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I would swim a never-ending ocean,
Climb a mountain
That reaches into the sky,

Hike through treacherous bushlands,
I would challenge any staircase, Regardless of how high!

I would inhale the Earths atmosphere,
I would pocket every galaxy and star,

I would drain every deep-sea,
Lake, lagoon and river,
Anything to keep them nearer,
Rather than far!

I would fly to the edge of reality,
I would hitchhike across the globe,

I would skydive from the heavens,
I would carry a mountainous load...

To be with my five precious daughters. .

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Happy 15th Birthday Amanda F (A.F)
My Precious 1st Born ❤⚘

My precious 1st born, Amanda, was born 15 years ago today!
Wishing her everything that makes her heart smile and her soul shine brightly.
I will never forget the day she was placed into my embrace. The day she made me believe, more than ever before, that love could be unconditional and pure.
So proud of her and her sisters.
May she always live encompassed by light May she grow to be brave and strong. May she always know her worth and live bravely.
Happy 15th, my precious girl!
 Oct 2017 Sincerely Em
Old spells shall
Finally pass
Witches curses
Melted wax
Wicked intent
Set in black
Voodoo dolls
Back in bags
Unburnt herbs
Ancient oils
Cast it down
The Witches toil
Unspoken rhymes
Formless words
Fan the fires
Of swift returns
Cast to the witches
Their just deserves
Traveler Tim
He left me
While I was crossing the bridge

My feet tell my story
 Oct 2017 Sincerely Em
seen one  of life's peaks
seen many mountains
been around a few of life's
mysteries and evaded

I saw my children come  out of
their mother's womb
I fell on my knees
at the majesty

I was near when people close to me
passed into the next world
I've seen history be told
by wise old *****
whose days had passed 90
or 93

I have seen young die too soon
7 11 13

I wasn't there when my dad passed
I've  loved dogs
and cats children and women

Music and ages and strangers I never knew
in the distance
I see me pass
I  see the world keep on spinning
I only wish
for the chance to tell
to certify my love
hold her eternally
one time
before the end
The promise we made that day on A1A
Whoever was left alive would drive
With the ashes in the seat, the first one to leave
Making it to the Keys one final time

Lived our lives with no thought who'd be the first one out
Every minute of every day along the way
No need for a starter gun as we were always on the run
Making life easier to give away than ever save

And don't life have a way of twisting in it's crazy run
With the jest of it's last twist is Jimmy's gone
Leaving me in the drivers seat, Jimmy's ashes next to me
Rolling down A1A like a song

As an afterthought Jimmy dreamed of being an astronaut
So we stopped off for a tour of Cape Canaveral  
Not really sure of why with Jimmy already in flight
Leaving far behind this crazy world

Was that him that spoke up dude let's go to Hollywood
But Florida's Hollywood only has shooting stars
Jimmy never once complained we were taking the long way
Or even asked me once where we were

Talked of life along the way from Pompano to Biscayne Bay
Top pulled back, blowing free in the wind
Last stop on this quest, the very edge of Key West
Where I mixed Jimmy's ashes with the sea and sand
Which was the last part of this A1A crazy plan
Speak so slightly
Soft on your footstep
Beg forgiveness
what has been kept

Your scar maimed arms
are quite the turn on
You Phrenia mind
what has been left

I see softly
starring in the door way
I want your hate
to guide me some where

I feel your breath
such a wavering existence
I want your body
to know I care.

Speak so slightly
of everything you believe in
Speak so little
of what you know

Your inner dimension
is pulling me in
your hiding it all
is giving me show
June 19th
sink in your teeth
you ravaged me

and now i'm scavenging.

Orange repeal
my womb you steal
sink in your teeth
you eated me.

June 19th
you death day sadist
you silver plated
birth day *******

You burnt my feathers
you scorched my wings
you bound me in leathers
and refused me to sing.

Sink in your teeth and finish me
Instead you poison and diminish me.

Orange leak venom
blood clot gum
you baby stealer
you make me done

I remember everything.

You came with in me
we lost out time
it sparked a begining
with out a sign

I pleaded silence
and never told my side.

I washed in out
but its like i died.
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