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 Jul 2017 Sincerely Em
She Is
 Jul 2017 Sincerely Em
fresh air,
and I
forgotten I
had not been
breathing well.

breathes the sunset
back into
and suddenly
things are vivid once again

is the cold
when the sun
and I
have fought until the night.

never thought
that one person could
make the stars seem trivial,
but now I know,
even the stars
wonder about
Our  Thousand-Mile collection is getting full!
Another poem with JAC! His are italicized!
 Jul 2017 Sincerely Em
 Jul 2017 Sincerely Em
i went back through
my old pieces

and it all became so

white sugar, white rice,
skim milk, I used to be
so rich, cream, honey
oak sap,

I wrote and it felt
natural, saw in
words and coffee
hues, tastes and
teaspoons clinking
bowls rolling, counters
covered in  flour
batter running into the
sink and onto my
feet, i could bake
bread on my palms
leavened and without

i wrote like everything
was alive because it was
because it is

because I am.
read a lot of my stuff from last spring, i've always been cautious about becoming too wordy. I have this conception about how i should write poetry and what sounds pretentious--i get really caught up in how other people read my stuff.  Anyway, I've been censoring myself over the past few months because someone told me to 'stop using such big words' and 'say what I really feel'.  But this is what I really feel, in big words and really
long drawn out flower analogies.
 Jul 2017 Sincerely Em
I am raw, plucked
bare and overexposed;
ashamed of my emotions and
too vulnerable, too fragile
I am not threatened but I do not
feel safe, I ache to hide but where can
I hide from my own mind? I need
time to decay my histrionics and my
need for affection so that it never
resurfaces again, so that I never
resurface again -- I am drowned in
something benign but chaotic, replicating
it's mutation endlessly, perpetually, until
I cannot breathe because I am overexposed --
bare and
plucked raw.
written during a panic attack
 Jul 2017 Sincerely Em

I fell into this world
When someone clipped my wings
I landed on your doorstep
Causing you to dream

You set me on a throne
Then crowned me with your lies
You said to get behind you
Yet you keep me by your side

I wonder if you realize
The power that I have
Every time you hate me
And when I make you mad

I know you’ll come around
And make your sacrifice
Perhaps you’ll beat your children
Perhaps you’ll cheat your wife

That’s all fine and dandy
‘Cause they’ll love you just the same
As long as you believe in me
You’ll have someone else to blame
Traveler Tim
HP Dec 2016
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