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shanika yrs May 2016
Bring me to life in there
I am terribly lonely
saying 'there' in British accent.
shanika yrs Apr 2017
...... ! ,
Ain't bigger than life

prettiest little thing
assume power of world
until to the extraction
take it all out
shanika yrs Sep 2016
There will be a moment
we all have to climb a mountain
fight a battle and learn the art
a moment, to smile with your memories
with light and cherished heart

There will be a moment
you to fly above the all odds
what you never and never will understand
drop down the weight your body carries
even the wings letting you to fly

There will be a moment
you learn your greatness
talk to your heart conscience
close your eyes and sleep as man

There will always be a moment
you to learn the universe
feel it - accept it - be matter of it
and embrace the beauty of nothingness

There - that will be the time
you find your beginning and the
ultimate destination of the journey
you madly walked

© shanikayrs
Life is something beautiful and nothing to see through. Keep climbing

P.S - Thank you butterfly to letting me take it out of my mind
shanika yrs Jun 2018
certainly a rainy day
little hurricanes fire in the rain
ma girl she dripping her love away
shanika yrs Jan 2017
She is the ultimate
To what she takes in

She will be the same
Even after heavenly encounters

What she bring out
Will only heal the world

Love of a world
Await inside of her

Waiting to penetrate
Only with art of passion

God will only gets in
To a ****** like Mother Marry
© shanikayrs
shanika yrs Jan 2017
I have been part of love triangles
Or you say
Triangle of common interest

Some times I am the absolute winner
Some other times I am the desperate looser
I don't have anything to offer
To keep the cyclic life running
So all of the time
I am the pathetic victim
© shanikayrs
shanika yrs Oct 2019
You know what?
You are a poem
I miss writing
shanika yrs Mar 2017
It all comes as you know it all
It all goes as you are all blind
If not smile what else to do
High standards or
Despair of sight
Nothing will fix
All by itself
I mean
I keep falling, hence
I wish this is to be an abyss
Or your love

shanika yrs Aug 2016
you are
so aesthetic
just like a poem
waiting to be written
in a life
yet to come ..
© shanikayrs
shanika yrs Apr 2020
what she has stolen
my heart
is in the Northern sky
& smiling ...
singing in silence

howdy you? the gloria  of love
© shanikayrs
shanika yrs Oct 2021
I can not survive - through the day
through this very second
I let me die
everything I write starts with my ownself
I don't know how to write - to you
But I heard God created only a one-man
One Adam and then he took off his hands
He - the universe hold something
so do all big bosses -
hear me, my lord  
you aren't a boss, you have no mercy
at least the lucifer let us to ****, as we wish
so I'll be alive at least at the moment I ****

Correction -
I should not let myself die
I should **** me
God - yes - that is what you are asking for
ever since, from the creation of Adam
you shouldn't have,
test your mastery,  
you could have watch
**** Instead
© shanikayrs
shanika yrs Jul 2017
I love you
and you
and you too

God is bad
****** depress
******* perverted
opportunist manic

love is a crime
no wonder
why the
flowers not blossom
on earth
© shanikayrs
shanika yrs Jan 2017
It comes in a way loneliness to solitude
And the other way around most the time
Knowledge of life keep longing
In a place of saturate

The gurus I went after
All had cost mines of gold
Which happened to pay from very own life
Here onwards terrifying to look in

Creation and the destination
Bringing so much of mingle
To one another in bitter sweet love
What it feels is only what its capable

What now or the immortality
Where immortality hard to be found
Nothing can be given or give up
When they vouch destiny to be create

If it created why to manifest
Why challenge poor for the union
Hello big tree , green grass on thick soil
Open yourself and teach if you know

Mind where you live I don't know
Soul who you are so strange to me
Who I am I have no clue
So your grace I surrender to you

Dear big tree here I bow to you

shanika yrs Jun 2022
I am in love
even if it is
the shadow
© shanikayrs
shanika yrs Jan 2017
Searching for awhile
Nearly half a life
Dream doesn't fade
Even middle of abyss
Word I pick
Felt like wrong
No more search
So I seek  

shanika yrs May 2020
The moon is
bright , a little frail, blurry ,

Today she is more real
humble and wanting me to save
amazing  astounding ,

She is bewildering
the way she talk through the dark,
The bare light she shredding on herself
Isn’t it her amorous winks of the ecstasy
The rapturous insanity of ecstasy to be in another few dark nights or so
In the day of full moon
Where we stand with Gods
© shanikayrs
shanika yrs Jan 2017
Live in the mystery
To all its bits and pieces
Go under sun, get dark a little
Talk to him for a while
You may missing his words
Fall in love with that big tree
Shelter to the fullest he reach
While Keep smiling green
For years and years along
Take one more breath
Deep to your soul and let it heal
Be greatful to the wonder of it
Making a moment of life alive
Though they come invisible to you
Close you eyes for a while
When yourself awake and free
See how much you beautifully see
Love and the meaning of peace

shanika yrs Jun 2016
In a quiet place
I want to pick
all the broken pieces of mine
make another glamorous art

yet I know nothing
how will my art comes

days fading to days blurred
life !
life is a one big wonder
shanika yrs Aug 2018
I get angry even with the words sometimes
am done talking and expressing
exhausted of decorating words
words alone can't speak the truth
we don't know the truth
(hope~karma~love~luck~god~whatever the crap you call it)
we know nothing so simply we have no words for speak of the truth
I am tired of all your big talks with no meaning at all
why you should ever wanting me to (be-lie-ve) your words
then after awhile why should I decorate the words you have said
I know nothing ~ neither you know a thing or maybe I may not know that you know a thing
but in the end of every speech~visionary talk~essay~or an epic poem
all those words you all spoken has no meaning
words have no meaning
© shanikayrs
shanika yrs Oct 2020
She is only twenty-three, seven years younger than her brother. She is riding that motorbike late at night, aginst all fears. All she wants is to take her brother and mother to the most favorite place at night in Kandy. It was drizzling a little too by then.

She mixed up with the directions a little. They ended up heading to a place where a highly unlikeable bunch of people hanging out and accommodate.  They were drinking. It wasn't a pleasant party. Some people are born so nasty, He thought to himself and reminded of the world's Victorian days. All praise the Queens, Science is new Victoria.

Life felt like a prolonged mystery.
shanika yrs Jun 2017
එයාගෙ  ඇස් මට කිව්ව
කවිකයක් අහන්න  ඕනෙ කියල
සරාගී කවියක්
දන්න  නොදන්න
සියුම් වේදනාවෙන් පිරිච්ච්ච
හිත ඇතුලෙ කළුවර තැන් වල
ඇස් දෙක පියාගෙන ලියපු
සරාගී කවියක්

හදවතේ භාෂාවෙන් ලියපු
නිශ්ශබ්ද ස්වරයෙන් කියන
අපේ මත් උන ඇස් වලින්
කිෂිජයේදී රඟදෙන
රන් පාට ඒ කවිය
විදුලියක් උනා ඇයට
නිදහසක් උනා විශ්වයට

ඔව් , 'නෑ' කිව්වෙ 'ඔව්'
ප්‍රතිවිරුද්ධ , සදාතනික
හදවතේ භාෂාවේ
ආදරයෙ ගිනි දැල්ලේ
සරා ගීම කවිය මම ලිව්වෙ
ඒ ඇස් වලින් මම දැකපු
වෙන කවුරුවත්ම  නොදැකපු
අහිංසක දඟකාරිට‍
© shanikayrs
shanika yrs Jun 2017
මට තියනවා මතකයක්
දැකලා තියනවා කියල
අහල තියනවා කියලා
දැනිල තියනවා කියල
ජීවත් උන අතීතයේ යම් දවසක්

මේ ගෙවෙන කාලයත්
මම විදලා තියනවා
මට එහෙම මතකයක් තියෙනවා
හෙට දවසත් මම  දන්නවා
ඒක හරි රසවත්
අමතක මතකයක්
පුරුදු රසයක්
සොඳුරු කාරුණික හිනාවක්

මට නවතින්න තැනක් දෙන්න
ටික කාලෙකට
මට කාලය තේරුම් ගන්න
නතර වෙන්න
තැනක් දෙන්න ටිකකට
මගේ මතකය එකක්

හරිම නිවීමක් ඒක
අමතක මතකයක්
පුරුදු රසයක්
සොඳුරු කාරුණික හිනාවක්
© shanikayrs
shanika yrs Jun 2017
ආදරයෙ දෙව් දුව
තරුණ කාලේ දවසක
මගෙන් ඇහුව
ආදරය :
මොකක්ද එකේ තේරුම

විශ්වයම එකතු කරලා
හැදුන සොම්‍ය ස්වරයකින්
මම කිව්වා  ආදරය :
*අම්මා කියල
The Goddess of love
In a day of the spring
Came to me & asked
Love :
The meaning of love

In such a tender voice
With the serenity of
All the cosmos
I said , love :
My Mom
shanika yrs Jul 2017
මරණේ ද නැත්තම් ජීවිතේ ද කියලා ලොකු තේරුමක් නෑ
රෝලලර් කෝස්ටරයක් වගේ
මලක් වටේ කැරකෙන නිල් පාට සමනලයෙක් වගේ
කළු සුදු ගැන හිතනවා ඒක ගලපලා ඇදුම් අදිනවා
එත් ඒක  දැනෙන්නේ නෑ ඉවසීමක් නැතුව ඉන්නේ

ඔය නවතින තැන ඉන්න බැහැ
අහසේ ලස්සන විතරයි
ක්ෂිතිජයෙන් එහාටත් අහස
ඒක තමයි ඇත්ත
ලෝකේ තැටියක් උනානම් 'සීසර් ' වෙන්න තිබුන
එත් 'මැගලන්' ලෝකෙ වටේ ගියා
ධර්මයත් චක්‍රයක් උනා
හුස්ම ගැන  හිතන්න ඕනෙ
සක්විති රජෙක් වෙන්න ඕනෙ
එහෙමයි මම දන්න ඉතිහාසේ තියෙන්නේ
හැම අංශුවක්ම කියන දේ පේන් නැද්ද
ඉවසීමක් නැතුව ඉන්නේ
© shanikayrs
shanika yrs Jan 2022
ඇයි මාව ඉපැද්දුවෙ
මැරෙන්න බය කරල
මැරුන වගෙ ඉන්න කියලා
මම ගැන කාට කියන්නද
අනුකම්පාවෙ තුරුම්පුවක් වෙන්නෙ
ඔයා කොහොමද නිවන් දකින්නෙ
සසර තවත් දික් කරල
shanika yrs Nov 2016
read in sinhala & english*

වචනකුදු නොකියාම
හිරුගෙ ආලොකයද
ගත දවන රශ්මියද
විහිදන්න සොම්නසින්
සඳ කිරණෙ සිසිලසින්

දිදුලන්න තව ලන්ව
සනසමින් තුන් රැයම
සඳ මඩලෙ කන්තිය
වේවි දරාගත් හැමදෙයම
Supper moon
Shine your light
With your charm
Radiate the light of  sun
And his bursting heat
With your delicate beams
Molding the world with joy

Super moon
Brighten your soft light
More closer than ever
Let no dark to behold
The path of night walk

Super moon
The aura of your light
Will reflect what
All you've bared
To the deep to your soul

© shanikayrs

— The End —