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Arrested Savior in the garden
Satan feels his job is almost done
Betrayed by a Judas kiss
And a handful of silver coin

Like a lamb being lead to slaughter
He spoke not a single word
From the time before time began
All his trust is in his Lord

Conviction comes on quickly
Testimony being the lies of man
Still all in Gods perfect timing
Still all in Gods perfect plan

Soldiers spat on him and beat him
Shoved on his head a thorny crown
Mocked him for the king he is
Still uttered not a single sound

They forced on him the cross to carry
Like any common thief
This he did most willingly
Even for the least of these

The pounding of nails through his feet and hands
Being felt in his fathers heart
But both he and Jesus know
This is the important part

They hang him tattered on that wooden cross
On the shameful hill they call The skull
Satan smiled all the while
If only he had known

Father please forgive them
For they know not what they do
A statement that to this very day
Still has a ring that's true

It is finished...
The last thing on the cross he had to say
The perfect sacrifice of the last given lamb
For sinful man has paved the way

Three Long Days Later...


All in Gods perfect timing
All in Gods perfect plan
That Jesus Christ would be the one to die
All for the love of man
What not to want

ah, Rose, in deep breath
a thousand times
one secret door unlocked in my heart
a thousand times in deep breath
in each inhale heaven's aroma
you stoked my want of wants
the need of all my needs

to know **what not to want

four words and one line
to remind me what's not mine
mine never could be
learned after fake encounters
deep cuts and lasting scars
diminished for what's not mine
never could be
yet passed through fire
scathed burnt metamorphosed
till learned the truth
in just four words
one line
what not to want
that once known
a knowledge worthwhile
makes easier
the remaining miles.
I owe the title and the inspiration for this write to Kelly Rose, the spark coming from her response to my comment on her poem A Love That Never Was.
Thank you Rose for this gift of realization.
half formed thoughts,
half finished lines,
breakfast  half eaten,
left on the...

half asleep,
half awake,
half dressed child,
starting today...
a mistake.

let us rewind,
to, when we were
all still abed.
then when the alarm
rings out
snooze it
pretend we are dead
at least to this
half made greyest day
and turn away
from this half formed mayhem
of  harried reality

go back, go back,
to the land of dreams
for today,
the better choice...
no half sown seams to burst,
hems to trip on,
clothes, that will not zip,
the zip on that set of pants that i must fix
no bad hair, no external rants,
about work incomplete,(half done).
no thinking rude thoughts,
about stinking heat swelled feet.
just cool linen,
pressed against my tired cheek
.. and an island
deserted... with cool breeze
a fridge with filled with
chocolate eclairs
and iced coffee ...
a big squishy chair...
utopia ....
see i am halfway there..
halfway here also
and the bell has rung.
time for these...
half @rsed musings to be done.
phones to answer, emails too
reports to analyse, lectures to
here i am
half an hour
into the day
and already...  way..
too tired to deal....
so position.. my clock hands... at..
half way past... i don't care.
this, an older piece, but suits the mood
still not particularly inspired
Apple hanging there, do I dare
Take a bite, as the black branch
that you hang off, warped that
is the off spring of this bark black
as dark as night. This trunk of corruption
that has spawned this apple I now
do see within my sight.

You hang there dark shine, velvet
red, do you hide deceit under your
skin, are you rotten from the middle,
infested with that which circulates with
in this midnight black tree.

My fingers reach out to touch, would
but a feel be wrong, not plucked just
caressed still it would hang from this
tree never picked.

It hypnotises my senses to taste its flesh,
to pierce it would I suffer the fate of those
that littler the ground, the dead fertilised
this earth, is the tree a manifestation of
there hate, this apple not like a heart that
brings life to this darkness, if eaten will it eat
away at me, consumed by the dead that
have groomed this tree, a single apple waiting
To be ate..
You say  your not religious
Well neither my friend am I
It was man that made religion
It was Christ that came for us to die

He came to earth with a purpose
And that purpose was to set us free
From the guilt, the sin, the daily shame
All chains of captivity

It was the religious leaders of his day
That used their power as a tool
It was Jesus that came to do away
With all the man made rules

Rules that held the people down
The same as they do today
Invite Jesus into your heart right now
And let freedom have its way

You say your not religious
Well neither my friend am I
It was man that made religion
It was Christ that came for us to die
the problem with
being a poet in love,
is that you savour
& trust each word your lover has
without  question.

we are simply in love
with bare literature,
spoken from the lips of someone we hold
in higher regard
than ourselves sometimes.

when you love a poet
each word you utter,
should be a piece of artwork

each sentence,
a highly thought out structure of awe and beauty to leave us seeping
in the warmth of your voice
caressing such fine words

so when deciding that you love someone,
who writes or reads
fill their souls with beauty, memories & truth especially,
for a poet's heart breaks at ease.
you just have to let
your yesterdays
fall behind
and into the abyss....
...this one just a drifting thought.... during a coffe break at work.
arrowing words,
whispering lips,
shotgun words,
freudian slips,

words as weapons.
cutting delicate hearts.
****** syllables.
bruising brains.

what power we wield,
not ever knowing,
the cost.
less often gain,
more often at great cost.

but, for the moment
of retention,
careless thinking
and hurtful speakings,
push the pause.
the words that have slain.
mayhaps be the ones lodged
within your brain.
words, written or spoken
have much power
as we their caretakers
but sometimes forget.
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