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Me being a teenager has nothing to do
with the way I act towards you
can't you see?
oh of course not because you know nothing about me
we have never been close
you feel like spending five minutes  with me is an overdose
I have never been able to talk to you about anything
even more so now that you have a new wedding ring
you both act like out of control 18 year olds
I can't even count the amount of lies you've told
we try to do things as a family
but it seems like theres always some place you'd rather be
you can never make up for all those time you've left me home alone
yet you wonder why I complain and groan
all you ever want is to party and drink
I wish you would just stop and think
do you know how much I crave your attention
well you never will
because these thoughts I will never mention
I'll just pop another happy pill
 Dec 2014 Appointed
Lone Wolf
 Dec 2014 Appointed
Lone Wolf
One... two... three... four...
You can see the spot on her floor,
Where her blue-green carpet is worn
Wishing she could walk out the door
Forget how bad her heart has been torn

One, two, three, four
She has music blaring
Supposed to keep her from losing her mind
Supposed to keep her from caring
If only her tormentor weren't so kind

One two three four*
He's still unaware of his slight
She's pacing, reciting Poe in her head
He's unaware of her pain every night
She's wishing her heart was dead

Her fingers twine through her hair
Berating herself for thinking of him
She hears a few strands tear
But paces on, ignoring them
My typical day I spend at least an hour or two (sometimes more) pacing and listening to music. Lately it's been more.
 Dec 2014 Appointed
run your hand across my back
it feels rough I know
I've lived longer in my mind
than can be measured in years
still my body takes a toll

I try to smile when I see you at the end of the hall
but moving those neglected muscles
makes me shiver round my bones

take me down to that river near the cemetery
throw pebbles at my heart
and laugh with those sadistic eyes
how beautiful they are
I could never forget...

when I inevitably give in
reach back for your hand
and wrap your fingers in mine
you must know
I'm accepting flowers from the devil

the devil never lets go of his hold
Is this a song or a poem? I don't even know haha
 Dec 2014 Appointed
in the midst of my solitude
i see the moon
his face plump and hopeful
But look closer and notice
how his eyes point downward
and his mouth quivers
he is beautiful but melancholy

in the midst of my solitude
i see the moon
full of woe like me
he knows his fate
that with every orbit
from this world in his sight
he is drifting away

in the midst of my solitude
i see the moon
his eyes say what i feel
sharing in my pain
he still glows every night
i am not alone

Goodbye my moon
have a safe slow trip
i know it is out of your control
i will always remember you
though my body may be gone

everything cannot stay.
yasi, here's my attempt
 Dec 2014 Appointed
 Dec 2014 Appointed
Every poet has a reason
Poetry he crafts
Healing in the hearts prison.

Every poet has a reason
Carefully he colours
His souls grey canvas.

Every poet has a reason
In his minds Infiniti
He sees every season.

Every poet has a reason
His hopes are his ink
Shattered on a paper

Every poet has a reason
Burdens he pens
That can't be told*

Every poet has reason
For Beauty of poetry
Is what he admires
Every reason has a reason to make a person write ....
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