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Dec 2024 · 272
Andrew Fukunaga Dec 2024
Pushed out of the nest,
Birds live in free flight,
Death or life,
They cannot rest.

A blue jay lives in adolescence,
Binded by love and refusing to leave,
His mother grows tired,
In weary fashion she hates her peeve,
“Learn to live my love,”
She kicks him free.

A pink robbin lives in adolescence,
Blinded by love and choosing to stay,
Her mother grows tired,
“Please you must learn to go away,”
Returning to others,
“You cannot make me leave,”
Her mother in a feather flurry,
Kicks her free,
She must deal with this pain,
This is her reprieve.

Feathers fall,
Lonely nights await,
Blue Jay has grown tall,
Walking away he has learned to live,
“Pink Robbin, why do you call?”
Blinded, ******, but okay,
Pink Robbin stays in place,
Horrid mess,
She has chosen to fade away.

Pushed out of the nest,
Birds learn to live,
Choosing not to rest,
Choose death or life.
Sep 2024 · 471
Andrew Fukunaga Sep 2024
Your harsh whips upon my skin,
The shackles around my feet,
The cuffs on my hands,
Why must I endure this?
What have I done?
Did I cause this?
Was it my fault,
O’ dear captor,
Please let me go,
I have a life I must live,
Upon my last vowel,
A booming voice echoes,
“Memento mori”
I’m not perfect I know,
But please give me a chance,
Give me a chance to prove myself,
Allow me to tear off this mask at once,
This crimson speckled mask.

Thank you my dear,
You have set me free,
Now let this be upon me,
I will now perform my greatest act,
And pull off this wretched mask,
As I tug and tug,
I am not released,
For years I try,
Why won’t it come off?
Will I ever be free,
The mask is all I know,
It has been with me through thick and thin,
This so-called wretched mask,
Is it me?  
What constitutes my identity?
What features make me,
It is as though I have never left those chains,
No matter how far I run,
No matter how many twists and turns,
His voice follows me,
“Memento mori”,
I’ve reached the end of my crossroad,
I must die.
Sep 2024 · 58
Andrew Fukunaga Sep 2024
Romance burns in seas of passion,
Capable of drowning those who are not careful,
I apologize for intertwining our souls,
This twisted image that we find
Looking back at ourselves in the mirror,
Spewing words that can corrupt a mind,
I’m sorry my love.

Our words held a unanimous promise,
Unbreakable at its core,
Yet here I remain.
Held captive in an unimaginable sea of pain,
Masked in romance.
Upon this crimson bed of broken pacts,
I lay serving my penance.

— The End —