I am on the train that will take me to my brother and he is on the train that will bring him to me. he has only just seen the great bird I’ve envisioned since birth. I make myself in his image and use his inside voice to describe the bird. my train arrives early. once off, I put a cigarette in my mouth without lighting it. I pace. a beautiful woman asks me if I have a light and I say sharply no. I apologize to the woman and explain how nervous I am to meet my brother this way. she says she understands. she says she’ll probably see god before she sees her sister. I offer her my cigarette and she takes it with her. my bird is getting smaller and I don’t know who to blame.
I h a v e f e e l i n g s that form thou ghts, that form words, that form sente nces, that form rope, which ties itself into a noose. Your words are also a rope, that saves me from drowning.