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I'm having trouble with
The voices in my head
While I speak simple english
They speak fluent french
So I never really know
Just what is being said
Which makes it hard to understand
The voices in my head

I'm never really sure
Exactly what to say
Did I arrive here early
Or am I much to late
Either way I hate to make
The voices sit and wait
While I pull out my French-English Dictionary
And flip through every page

So now every Tuesday
Since this Tuesday last
I have been preparing
By taking a French class
So I'll be at the ready
To give an answer back
In case the voices in my head
Continue speaking French
 Feb 2018 Sincerely Em
 Feb 2018 Sincerely Em
What's gone has made me what I am
So I shall not fear what's ahead
But put trust in what will be, will be
And choose to live instead

I refuse to live in the now, worrying
What may or may not be
But take this moment in time
And live it totally

There's no time like the present
To breathe deep and feel alive
Living in the here and now
In each moment as I rise and thrive

Now is all there ever is
It's the only time that's real
So as the future takes its course
I’ll leave the past to heal
Who ever said
That life was all fun
I'm sure never lived
Around anyone

If you live long enough
Around anyone
Sooner or later
They'll disappoint

From acquaintances
To the closest of friends
Even yourself
If truth be said

There's not a time
That you won't find
Someone let's you down
Somewhere in life

If they drop the ball
Then it's your call
If you forgive and forget
Then move along

Because whoever said
That life is all fun
I'm sure never lived
Around anyone
 Feb 2018 Sincerely Em
I love a gal
With big fine teeth
Long bridge nose
Blanket thief
Broken smile
She breaks my heart
I love gal
Who never farts

I love a gal
I grip and I grab
I love a gal
I’ve never had
She makes me whole
My better half
I love a gal
Beautiful ***!
And now you know
What makes me tick
I love a gal
I cannot catch
Traveler Tim
I hate you
And you hate me
For the things
We think we believe
Not looking at each
But as a whole

I have a mind
And so do you
So why do we
What you think of me
And I think of you
Which more often than not
Is far from the truth

Just because we voice
Our opinions out loud
Doesn't mean we think
Along with the crowd
Last time I looked
Pretty sure I found
That both you and I
Make our own sound

Which means...

I do not hate you
And you do not hate me
For a lot of the things
That we both believe
Looking at this
Can't we both agree
The hate we are showing to our fellow man that disagrees with our point of view is wearing me out.
 Feb 2018 Sincerely Em
Pains me
Stains my soul
****** up me
And society are
We ask for it

Every time
We take a pill
Throw a party
Drink in front
Of our kids

Act dumbfounded
As toofless
When our kids
Do the same

They got too much
Take them to the
Put them

On mind
So's we
Get a little

And johnny
Can sleep
Little jenny
Ain't crying
We can
Spoon her

The pablum
For Christmas
Buy them gadgets
To get on
The internet
Play war

Like the big kids
Have them join
JROTC as soon
As you can
Let's build
Good soldiers

Out of
Then cry aghast
As one
Who can't see
How the ****
This happened.

Since Columbine 150000 students from 170 primary and secondary schools have experienced a shooting on campus (according to a tabulation by John Woodrow *** and Steven Rich.)
Don't ask anyone
for a seat.
Walk on foot.
People become weak
After they think they have no hope.
is it ignorant to know the answer
is it ignorant to know the truth
is it ignorant to want to share
my beliefs with the likes of you

is it ignorant that those beliefs
differ from this world of loss
is it ignorant to heed the sound
when you've learned to count the cost

is it ignorant in the land of plenty
to let so many go unfed
whether food for the stomach
or for knowledge of the head

is it ignorant to know and see
what the hardened heart won't accept
is it ignorant to want to keep
this world away from ignorance

is it ignorant to see the plan of man
for the ignorance that it is
is it ignorant to raise my hand
and say love is where i'll make my bed
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