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Aug 2022 · 70
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
The nations in the world
that know better
are unable
to stifle the fever
of countries gasping
under the weather
Aug 2022 · 62
The Beauty of Silence
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
There is just as much beauty in silence,
As in the sweetest of sweet sounds,
For in wondrous silence wings the mind,
In mystic spheres without bounds;
Incessant dialogues sprouting from talking vain,
Test the patience of the most patient mind,
Sounds and noises and selfish talk,
The sounds of music they all blind;
So amidst the noise and bustle chaotic,
Of chattering people all around,
I like to every now and then escape,
Into a realm without a sound.
Aug 2022 · 110
Jane and Her Hamburgers
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
Jane would eat five hamburgers for fun
When her usual daily work was done
But she did eat too much
And became fat as such
So she reduced her burgers to none
another fun limerick :-)
Aug 2022 · 53
Gary The Ghost
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
Gary the ghost was excited,
And with a friend he conspired,
To scare the house host,
But he too was a ghost,
So their little plan backfired.
fun limerick
Aug 2022 · 94
A Fighting Kangaroo
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
There was a fierce fighting kangaroo,
Which punched people until they were blue,
Though he was very strong,
He stayed in rain too long,
And now he’s down in the bed with ‘flu.
a fun limerick
Aug 2022 · 168
A Young Girl Named Pam
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
There was a young girl named Pam,
Who had a liking for ham,
She ate so much,
Was sick as such,
Now she will eat only jam.
fun limerick
Aug 2022 · 311
All Witches' Week
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
Next week will be All Witches' Week,
Sorceresses gather to seek,
The latest various magic spells,
amulets, charms and wishing wells,
Beyond the bewitched dark domain,
And seven days they will remain.
black magic fantasy
Aug 2022 · 53
Wild Canines
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
Wild canine species
Howling hard at night's full moon
A touch of horror
Aug 2022 · 152
Lightning Streaks
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
Lightning streaks up high
Electric bolts across the sky
A storm is brewing
Aug 2022 · 153
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
Small flame flickering
On evening's dining table
Cute romantic touch
Aug 2022 · 71
Not Much To Ask
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
to whom it may concern

at night I go to bed I hope to find,
ways to leave any daily ills behind,
to just get a healthy refreshing rest,
and to wake up the next day feeling best,
so I can duly face my daily task,
and surely this is not too much to ask?
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
He had wandered into the jungle,  
And it was getting very late at night,  
He couldn’t find his way out again,  
And there was just nobody else in sight.  

“Oh no! I’m completely lost”, he thought
And quickly his panic started to rise,  
But he knew he had to keep quite calm,  
Or he would surely pay a deadly price.  

An hour later, having stumbled,  
Through thorns and bushes as he blindly trekked,  
He suddenly felt an eerie silence  
That made all the hair rise on his neck.  

It was then he saw the bright green light,  
Floating high in the tree tops on one side,  
Which seemed to beckon silently to him,  
While his mounting fear he tried to hide.  

The small light was shining steadily,    
and he felt a very strange calmness,  
spreading throughout his entire body  
and then he lost his fear of the darkness.  

Slowly the floating light moved on ahead,  
He followed it as if in a trance,    
And after some ten minutes had gone by  
He suddenly found a trail by chance.  

The green light kept guiding him forward,  
And the narrow path was getting smoother,  
Soon he was out and his sense of dread  
of being lost was gone altogether.  

He searched all over for the spirit glow,  
But the strange light was completely gone,
He was sound and safe and happy now,  
He felt as if a new life had been born.
A semi-factual poem in a Malaysian jungle
Aug 2022 · 72
Sexy Is My Name
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
Bossy my owner calls me ****
but I wonder if he's just being funny
maybe it does suit me 'cause I'm so fit
anyway I have to get used to it

for really how can I protest
when my owner can't access
any doggy word I say ……
it's the same **** thing every day

you know, it's really not too good
when I can't be understood
but I ask of you, what can I do …….
when my owner doesn't have a clue

I'm a male dog of mixed breed,
Bossy loves me and that's all I need,
so now that you and I at last have met,
you'll want to know more about me I'll bet
Adventures of a dog named **** -  this poem is from my series of **** Dog (the dog's owner is called Bossy)
Aug 2022 · 88
Advancing Age
Shaun Yee Aug 2022
The lines appear on aging faces,  
Alongside corners of the mouth,  
And neck's skin follow the chickens',  
The skin gets more flabby further south.  

Growing fat appears externally,  
We try not to look in mirrors,  
The images may seem unkind,  
And many may give us the shivers.  

However we can always adjust,  
With healthy eating and exercise,  
To maintain our youthfulness,  
so our lives will be more precise.  

And we must always think young again,  
Thinking old  we surely must abstain.
challenging advancing age
Jul 2022 · 292
Monkey Mischief
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
Little Monkey was mischievous,
like his other monkey friends,
he liked to throw things around,
from the tree top or on the ground

He would throw fruits at the dog,
which barked and growled in vain,
and threw more fruits at the cat,
which mewed and hissed and spat

The elderly monkeys did nothing,
to teach him right from wrong,
they thought it was a fun thing to do,
and they joined him and threw things too
this is one of my monkey poems -)
Jul 2022 · 63
Not Much To Ask
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
To whom it may concern

at night I go to bed I hope to find,
ways to leave any daily ills behind,
to just get a healthy refreshing rest,
and to wake up the next day feeling best,
so I can duly face my daily task,
and surely this is not too much to ask?
Jul 2022 · 321
Monkey Mischief
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
Little Monkey was mischievous,
like his other monkey friends,
he liked to throw things around,
from the tree top or on the ground

He would throw fruits at the dog,
which barked and growled in vain,
and threw more fruits at the cat,
which mewed and hissed and spat

The elderly monkeys did nothing,
to teach him right from wrong,
they thought it was a fun thing to do,
and they joined him and threw things too
Fun poem from my Monkey poems file !!! If you like the poem, I will tell the monkeys. If you don't like the poem, I will also tell the monkeys!! Keep smiling :-)
Jul 2022 · 90
A Fallen World
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
I think we’re in a fallen world,
If not we are arriving there,
Decency has been eroded,
You can just see that everywhere.

What happened to Intelligence,
That which has always existed?
And why in so many areas,
Love has given way to Hatred?

Decency and  Understanding,
Wherever did these fellows go?
Patience for us selves and others,
Is becoming lower than low.

Courtesy is on its way out,
And Rudeness is taking its place,
Thinking is getting ever warped,
Vulgarity has kicked out Grace.

Greed has constantly been the king,
Stupidity is on the rise,
Idiocy is born each minute,
Few things now are happy or nice.

So with all these thriving Madness,
That is exploding everywhere,
I think we’re in a fallen world,
If not, we are arriving there.
Jul 2022 · 58
Greed and Simplicity
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
So many worldly millionaires,  
More cars and yachts they have to buy,
Their moral ties they sacrifice,   
Are not truly happy when they die.  

They chase after material things,
Many follow a lifestyle wild,
To have real happiness in life,
Take the example from the child.  

He’s not corrupted with money,
He’s happy with a little toy,  
He doesn’t need expensive things,  
His simplicity brings him joy,  

We should live with what we really need,
And just forget about our greed.
Greediness is the downfall of many
Jul 2022 · 83
After Life Meeting
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
Will I see you in a park,
When life is gone and all is dark,
The last rites have been made,
Final blessings have been said,
The last bells have been rung,
The last songs have been sung;

Will I see you and your smile,
Even if it's just a while,
Or will you be really gone,
When we are finally done?
Never to meet again?
Never more to feel the pain?

Dare I hope that you and I
Will never say goodbye?
Will I see you on a beach,
Waiting for me within my reach,
And will I have a chance to see,
You once more just for me?

Will we stroll hand in hand,
Cross sunny streams in a distant land,
And kiss again just like before,
Love each other forever more?
Will you be there?
Will we meet again .....
Somewhere .....?
Is there life after death?
Jul 2022 · 95
A Childhood Scenery
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
Once again I watched the ships from far,
Steaming into the evening's crimson sky,
While passing closer to sandy land,
The fishing boats were slowly sailing by;
Some old folks were strolling on the beach,
And the quiet beauty of land and sea,
Brought back memories of simple joys,
Once again they awoke the child in me.
simple nostalgic seaside scene
Jul 2022 · 363
Talking Fish
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
He caught a talking fish one day
Which alarmed him in no small way
He was really shaken to the core
Now he cannot eat fish anymore
fantasy poem
Jul 2022 · 210
Stranger In The Mirror
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
This morning after I woke up,
In the room mirror I did see,
What looked like a fuzzy stranger,
Staring back intently at me.
He copied all my expressions,
Doing exactly what I did,
I frowned, he frowned, I smiled, he smiled,
So very much like me indeed.
Jul 2022 · 86
Understanding You
Shaun Yee Jul 2022
I ask of you a hundred questions,
Though it’s not for me to pry,
For there are a hundred answers,
I have to know just where they lie.

There are so many qualities of you,
Of which I feel I’m blind,
For you so deeply do I care,
I need to peer into your mind.

So forgive me if of you I ask,
When and where and what and why,
‘Cos when I have the answers all,
No longer do I have to sigh.
Jun 2022 · 130
The Golden Seagull
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
He was suspended in flight,
Poised as if time stood still,
Golden wings a fluttering,
Outlined against the distant hill.

Swooping in the evening sun,
Wings outspread in glory;
As our ship sailed away,
The seagull followed closely,

Darting smoothly back and forth,
Following the foamy wake,
Its keen eyes always searching,
For floating morsels to take.

And it grew ever smaller,
A princely bird in flight,
It dipped a final farewell,
Then went in the fading light.
Written during my sailing days in the early '80s
Jun 2022 · 66
Lightning and Thunder
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
When lightning strikes and thunder rolls
Across the vast and darkened sky,  
Some people feel with fearful minds,
Some spirits fighting way up high.  

When lightning strikes and thunder rolls,  
Across the vast and greyish sky,  
Some people think with pensive minds,  
Gods are angry but know not why.  

When lightning strikes and thunder rolls,  
Across the vast and moody sky,  
We can reason with carefree minds,  
It’s Nature’s way to shout and cry!  

So whatever the answer is,
We should relax and be at ease.
Jun 2022 · 365
Migrating Birds
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
Every evening around seven
From my balcony at back,
I see a flock of little birds
Flying eastwards from the west;
They knew exactly where
They were going
For their evening’s rest.

From my balcony out front
I see a flock of bigger birds,
Flying east then turning south
In the sky over the sea;
Going into the clouds
they knew so well,
Where  they want to be.

(Klebang, Malacca, Malaysia  2010)
written in 2010 from my sea-front condominium in Malacca
Jun 2022 · 65
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
It’s easy to just follow and just do,  
Every action, everything without a clue  
As to the how things work, as to the why,  
Using brains occasionally by and by.  

From here misunderstandings will start,  
When from reason we carelessly depart,  
Anger, jealousy, ill-feelings will abound,  
We get checkmated at every single round.  

Lots of patience we should not abuse,  
Thinking, reasoning well, we must always use,  
For no matter how we call its normal name,  
Really understanding has always been the game.
the world needs more understanding and less egoism
Jun 2022 · 66
The Rainbow
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
I saw the colours one rainy day,
Just after the showers had all gone,
The seven were brilliant, freshly formed,
Above in the skyway where they shone;
The Rainbow stayed for just a short while,
Before it slowly began to fade,
And I was struck with the calm and peace,
Grateful for what sun and rain had made.
Jun 2022 · 44
Lovely Moments
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
Walking in the countryside
Dozing on the afternoon grass
Fanned by a cool fresh breeze
Many lovely moments to pass
Gazing upon cottoned clouds
Enjoying singing birds nearby
Listening to rippling streams
Lovely moments to make one sigh
Jun 2022 · 118
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
The little monkeys asked their elders,
Why Evil on earth never ends,
Mankind seems quite incapable,
For everyone to live as friends.

Earthly souls are so corrupted,
And goodness is seldom known,
For Evil has triumphed as usual,
Since the first day that it was sown.

Why is Cruelty abundant,
Why is everything so unfair,
Why do all poor people suffer,
Aren't there good folks anywhere?

Alas the wiser elders did reply,
Mankind souls have been seduced,
By Material things and Self-love,
Real Love has sadly been reduced.

If there is ever real Justice,
In this world that we all live in,
Everything can still be alright,  
If Morality will reign supreme.
A fun/tongue-in-cheek/philosophical poem from my "curious monkeys" file .... :-)  if you don't like the poem, please don't grumble to me .... go grumble with my monkeys.
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
The tree stump is quite elegant,
and for an elf it is enough,
It is a cute and tiny home,
and the furnishings are not rough;

Winding stairway fashioned from twigs
lead upstairs to a bedroom bright,
On ground floor is the sitting room,
table, chairs, lanterns all in sight;

There are no windows or doors,
honesty is common to all,
So in Elfin and Fairy land,
there are no thieves and crooks to stall;

Set in a pretty neighbourhood,
amidst the toadstools and flowers,
near a sparkling water fountain,
filled by frequent summer showers;

Elves are tiny, just inches high,
hidden in Magic Forest Green,
You can be passing very near,
their homes are never ever seen.
i love elves, fairies, gnomes, leprechauns and all mystical and magical creatures!!
Jun 2022 · 62
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
It waited alone on damp sand,
For the tide, to rejoin its band,
Hidden safely inside its cone,
A shellfish stranded on its own.

It had no door that I could see,
It was always open to be
Ready to crawl out to take flight,
From anything that gave it fright.

I thought I’d check if I could hear,
While holding it close to my ear,
The sound of waves some people say,
Are locked inside all night and day.

And yes, inside I know not where,
The wind and waves were surely there,
So it really is very true,
Within you hear the ocean blue!
Jun 2022 · 182
Rainy Today
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
The sky looks somewhat sorry and sad,
'tis a vast expanse of gloom and grey,
And raindrops have already started,
Quite early in the morning today;
The forecast did warn the night before,
weekend would be really cold and wet,
So maybe wiser to stay indoors,
and outings we may as well forget!
Jun 2022 · 118
Dancing Fireflies
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
They were tiny bright lanterns,
Looking  like some fairy lights,
Dancing around the tree tops,
Appearing on summer nights;

They chased each other around,
But they didn't stay too long,
Then they switched off all their lights,
And they were finally gone;

They put on a lovely show,
Most enchanting for the eyes,
They will come out now and then,
The night's dancing fireflies.
Jun 2022 · 60
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
Remember all the simple joys we had,
we were often happy and seldom sad,
when as children we had fascination,
amused by things and nature’s creations;

Flying insects, bees, moths and butterflies,
lady bugs, grasshoppers and seagulls’ cries,
raindrops, lightnings, rainbows and falling stars,
green trees and flowers, streams and coloured jars;

All these elements were always there,
fun and entertainment galore to share,
with adulthood, we lost the fantasies,
replaced by mounting responsibilities;

In our social life with daily stress,
we are constantly struggling for success,
and we often forget the simple joys,
of how we used to play with simple toys.
Jun 2022 · 67
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
Sunlight fiercely shines
Too bright for many drivers
Sun glasses may help
Jun 2022 · 184
The Full Moon
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
Full moon in the sky
Garden and parks brightly lit
Lovers cannot sleep
May 2022 · 56
Ending Alone
Shaun Yee May 2022
With billions of people on this land,
Each person is but a grain of sand;

* So alone he lingers sadly on,
With memories too dreadful to bear,
Alone she suffers with wretched thoughts,
No one her burden to really share *

Impotence surrounds, scarce are true friends,
Relief is really found when life ends.
cousin to my other poem "Inwardly Alone"
May 2022 · 260
Alien World Watch
Shaun Yee May 2022
I've come from far to save your world,
The green multi-eyed alien said,
We've watched you well for centuries,
When this one ends you'll all be dead

Your atmosphere is poison full,
Your oceans are polluted too,
All your stars will vanish from sight,
Your skies no longer will be blue

You have to take more drastic steps,
To change your very careless ways,
And don't take years to do all that,
Think more in terms of months and days

This warning is for just one time,
Because I won't be back again,
If you don't do just what I say,
All your regrets will be in vain.
May 2022 · 191
Sky Paradise
Shaun Yee May 2022
If I could float up to the sky,
Be with the moon and stars up high,
And hide from common earthly sight,
Never seen by day or night,
I would surely find a way,
To take you up with me to stay,
To spend our days and nights above,
With joy, laughter, happiness and love.
May 2022 · 75
The Howling
Shaun Yee May 2022
The full moon is out
Light and shadows dominate
Wolves are howling mad
May 2022 · 83
Shaun Yee May 2022
A black dorsal fin
Slicing smoothly through water
Sea is not so safe
May 2022 · 81
As Long As You Are There
Shaun Yee May 2022
I don’t know and I don’t care,
Just as long as you are there,
For I will always feel just fine,
When I know your love is mine.
May 2022 · 92
Ending Alone
Shaun Yee May 2022
With billions of people on this land,
Each person is but a grain of sand;

So alone he lingers sadly on,
With memories too dreadful to bear,
Alone she suffers with wretched thoughts,
No one her burden to really share;

Impotence surrounds, scarce are true friends,
Relief is really found when life ends.
May 2022 · 124
Shaun Yee May 2022
Desktop and laptop
Filing, networking, designs
Technology here
May 2022 · 341
No Rain
Shaun Yee May 2022
The sky is so blue,
And the clouds are very white,
It won’t rain today.
Shaun Yee May 2022
In Fantasyland where Elves and Fairies dwell,
The Good Witch once did cast her Magic Spell,
To shield the Little Folks from human eyes,
Human presence warned by the blue owl's cries;
A gentle mystic mist surrounds the land,
And time is kept by chiming bells at hand,
Rainbow-walks and bright-lit amber lanterns,
Flowered gardens amidst crystal fountains,
With Nature's sounds and music ever there,
Beauty can be found almost everywhere;
To find the place first find the Wishing Well,
Then you can find where Elves and Fairies dwell.
fantasy poem - we need fantasy to fight stress enrich our lives :-)
May 2022 · 69
Shaun Yee May 2022
A little sauce upon the fish,
A dash of chilly on that dish,
A sprinkle of pepper in the soup,
Gives us all a better food.

A little kindness on our part,
A dash of feeling in our heart,
A sprinkle of love until the end,
Makes us all a better friend.
May 2022 · 231
Life's Maze
Shaun Yee May 2022
Some of us only walk at night,
Right from the day we saw the light,
We grew up in a puzzling maze,
And blundered around in a haze,
This through no fault of our own,
The rightful seeds were never sown,
With luck we'll find the exit door,
Before we fall flat on the floor.
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