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So far so good
This life of what we did we could
As we did it both together

Thirty years or more we've hummed along
To this our marriage song
From the brightest tunes to one day one of us won't be here

We've both had our ups and downs
Like life notes upon the scale
Some were sharp while others fell flat

We always strove for the right note
From octaves high to octaves low
Where we learned love is so often sung like that

As the the sound of our years begins to fade
One of us will leave while the other stays
As life here has never been a promise of forever

Although forever in the heart
Will be the first one to depart
In the one unlucky enough to be left alone here

Much too soon there'll come the song
When one of us is left alone
I hope it's not me and that it's you

Because life without your melody
Would be out of tune for me
But if you do dear, please don't go too soon
I will never walk at night with a poet by the
sea shore
Mermaid will explain

Written by
Jean C Bertrand
 Jun 2017 Sincerely Em
not aware whom created the
list of the seven wonders
but my list were I
to compile would vary and differ

mine list would include

and the first look at your newborn

the rush of being charitable to a homeless man

stopping bullying

a dog's loyalty

a nighttime sky clear sparkled

a smile from anyone

and so I beg your patience
my list is the one I prefer
and i apologize to those who
created the original
 Jun 2017 Sincerely Em
Eric W
How quickly the calluses return,
reminders of the work past.
Calluses formed are always just under the skin - waiting to return.
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