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 Dec 2015 Simon Fox
James M Vines
Striving towards a goal, seeking to be better today than yesterday. I push myself to achieve more. Looking to be a better person, through discipline and sacrifice, all of these lessons are applied in every aspect of my life. Being kinder to others, while improving my own state of existence. I seek to move to a new level with each concerted effort. If I can reach a new goal, if I can help another person, then I have moved beyond what I did before and I have gone beyond my own expectations and perhaps I will inspire others to do the same.
 Dec 2015 Simon Fox
Evelyn Silver
My head, my heart, they are empty,
producing, containing nothing.
Yet, they are stuffed to the max,
flooding with thoughts, emotions, worries, hopes.
How can one be so empty, yet so full?
I am a ghost existing,
alive and dead in this twisted world.
They drain us of vitality and fill us with emptiness.
We are the lost.
Don’t bother looking for us,
we are already gone, found.

— The End —