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Sjr1000 Feb 2019
How did I end up here?
I asked the darkness
There was no response

How did I end up here
I asked the sun
Fell asleep in its heat
There was no response

Running down to the river
I fell to my knees
The river talked non stop
But I couldn't understand a word

I ran to the ocean
to find the heart portal
at the last log
Though I looked
I could not find it anywhere

Drove the long desert valley to the petroglyphs
Ten thousand years old
Written in a language
I would never understand

The full moon rises eclipses and moves on
I open my mind
How did I end up here I ask
In the dark silence of the rising sun
desert red
By the river running to the ocean
There is no response
  Feb 2019 Sjr1000
The Masked Sleepyz
This'll be the last one I write you,
As twilight turns blue,
And black again,
The sun rises eventually,
And the sunset was too beautiful
To miss,
A song on repeat,
That sounds like me,
And feels like you.
I smile at what we had,
You smile at what we became,
Regardless, at least we are smiling.
Deserved love, but undeserved lovers,
But a love nonetheless.
We doubled booked venues,
There isn't a show to steal anymore,
But you're solo act will knock them dead.
I'm proud of what you are,
I'm disappointed that I don't get to act out,
The rest of the scene,
At least it was beautiful while we were on stage.
So, put down the lines,
And turn the page,
This will be the last one that I write for you,
But I look forward to the one,
You write, for you.
Yes, it's pretty *****, but so was the relationship
  Feb 2019 Sjr1000
The Masked Sleepyz
Green goomba backpacks,
Extended busses,
The kids only ride one stop,
Folk music in my headphones,
Playing with the hopeful heat,
Of rainy day rides.
Where are we going?
On the one driving the bus knows,
And even they have their stop.
Societal soliloqal differences,
But here we are,
Cultural clashes melt away,
"You can have my seat."
Falling into souls with just sideways glances,
Cases of, "what did you want to be when you grow up?"
What did I want to be?
A longing nostalgia of places in memories that never existed,
The bus has no rearview mirrors.
Phoenix is grey,
So is Reno too,
Hawaii had it's days,
All have their riders,
And their drivers,
The stop is requested,
But I don't need to get off.
As he waited for the bus at the stop,
The light reflected raindrops,
And for a moment,
Even if he was late,
He was alright.
  Feb 2019 Sjr1000
The Masked Sleepyz
Sunsets hidden behind palm trees,
Breaks in buildings,
Give the blinders and spot,
To stop today,
And begin tomorrow,
Street light stunts,
Neighbors with smiles of strangers,
Just trying to get that bit of change,
Rushed hours turn off light switches,
To rush hour,
Cant get through it quick enough,
We're trying, but it's rough,
Battles brushed off by that alarm clock,
Watching the sunrise with stills of cameras,
That we're coloring in the blank edges,
Knees hurting and the same song sang loudly, on
The street lights turning off,
Like the memory of catastrophes,
That had turned on last week,
We enjoy the breaks,
And the sunset.
  Jan 2019 Sjr1000
All her poems she writes
Pour out of her heart
As if a secret that was
kept for years
Sjr1000 Jan 2019
Don't look at her
She knows you
Sitting in the back of the casino
Where only the **** addicts hide
Like some AOD group
The facilitators crack wise
While the ****** addict with the
Coffee cup in her hand closes her eyes
Never spilling a drop.
Everyone is always "tired".

Vice has an anthem singing until dawn
The private places people go
One more round of chips and dip
Naked bodies on the phone
Chug chug chug
Fasting until spaghetti size
Hoarders howling as the garbage man rolls down the block

Human minds oh so twisted
Try to straighten it all out
The promise of abundance
Pockets full
Ending up in the suicidal parking lot walk when it all becomes too real

Vice is nice, asks you to come right on in, never says no as long as you have the dough re me.

Don't look now
It's looking at you
Knows you far too well.
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