loved me,

wanted to marry,

didn't want to lose,

had a choice didn't choose,

fell in love with,

had no option but,

saved me from defeat,

stuck me on repeat,

held my breath around,

let me heart be free beside,

wrote a poem just for,

sang a song for,

cried all night about,

died inside from,

caught myself after,

fell back for,

took for granted,






 May 2013 Skye Applebome
 May 2013 Skye Applebome
just want

to kiss

and hug

and be with


light up my
Insignificance is a relative term
The pessimistic thoughts that pass through our heads…
The thoughts that say:
We are not good enough,
We do not matter,
We are insignificant
These are all just thoughts
Controlled by you
A person,
Who can make choices and decisions,
And although you may not be able to change the world as a whole
You can change those insignificant little thoughts
Because a person is more than what you think
They are one of seven billion, but how big is seven billion really?
And the world that you truly live in is made up of much, much less
So the next time you think you aren't enough
Remember that it’s you who controls whether you feel like enough or not.
And when I feel like I’m drowning and I can’t breathe during the day,
And all I want to do is crawl up in a ball in my house and cry and feel and be left alone
I have to be reminded how much I’m worth
Because even if we don’t know it,
We are all worth something
Even if sometimes we make mistakes
Even if sometimes we hurt ourselves to let people know we aren't fine
Even if we feel like we’re nothing
We aren't*
Because although the world is a hateful and horrible awful place full of ignorance and judgment,
There are still lights and halos and happiness and there’s laughter too in there
There’s babies being born, people getting married, and random acts of kindness being done
There are cookies and baklava and puppies
There are young lovers and happy children and sweet singing
There’s music and art and love being made
And although the babies may be still, the couples may get divorced, and the acts of kindness may be empty
The cookies may be burnt, the baklava old, and the puppies dead
The young lovers may break each other’s hearts, the happy children may grow up and the sweet singing stopped
The music may be sad, the art distasteful and the love not true
It doesn't matter because all these things are part of life
And all of these things were done by people
And you’re a person
So I’d say that’s pretty ******* awesome.
I wrote this for a friend when she was depressed. She said it really helped.
She may be ******.
And she may check my fingers-
Slam her hard metal pole down on them-
Each time we practice lacrosse.
And she may roll her eyes

But I don't hate her.
I feel sorry for her.
Because I think I'm the only one
Who pays attention
Through the laughter and fun
He touches her.

And she makes a joke out of it
So her minions snap out of their dazed state and
Chuckle a little bit.
But his crawling fingers are greedy
And her words are scarce.

All of the brain-dead minions
Laugh when she jokingly screams,

Except me.
The piano weeps
Side by side
With the best friend in all the world
Caressing the keys
In harmony

The world dies down
In the dark
After crying for hours
Singing through the tears
Aging years tonight

Betrayal is sweet
Like salty rain
Like finding out who your friends are
Like the piano in the night
Like silence together

I can finally smile
Without feeling guilty
Thank you to the man who had courage
To face the ones he's hidden from
And make us all free.
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