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Jun 2019 · 467
The Little Scarecrow
Aenri Sion Jun 2019
I am a little scarecrow, standing in the farm all day
Made out of straws, twigs and hay
When the crows come, I made them go away
To protect the farm where I stay.

I am here all along
All day and all night long
Guarding the farm, firm and strong
While listening to the bird's song.

The crows that flies within the farm
Keeps on landing in my arms
Preventing them to do any harm
By using all of my charms.

For my job is a hard one
Always under the sun
But once I get my job done
It feels fulfilling and fun.

This is me
This is what I'm meant to be
Come to the farm and you'll see
Or you can also play with me.
Jun 2019 · 517
The Clown's View
Aenri Sion Jun 2019
My only job is to make you happy
Even though sometimes I become sloppy
Seeing you smile is a gift for me
My heart flutters, I'm in full glee

Impersonating cartoons
Making animal balloons
Are all the things that I do
Starting from daylight, ending in full moon

Kids and kids at heart
I've been with them from the start
If they are sad, wanting to break apart
They come to me and all will restart

However, there are times that they can't see
What is behind, what is happening to me
All the sadness and pain that I wanted to erase
In my heart, they all started to raise

The circle of thoughts and emotions
All coming out in different motions
Wanting me to break up, leading me destruction
Setting me away to a sadder direction

Although it comes, I won't let it be
Distract me from my thoughts or even hurt me
For their smile, whenever I see
The sadness and pain vanishes from me

For them, I promise to continue
The things that I do
Performing acts in circus show
That all the hearts would shine and glow
Jun 2019 · 525
A Cauldron of Colors
Aenri Sion Jun 2019
At the center you could see

A huge cauldron that shines brightly

Full of colors gleaming playfully

Glistening off, far and free.


Look at it, be amazed

Be enthralled with every gaze

Popping bubbles, in a cauldron ablaze

Leyting you wonder, leaving you in daze.

Enchanting colors in primary

Adding of shades, analogously

Selection of colors in complementary

At the base of the cauldron it mixes wildly.


Come and you could tell

A cauldron that would let you dazzle

Gawking in awe as the eyes fell

Within the wonders and its marvel.

— The End —