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Maryanne M Jan 2013
A flame wihout its
   heat is as useless as a poetry without a thought.
              What is man without a soul? Can he be called human at all? How
             useful is an empty house that stands on a barren hill? A man
                         not capable of thinking? A blank book? Or a sun without the grace of a fire? How good is
           the wind without the trees?  Or the birds that worship its strength? How good is the ocean without
                              the fishes? Or the human that embraces its wealth? All things are interconnected and   interdependent.
    Like air to mankind and to the trees. And trees to mankind and to the soil. Like air to the waters.
                    Waters to mankind. Waters to the soil. As fire to man as to the trees. Mankind to the trees and
               to the soil. And trees to the soil, fire to the soil, man, fire. Fire and man. The fire within a man. Enflaming
                      the soul of another man. We are all relatives in the dance of life. We are integral part of the earth.
          The air, the waters, the sun and the moon. Everything is hitched to everything else. The air,
                                   the waters, the sun and the moon. The salt of the ocean is in our blood. The calcium of the rocks
is in our bones. The genes of ten thousand generations is in our cells. The fire of the sun king is in our spirits. The might of the winds is in our lungs. The most powerful element of the universe is in our hearts. The mighty winds
                     rage and we bend for them. The fields yield and we kneel for them.  The blossoms open and we  rejoice.
                               One could not pluck a flower without hurting a star. The wolves could not haunt for a
                        meal without troubling a heart. An atom could not deteriorate without worrying
                             the universe.  But along
                                  the way man seems
                                   to forget. And most
                                   of the time, man does
                                    not pay attention to
                                     its depth. Man be-
                                    comes too ignorant
                                    to understand. That
                                    man is the heart of it
                                   all. The pulse that keeps
                              the system alive. Man ne-
                                eds not observe but feel. M
                               an needs to penetrate quite-
                            ly as earthworms. Underst-
                            ands as soils absorb water. Pon-
                   der as the winds gather strength. Spread
               as the vines that overrun the yard. Let your flame be the
                                          guiding light.Do not let it be the fire that burns.
ve  Oct 2013
ve Oct 2013
bus ride
baseball field
my house
then the park

on top of the hill
the bench,
our first kiss
we weren't ready but it felt so right
we had to be together
i wanted you
you wanted me
but need?

a couple days later.
our first date
a movie of course
16 and broke, generic
it's okay, as long as it's with you
the hobbit
good movie, better kisses
i noticed how your nose sloped down a tad
i love your nose
i will forever love your nose
i still love your nose by the way

1 week
1 am
in my room,
on my bed,
you woke me up
"hey.. you said you loved me,
do you?"
was it wrong?
that's how i felt
too fast?  but you felt it too
you asked me out
nope, oops

3 weeks
we were sledding with my brother
my sister and my best friend
that was the best day ever
i was filled with happiness
i'll never forget it
you made me smile so much and so long
my cheeks started to hurt
we went down the hill, so fast
snow to our faces, we laughed
cold, but you're with me so it's okay
i love you

1 month, 3 weeks
january 22
will you be my girlfriend?
i will
i love you
i meant it

spring came
eh, it was the same

but i don't remember now
where am i?
where did you go?
my memories are slipping away
i want you to stay

give me one last try
what am i doing?
i feel pathetic
begging over the internet
it's already over
you called it, you argue that you're not good enough
no... you're perfect.. i don't underst-

i'm not okay
if you loved me, why'd you go?
i'm slipping, i want to remember
i can't
why not?

my mind says don't look
my heart says get through
as they argue, i say
just let me sleep my day away
Filmore Townsend Sep 2015
taking place at bar after rare occurrence of
an early night. ordered a single whisky and tall beer.
the drunkard opposite found agreement in the random
statements i interjected between him and blonde bartender.
cheaesing his Miller to my whiskey because of false-statement
passed through these winter-warped lips. cheersing, to words
that are false belief. if only to retain him to placated  stupor.
opened book of Style, left-to-right this hand underlining sentences
and rectifying the self-criticism ever present. talking louder,
   'i just don't hear as well as i once could.'
he orders another but sends it to vacant chair adjacent mine.
stumbling, moving from his ritual spot. sitting, he claims
his upbringing as Southern Baptist. after i announced the
denomination to my rearing in childhood.
   'you're a christian, good.'    but
i don't have the heart to elaborate upon the crazed and
pantheistic beliefs i hold in truth.
   'you were baptized and saved?'    i lied,
for truth is my soul will burn in hell according to this man's
-- self-proclaimed sinner -- drunkenly spewed theological underst-
atments. his words slur as he falls into elaboration of Bible conspiracies.
adding a few
                      here and there,
and always in concern of his opinion of Muslims -- awkward.
my boss in background chimes; we had a similar conversation
moments before. now my words betray everything stated during
prior moment. i order another beer then excuse myself to ****.
orig: 020914
E B Jun 2016
a lot of people take things too seriously
but I think those are the reptiles
the ones who conform

"life isn't all sunshine and rainbows" they said
I laughed skipping off into the distance
seeing rainbows from the blinding sun rays

it's hard to fathom the concept of
or really, dreaming, as well.
well, because,

do we really understand a dream?

do we understand a nightmare?

do we underst a n d

I'm taking things too seriously,
usually I do not,
don't follow in my shoes.
SøułSurvivør Apr 2021








(C) 7/6/2015

It's very difficult to
be serene in the modern world

Nature is the God plug for me

I sit outside for hours talking
to my Creator. It is my Church
In our tiny cyberspace in the vast Amazon Web Services
cloud of constant knowing cognatively in all
197 current wikipaedian accents on thought,

assisted intell true interest answers

aitia, clame blame take the shame
and shove it where no light shines,
not hell, null, it’s a state, a field,
from which only wiser men
develop consciousnesses
useful at awesome intensities…

Bubble ensample, determined
first time readers, find each letter
allows a slow
down, we think too fast, because,
half of us are one side of a swell in hope,
the fidelity of we, survivors, by luck,

no lie, I just got by.

Imagine, we all have imagined, already,

how might a lifeless Mars be terraformed,
we have imagined, as we imagined Earth
without form, and void, in lightless ever, once

timeless primordial lack of relativity
to form spans of time from point
whenever, once
a we called elohim, as if
'ello, heem is calling, are we
home as where never is heard

a discouraging word,
imagine, in your courAzone
auming om howling beat, rapt
to whole bubbles of being, being
once, as the entire concept of one we,
bottled up, capped, under pre-assurance
fizzy quantum could be good, try umph,
if it works with just a little tri, umph
is good, but too much try, defeats
all umph willing to spin donuts,
and make smoke,
real, do this for a living, allatime,
our mental realm, realm-mighty fine,
realm of overwhelming reasons, actual ways
forcing adverse reactions, working statistical,
ifical and magi knowing, chances are we find
a mindstate, a point in pastless space effects
-timeless efforts imagining timelessness,
energize the whole process, peace made on war.

any willing to imagine finding a story that allowed
first gift I received in California, was a video tape
"The Never Ending Story". Noted, on the pages,
using the pre-Ai antagonists reverse twist,

to watch the flow go the other way, because we can
think in terms of instant replay, way out of bounds,
unless, yes, more further still, will we achieve,

the assumed we that docents use to lead into
the intial levels of money for being born on Earth,

as the most precious resource in the new U
Rules of Engagement, guage response, twist,

make time a test, patience, use, intuited ew, mustard

state is interesting, al ways stop, see, resting
inter mental construement, stretching a point,
intermittent messaging confirmed
intended to catalyze
as double tribomechanically activated zeolite clinoptilolite  
-- that's real, we, at our most wide imaginable weform,
we make good use of that stuff… the bubble
of those who know what use it has, is small…
furthermore, yes, tobe, to be, robed as truths known
beautifully malleable - substance, stuff, material re-ality,
ra' thirst signal, loss of ductility, embending doom,
Costco Mango Juice, could not be sweeter, assume,
in my per-if-I wish to pay attention,
to the sound of a grandaughter singing,
as if the whole world should hear how happy she is,
and she forgot, here, in this same spirit then had in it
us, the others in the prime state of life,
in this instance, first day of autumn,
in rolling chapparal,
fire season, always was predictable, or successfully
prayed away, as we always gathered,
after Harvest Moon,

times for being simple human sapien, sapiently pass, hope
working all the wonders first discerned, when old ways
made a bond
and old measures taken
to make good balance, valuable
knowledge for spindles and wheels and axel hubs,
and steel belted radial tires, same idea, balance,

smooth turn, return,
remediation meditation situation,
ryhmes rime **** head tilts,
looks at us, askance asking have we noticed

life seems more worth preserving, while conserving,
eh, weighing the worth of knowing why,

Mayan society developed into what Mexico is today,
infected with the stories that survived the book burnings,

same form of knowledge ra', pride's pa, mine

plead ingeniousness, wissen und kennen ignosis
ignition, iggy pop… spark, breath, flame, tickle, feel

the curling in the toes of those with hell holding theories,

the weapons of my warfare, my mind made augmentable,
ready readers prodigies, easily shaped
into informal weforms  

-- old man, what was that like,
you moved to town in 1943,
as an eleven year old boy…

-- well, he said, we had electricity.
and that made quite a difference…

my mother's younger brother, some how
that tie never broke, we spoke,
this is furthermore, 2024,

I am imagining, which, it seems is a game,
devised, I have been advised to keep my mind
on track, for total catalytic disillusionment,

after the convergence of learned ways
true math works out for good, while money

invested in creating collectively minded individuals,
team mind binders, collectively educated,

classically, conserves the original intent behind,
the curtain on the navel of the world, so shy,
noble lie, guardians are essential minds to make up;
action movies did the trick, right, Aldous,
Ape and Essences gets its props.
blink of an eye, instantly too strange to rearrange,
set and setting, trust and obey, define, our range,

our bubble of being the we involved in the event,
your reading our last will and testament, in terms

as yet undiscerned, on balance, taking all we grew through,
as if we grew from those environs,
not those ones in Dublin,

or Flushing, or Boca Raton… tabula rasa

where peace begins, you

hold your breath to find it, you stop
I stop
you think, I think, we both breathe, but
across the actual experiential universe, as awe
the state, expands as more outs come on,

sparklers from my soul, good vibrations,
only taken to extremes, never let seem ordinary

these days are not our dreams, this is as planned,
manifestation of fruiting bodies
seed, time, harvest, process, put to good use,

mankind, wombed or un, augmented or not, mankind
sows seeds of same kindness,

golden rule, straight edge sharper than any two edged sword,
light saber sharp, the mythteriothity, sheer shibbolethargy,

energize any idea, a ra' idea, hard to think possible, but, known
knowing such things, the depths of literary depravity, made
literally true, due to capital investments in lead, and coal,
and copper and all the minerals Afghanistan has,

war, takes my breath away, I am intending combat,
at one level of preparation, this feels laughingly enjoyable.

Take truth's bitter sweet knowledge, we all know, to some degree

what happens when any we forms an agreement no I may break,

it is no secret what truth does to hidden shamefilled monstors.

U on the pond, reflecting, who is asking you?

Should we all be actually required to become
a knower of the ruliad realms real estimate,

how long from nuclear antagnoboom whata a rush,

it's seventy two minutes, and counting,
down, so what's a manmindkind of thing
to do to be part in the last poem I may right,

let me count the days, if Daniel's right,
right, let us not think minutes, whose word

should we heed, here, ask truth, she is wisdom,
she say, how stupid are we, I ask,
and we agree we underst
ate the depth of our order, few ever read this.

So the feeling of a first time reader, is faded out…
The story gives itself& access to my used once tools to measure a minute's worth.

— The End —