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One morning at sunrise,
I walked the beach
Looking for shells.

High on the bank,
Where no wave could reach,
An old man watched intently.

After a while
He gestured with his hand,
Calling me to him.

"You have many lives to live,"
He said (in a strange accent)
As he picked up a handful of sand
And let it run back to the ground
Through his fingers.

"That's a lot of lives", I said,
Watching the last of it fall
And trying not to look afraid.

"Not the sand in my hand," he said,
"The sand on the beach."
He extended his arms,
Raised his eyes,
Then vanished
Before I could speak.
Based on a dream
I can't sleep
Everytime I remember your words
They snap and recoil
And hurt me awake
Next time when someone
Promises me forever
I'll just smile
Look them in the eyes and ask
How long is forever to you.
 6d izzn
I often think back
to that letter
I received.

About what would have
happened if I
had read

it instead of letting
my friends choose
our course.
Inspired and In the Style of "This Is Just To Say" by William Carlos Williams
There is a gravity to
sadness; it pulls me
downward into a
deep dark well.
I can't climb out.
It's my own private hell.
I pray for levitation.
I jump, only to fall.
I feel forgotten.

I put one foot in
front of the other,
and I will rise.
I move on.
Hope returns like
a long-lost friend,
and I find my sanctuary.
Check out my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Here's the link.
 Jul 18 izzn
guy scutellaro
golden curtains and hard wood floor
longing and lightning

I dream a dozen roses.

I want to hear your voice
I need to feel you

sitting next to me

i dream a dozen roses, beloved

and golden curtains touching the hard wood floor

I dream a dozen roses. little bird

your heart smiles,
angels and wings waiting

one spirit

I dream a dozen roses
white in color,
heart shaped
filled with hope

I dream a dozen roses,
are you still here
dear sister, Lisa?


gentle spirit,
dear sister

darling of light

I dream a dozen roses
 Jul 13 izzn
Qualyxian Quest
 Jul 13 izzn
Qualyxian Quest
My son turns 18 today
Pride. Worry. Pride.
I'm amazed by him
I like Malahide

Keep him going forward
Maybe JMU
July 12, 2006
I give thanks for Q

               I truly do.
 Jul 12 izzn
ok okay
I live beyond the street lights that beckon in the midnight sky
Past the tar roads that turn to gravel when afar
Above the raging waterfalls that can turn your mind astray
Through the lovely meadows where lullabies lock your heart away
Above the empty mountains that call upon to be found
I live where nothing is
I exist within the clouds
 Jul 12 izzn
Bee buzzing, yes
a buzzing fly, no.
Strange man that I am
annoyed by such a tiny bug,
an yet delighted with Bee noise
They say aim for preference in nothing
and accept all.. this I aspire to.
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