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May 2022 · 132
Shaun Yee May 2022
Desktop and laptop
Filing, networking, designs
Technology here
May 2022 · 352
No Rain
Shaun Yee May 2022
The sky is so blue,
And the clouds are very white,
It won’t rain today.
Shaun Yee May 2022
In Fantasyland where Elves and Fairies dwell,
The Good Witch once did cast her Magic Spell,
To shield the Little Folks from human eyes,
Human presence warned by the blue owl's cries;
A gentle mystic mist surrounds the land,
And time is kept by chiming bells at hand,
Rainbow-walks and bright-lit amber lanterns,
Flowered gardens amidst crystal fountains,
With Nature's sounds and music ever there,
Beauty can be found almost everywhere;
To find the place first find the Wishing Well,
Then you can find where Elves and Fairies dwell.
fantasy poem - we need fantasy to fight stress enrich our lives :-)
May 2022 · 76
Shaun Yee May 2022
A little sauce upon the fish,
A dash of chilly on that dish,
A sprinkle of pepper in the soup,
Gives us all a better food.

A little kindness on our part,
A dash of feeling in our heart,
A sprinkle of love until the end,
Makes us all a better friend.
May 2022 · 252
Life's Maze
Shaun Yee May 2022
Some of us only walk at night,
Right from the day we saw the light,
We grew up in a puzzling maze,
And blundered around in a haze,
This through no fault of our own,
The rightful seeds were never sown,
With luck we'll find the exit door,
Before we fall flat on the floor.
May 2022 · 128
Mourning Bird
Shaun Yee May 2022
We were so happy
She and I

Spent all our time together
Flew together
Looked after each other

And then
She fell sick and died

She lay there
In our nest
With eggs unhatched

She wanted a family
But time ran out

So still and lifeless
I watched helplessly
Unable to help

I called to her
There was no reply

Just silence in death
No more happiness
No more flights together

We were so happy
She and I

All is gone
So now I will wait
For the day I die
This poem is in memory of a couple of domesticated white java doves and another couple of fan-tailed pigeons that I had. The female dove died and the male one pined away, refusing to eat until he died a week later. The fan-tailed pigeons were extraordinarily loving, the male one looking after and protecting his mate fiercely. One day the female flew away and never returned. The male one followed the day after and both disappeared.
May 2022 · 475
Town Colours
Shaun Yee May 2022
When the day is finally through,
And there is little else to do,
I shall watch the sun go down,
And colours lighting up the town.

Red, green, yellow, white and blue,
Neon and oil and candles too,
On streets, in parks and houses all,
When night makes its gentle call.

Then I will off to please my mind,
In a quiet place that I can find,
With drink in hand to sit me down,
And sip the colours of the town.
colours are always fascinating
May 2022 · 116
Blind Belief
Shaun Yee May 2022
When many truths are known
Horrors sometimes abound
To avoid the unpleasant
Lies become seemingly sound
The need for some order
To soothe the fearful mind
Blind belief is often called
To leave the unknown behind
May 2022 · 73
The Other World
Shaun Yee May 2022
So bedtime we go off to sleep,
And enter a strange world of mists,
Earthly logic as we know it,
Fades away, no longer exists.

When a night dream gets too heavy,
With the nightmare we cannot fight,
We will wake up with pounding hearts,
Sweating or trembling in the night.

But then there's fleeting beauty too,
Like green gardens and hills so free,
Good memories of long ago,
How dreaming minds would like to see.

So does another world awaits,
When our earthly lives are done,
Do we live again forever,
Or our lives we have but one?
May 2022 · 171
Fireflies In The Garden
Shaun Yee May 2022
Flickering lanterns shining bright,
Flitting in the garden in the night,
Incandescent, tiny and light,
The fireflies were an awesome sight.
fireflies are lovely!
Apr 2022 · 80
Moon Power
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
The Moon reigns supreme
Earth elements are controlled
And Nature is born
moon haiku
Apr 2022 · 72
White Cloud, Black Cloud
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
I watched a lovely cloud,
drifting merrily on,
small, cotton white was he,
as though he was just born;
Then, of all the horrors,
a ******* cloud appeared,
this ugly ate my friend,
which promptly disappeared!
Poor Whitey was now gone,
Blacky finished my friend
whom I knew just did not
deserve that brutal end;
So why must beauty end?
Why cannot it endure?
Must beauty always fade,
even when it’s pure?
Apr 2022 · 82
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
Memory dwells as essence of life,
Without which life's lessons won't survive,
For each thought and action that we score,
Is derived from the brain's endless store;
When memory is completely lost,
We will suffer the ultimate cost,
Nothing can we remember at all,
No life have we that we can recall.
Apr 2022 · 576
The Secret Garden
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
In The Secret Garden,
Unseen by human eyes,
Are Elves and flowered Fairies,
Near where Crystal Fountain lies

To find this hidden place,
Follow the Rainbow Tracks,
Look out for Goblin Mushrooms,
Just beneath the Mountain Cracks

'tis here that you will hear,
Music from Nightingales,
The Mystic Door will open,
Only when the twilight pales
Apr 2022 · 467
Rainbow Love
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
If we can be upon a rainbow,
We can stroll the coloured pathways,
In the splendours of the heavens,
We can pass our nights and days;
We can cuddle within the clouds,
And kiss the nights and days away,
If  we can be upon a rainbow,
That's where with you I want to stay.
Apr 2022 · 403
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
Darkness lends a helping hand
To ease the mind to rest
It can erase distractions
So night’s sleep will be the best
Apr 2022 · 362
Heavenly Scene
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
way beyond the darkening hills,
unseen brushes with varied hues,
are painting the distant skyline,
with violet, gold and pastel blues
while twilight descends soft as silk,
enveloping the clouds and sky,
the evening sun turns round and red,
the silent moon and stars stand by.
beautiful nature
Apr 2022 · 89
The Jealous Mind
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
Jealousy stems from insecurity
thus a feeling of inferiority
so one needs some serious introspection
To understand it and its reaction
jealousy is a negative reaction often with disastrous results
Apr 2022 · 797
Communication Problem
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
If only you could understand
Whatever I have to say
I'm sure that you could see
Many things my way

And if only I could understand
Whatever you have to say
I'm sure that I could see
Many things your way
Apr 2022 · 91
A Smile of Loneliness
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
She was emotionally hurt
but she kept it all inside herself
looking at her, one could never tell
unless one manages to see
those silent teardrops that fell

She was extremely timid
and kept all her emotions hidden
all the sadness within
for weeks and months and years
'til she finally passed away
pitifully freed of all her fears

And still, looking at her
one could never tell, all the
sufferings that she had had
she had no one to confide in
had not even one close friend
so that tiny smile of loneliness
she carried till the very end
Apr 2022 · 333
Minds Attuned
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
Just a word, a look, a touch
can mean so very much,
Two minds with a single mind
can leave all doubts behind.

Loving minds that think as one,
When all is said and done,
Will always rise above
anything that tests their love.

If these feelings be achieved,
Tensions will be relieved,
And the hearts that are involved
will have their problems solved.
Apr 2022 · 127
Sun and Wind
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
When the sun is hot
And a cool wind is blowing
It's comfortable
Apr 2022 · 95
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
Yellow Sunflower
Bright and friendly like the sun
Summer gold is here
Apr 2022 · 80
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
History seems to clearly show,
Mankind does not want to know,
How to live in peace with grace,
That's not for the human race

Humans like to show their might,
Always looking for a fight,
So kindness is for the weak,
And niceties are for the meek

They're not happy all is well,
In wartime more arms they sell,
Spreading love we must not heed,
Making war is what we need

If God did make Earth and Man
He must have erred somewhere then
Apr 2022 · 1.2k
The Outcome
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
It has always been a race,
since the time of birth,
the fight between Good and Evil,
on our planet Earth;
The fight rages on,
everywhere each day,
and it is anyone's guess,
who will have its final say.
Mar 2022 · 209
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
We often expect others
to do as we do,
and think as we think,
so we can be comfortable;
But are our expectations real?

Do we expect a lot from others
in the way they think,
in the way they perform,
while we ourselves are slacking
in performances and thoughts?

Just as we expect from others,
They also expect from us;
So let us not hasten
to seek perfection in others,
so we can be comfortable.
daily living thoughts
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
My friends are Seconds, we are sixty in all,  
Moving slightly fast, we are precise though small,  
Ticking away steadily without a stop,  
We do not run or jump or skip or hop;  

And when the sixty seconds have been done,  
I take over and continue the run,  
I am Minute and have fifty nine friends too,  
We are also precise and don’t stick like glue;  

Then when their sixty minutes have gone past,  
I take over, I am Hour and the last;  
We all work in harmony in perfect rhyme,  
Seconds, Minutes and Hours are our time.
poem on time
Mar 2022 · 106
Quiet Farm
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
Dogs were barking blatantly
Cats were mewing meekly
Cows were mooing moodily
Horses were neighing nosily
Goats were bleating briefly
Hens were clucking constantly
And frogs were …….  just croaking

Apart from these ……….

The farm was very quiet actually
fun tongue-in-cheek poem
Mar 2022 · 196
Errors Delete
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
Deleting errors is something we can do,
If we will have the patience to see things through,
For often thinking and doing things offhand,
Will throw us headfirst into disaster land,
So better to plan for all that we construct,
Then moods will remain happy and not corrupt.
it is impossible never to make errors, but they can be kept to a minimum
Mar 2022 · 193
Playing With Words
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
Playing with words is so much fun,
Shifting them around and all is done,
The words need not be intricate,
And too many may just complicate.
the beauty of words
Mar 2022 · 339
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
Let's travel the highways together,
And swim in the summer seas,
Trek through woodland stony paths,
Enjoy the honey from friendly bees;

Let's climb the distant hills together,
Frolic in the winter snow,
Live all moments with laughter,
And enjoy life with a glorious glow.
healthy living together
Mar 2022 · 87
Brain Alignment
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
It's such a shame that the human brain
is often used every day in vain
while other creatures much less smarter
utilise what they have much better

Animals don't torture, maim or ****
for greed, egoism, lust or thrill
they have respect for the enemy
while man lacks a sense of decency

So it's really time for man to stop
praising himself and time to adopt
a change in attitude and thinking
and align his brain to reasoning

The world cannot be a lovely place
so long as around there is disgrace
Mar 2022 · 67
My Hobbies
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
I have so many hobbies,
So much fun with various things,
And have to divide my time,
For the joy each hobby brings;
Maybe I have too many,
I think I'm a hobby nut,
But the problem arises,
I don't know which ones to cut.
Mar 2022 · 77
Precious Time
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
He struggled very hard
To catch up with yesterday
But Time was paying him no heed
It wouldn't stop and It wouldn't stay

He has lost his hours
Never can he get them back
Time just keeps moving on ahead
It has no patience with those who slack
don't waste time
Mar 2022 · 83
Goldfish Woe
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
I am trapped in a bowl of glass,
Waiting for days and nights to pass,
Water is not really enough,
My daily life is truly tough,
I can only swim up and down,
Or sideways like a little clown,
Doomed to stay in this bowl am I,
Freedom is only when I die
fishy poem
Mar 2022 · 68
A Smile of Loneliness
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
She was emotionally hurt
but she kept it all inside herself
looking at her, one could never tell
unless one manages to see
those silent teardrops that fell

She was extremely timid
and kept all her emotions hidden
all the sadness within
for weeks and months and years
'til she finally passed away
pitifully freed of all her fears

And still, looking at her
one could never tell, all the
sufferings that she had had
she had no one to confide in
had not even one close friend
so that tiny smile of loneliness
she carried till the very end
a true sad story
Mar 2022 · 111
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
Flowers, trees and parks
Strolling, playing, and jogging
Green is happiness
Mar 2022 · 169
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
Faithful, playful dog
Barking, jumping, running round
Long wet tongue hangs out
Mar 2022 · 88
The Human Race
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
Are you proud you are with the human race,
That walking creature with a brain and face,
Who thinks he is the important being,
He is smarter than any living thing?

Other creatures are here to serve him well,
He goes to heaven but they go to hell,
After all he is made in god’s image,
All other creatures belong in the cage.

And are you proud of the things he’s done?
Killing others, maiming people for fun?
Like human terrorists with deranged souls,
Worshipping hate and evil as their goals?

When man has learnt to be less conceited,
To hide his ego and be big-hearted,
When he has learned and fully understands,
To embrace all beings with loving hands;

Only then can we be proud of the human race,
That walking creature with a brain and face!
Mar 2022 · 65
White Mouse Running
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
Hey hey hey, I keep running forward,
But it’s getting me nowhere,
I’m running in this revolving cage,
Not stopping nor here nor there

I’m really spinning this cage myself,
And it’s truly so much fun,
So until it’s time for me to stop,
I’ll just run and run and run.
a fun poem from my series of animal poems :-)
Mar 2022 · 74
The Promise
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
Just hold tight my hand,
And we'll walk this precious land,
Always together.
Mar 2022 · 88
Egoism Extreme
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
"I first!" is becoming a frequent cry
From the moment we learnt to first love "I"

The self concept though basically sound
When overused, selfishness will abound

Egoism extreme comes to the fore
And consideration is shown the door

If we let this state of mind to persist  
Others' well-being will cease to exist

So be aware of other feelings too
Then "I" will be wiser on what to do
we should stay with you and I and not I and you
Mar 2022 · 72
Sleepy Head
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
This morning waking up is such a chore,
It’s so lovely to sleep just minutes more,
Though the stupid alarm has gone off twice,
I think I'm truly feeling not too nice,
Because I went to bed too late last night,
And now I just don’t want to see daylight,
So really I will opt in bed to stay,
Maybe remain for the rest of the day.
Mar 2022 · 281
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
Knights doing battle
Body parts and limbs fly off
Ground is turning red
Mar 2022 · 84
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
Three men on camels
Following the brightest star
Baby is somewhere
Mar 2022 · 216
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
Five points orange red
Scrambling smoothly on sea bed
A star in the sea
Mar 2022 · 94
Think in Grey
Shaun Yee Mar 2022

We can understand
Darkness and light
Two such extremes
Black challenges white


We despair, we hope
We ****, we pray
To compromise
Think in colour grey
there are always two sides to everything
Feb 2022 · 608
Shaun Yee Feb 2022
Many things I wanted to do,
I had no means to see them through,
My many years went rushing by,
Quicker than birds up in the sky,
So some dreams were lost on the way,
Never did see the light of day,
Now I've settled with what I've got,
Still to finish what I did not.
Feb 2022 · 105
The Short-Sighted Owl
Shaun Yee Feb 2022
The evening owl flew in through the open door,
Came to a skidding halt on newly waxed floor,
It stopped to get its bearings for a little while,
Turning its head around in its owlish style,
Then it flew up to land on top of the chair,
Seeing the welcoming sky from way up there,
So with a farewell hoot it took off again,
And crashed unkindly into the window pane.
This is a fun bird poem from my series of animal poems :-)
Feb 2022 · 662
Clever Cat
Shaun Yee Feb 2022
No matter from where he falls,
From the cupboard or the door,
He will always land feet first,
Soon as he reaches the floor,
Acrobatic is the cat,
Small and light, springy is he,
Sometimes when he can't be found,
Look for him up in the tree.
this is a fun animal poem :-)
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