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 Nov 2017 Sincerely Em
I will love you
From here now on
Right or wrong
I will share
Your secret pain
I will ride
Your hell bound train
Down and out
Out of work
I will love you
Beyond your worth
I will love it
When you smile
I will love you
For a while
'Til the end
Where love flies free
I will love
Both you and me!
Traveler Tim
"Happy Thanksgiving"
for a decent,
good-hearted person,
is heartachingly,
painstakingly beautiful;
for, even in torment,
underlying beauty
is often found...

Such a brave heart,
to withstand
such emotional destruction -
whilst their internal tears
are left to bounce
off the floor
of this soul's
shaky, unstable ground.

~ Brave Heart

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
She looked at her pier-glass
Nail polishes drying
With half open lids
Her toes were colored once may be
You can get it from the toes
Or pink
I don't know
Maybe red
She cried in her look
What happened to her womanly freshness?!
That says I'm beautiful
I know a woman
Who wears mustache
Do not make fun of her
Where is her womanly freshness?!
That says she is beautiful
That cut her hair
Blue scarves turned black
She cried in her look
Her tears reaching her lips
Starring at the corner
Pink colors were coming
Turning to deer
Green colors were going
It had dolphins
It had blue color...
My bin
still has a clockwork doll
With green eyes
In her white gossamer dress still
Still happy
She can be happy
She can fall in love
With other clockwork dolls that sing
That were kids...
What if
I fall in love in the streets
With stared eyes
I will say hello to the passengers
When the trees
Make love too
What if I love you on the same
street with no address
It is said the laughter of maniacs is beautiful
It has simplicity
I have worn my childhood clothes
I'm mad...
She grew up
She dosen't know the walls
She has no mother
And waits to possess a pass anger
Do not make fun of her
Her womanly freshness...
It is said
I don't write poems

میز توالت اش را نگاه می کرد
لاک هایی با دری نیمه باز
که خشک می شدند
شاید می شد از ناخن پایش فهمید
زمانی رنگ داشتند
...یا صورتی
نمی دانم
در نگاهش گریست
طراوت زنانه اش کو!؟
که می گویند من زیبایم
زنی را می شناسم
سیبیل می گذارد
مسخره اش نکنید
طراوت زنانه اش کو!؟
که می گویند زیباست
که موهایش را بریدند
روسری هایی آبی
مشکی می شوند
در نگاهش گریست
اشک هایش تا گوشه ی لبش می رسیدند
به کنج دیوار که زل می زد
صورتی ها می آمدند
آهو می شدند
سبز ها می رفتند
می خندیدند
دلفین داشت
...آبی داشت
صندوقچه ی من
عروسک کوکی ای را دارد
بی دست
با یک چشم سبز
در لباس سفید توردارش
هنوز می خواند
می رقصد
شاد است
می تواند شاد باشد
عاشق شود
عاشق عروسک های کوکی دیگری
...که آواز خواندند
...بچه بودند
چه می شود که اگر
در کوچه ها عاشق شوم
چشمانم خیره باشد
سلام رهگذری را پاسخ خواهم گفت
وقتی درختان هم
هم آغوشی دارند
چه می شود که اگر
در همان کوچه ای که چشم ها
خوابیده اند
نامم را می پرسی
عاشق تو باشم
نشانی ندارد
که می گویند
خنده های دیوانگان زیباست
سادگی دارد
لباس کودکی هایم را
به تن کرده ام
دیوانه ام
بزرگ شد
دیوارها را نمی شناسد
مادر ندارد
و منتظر می ماند
تا رهگذری را مال خود کند
مسخره اش نکنید
...طراوت زنانه اش
که می گویند من شعر نمی گویم
I still remember
The first time I saw her
One way or another
I'd always love her

And I'm thinking that day
She felt the same way
Cause when the time came
She took my name

Some days are warmer
Others are colder
Younger and older
To have her to hold her

With one life to live
Making the best of it
The promise we've kept
To never quit

Moving through life
Burdens heavy or light
Always side by side
Holding tight with our mights

This I have known
With her as my home
To never let go
To have and to hold

The right place and right time
The best of all finds
Stepped into the light
No changing of minds

From all that I've seen
To all that I need
Inside of my dreams
She's the one I keep

There's no need to wonder
About distant thunder
As she draws me closer
To have her to hold her
 Nov 2017 Sincerely Em
i thank You God for most this amazing
day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun’s birthday; this is the birth
day of life and of love and wings: and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)

how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any–lifted from the no
of all nothing–human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?

(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)

e.e. cummings
Before lighting the lamp
Befriend the winds
You can light it later on
But the changed winds then don't listen
one step
in any direction
one step
is all it takes
one step
of misconception
one step
could be a mistake
one step
before the other
one step
the right or left
one step
sisters and mothers
one step
boys and men
one step
forwards or backwards
one step
acquaintance to friend
one step
friend to lover
one step
reaches the end
one step
to greater awarness
one step
releases hate
one step
to realize
one step
is all it takes
This life we live
Is a medium
Some paint with brush
Some ink with pen

Some crayon bright
Outside of the lines
This work of art
That we call life

With bright shades of pink
Atop seas of blue
Where what lies beneath
Is the hidden truth

To all we know
That sets us free
I'll draw for you
You paint for me

We'll take the days
That are painted with gray
And draw on love
In colorful display

This medium
In which we live
That some paint with brush
While some ink with pen
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