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 Nov 2013 Sir B
Dear Michael,
 Nov 2013 Sir B
I um, I haven't really had much of a conversation with you.
Like, a real one. You know, the ones about how the air smells
in spring or how the stars look at night.
But, I keep having this dream where I tell you
that I've always thought that it was my fault.
That I deserved what happened to me.
And to be honest, you are the only person who
makes me feel like it wasn't.
So, thank you.

I want to thank you for saving me.
At first, I hated you because you had to be the one who
brought me to the counselor that day. I was so hell-bent on
wanting to die, that I completely forgot my reasons to live
even though their hands were guiding me to the
front office.

Thank you for being there for me when no one else was.
For asking that oblivious question, "Is it boy issues?" that day in Math class.
For staying with me no matter what.
For being my friend.
For... caring about me.

Michael, thank you.
Thank you so much for everything you are
and everything you ever will be.
I want to wish you the best on your engagement
and I really do hope you live a long and prosperious life with your significant other.

I love you, I really do.
He walks through the door,
and my stomach knows it before my eyes.
As though in a trance,
the room blurs and buzzes around me.

His gaze finds mine,
and a rosy blush creeps up my cheeks.
As he smiles at me,
I feel a chill tickling its way down my spine.
Goosebumps emerge across my arms,
and not entirely because of the frigid air
of this pale day.

The butterflies are in a frenzy,
twittering and fluttering around my mind,
making my fingers tremble slightly.
They excite my pulse,
and my heart starts to race
upon hearing those butterflies sing.

When he laughs,
I can't help but do the same,
the things he says
resonating in my head,
keeping a shy smile on my face
at even the dreariest times of day.
 Nov 2013 Sir B
All so fake
 Nov 2013 Sir B
We are all fake
passing in the halls with a smile

did you hear,
have you seen?


But that's it.
No meaning,
maybe a sharing of insecurities
but these are never understood.

We just judge,
and watch,
talk about others,
and talk behind each others back.

Will we ever just

                                                              ­      STOP

...and see what is going on here?

                                                          ­                                    We don't belong together

but there is no one else
I know what you think, your thoughts are all so loud. But there is nothing I can do about it.
 Nov 2013 Sir B
 Nov 2013 Sir B
So many eyes
each and every one judging.

The only way to be free
is to keep
your thoughts
your heart
your words
in a secret
 Nov 2013 Sir B
Emily Tyler
I sent it
At three AM
On one of those nights
Where silence gets violent
And I'm alone in my head.

I told you about the
Tiny pink pills
And how
If I took eight
I would sleep forever.
I gushed that
They were hidden
Under the toothpaste slathered
In my bathroom.

I told you I loved you
But that
You weren't enough to stop me anymore.

I did actually consider it.
It was one of those nights.
But at some point,
As I laid on top of my comforter
And shivered under the fan,
I realized that
You weren't going to wake up
And convince me out of it.

I also thought
About how my mom was
A light sleeper.
How the floorboards would sound like
And the cabinet
Would be the symbals
To her.

I fell asleep
But naturally numb,
And woke up wondering
What you would say.

You didn't say anything.
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