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EmperorOfMine  Dec 2018
EmperorOfMine Dec 2018
I'd wonder how I got so high
Up in this glass sea of a sky
But I have you to teach me why
You woke my wings so I could fly
A Prince, you are, that's way too kind
You've seen my worth within your eyes
But I won't lie and say I mind
When all is taken, we're just guys

A battlefield you met me on
A place you had no place to be
I, a poor kid, my life was gone
But you of all were royalty
And sought me out risking your name
No one would have thought you were sane
Yet saving me, you did, with glee
For that, I am truly happy

Two kids of war
Now Groom and Groom
A tale of sorts
Should have some room
We've made it far
Just you and me
A lot was hard
Sometimes crazy
My ever after
And Forevermore
Thank you, my king
Whom I adore
Xasriel Dawn, Prince of Munitus
Vanul Dawn, Bridegroom to Xasriel Dawn

Make It A Disney Prince Movie

— The End —