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Aneesh H Jan 2020
Am I to be blamed,
your alluring eyes
Captivate mine
And my mind

And angels in Heaven
Unleash their wrath upon me
For ignoring them?

Your eyes have already said
What your lips struggle to withhold

Your eyes betray a sense of victory
Yet, little do you know
What my heart has won!

Or perhaps, it doesn't matter...?
Madhu, in many Indian languages means honey. Madhura is the feeling akin to honey, sweet, ageless, pure love. It is not a love that wants to barter for a gain or an aim. It is natural and selfless. Like Meera's love for Krishna.
True love is perhaps true salvation. It is rarest of the rare. It needs not validation by tradition nor a certification by custom. Yet, it is not immoral. It is pure. It is rare, hence sweet: like the nectar created by countless honey-bees through the labour of day and night.
Shivpriya Mar 2020
Tumi āmāra manēra mā!

I have my parents heart inside me!
They keep dwelling on the importance
of their forthrightly solemn affirmation!

Help me not be in strenuous struggle with the constraining reasonability and logical forcedness.

Help me to be discreet so that I can cheerfully bow down to thee and carry the prayer in my heart!
-Tumi sabacēẏē madhura!

Notes: Tumi āmāra manēra mā means
Mother, you are in the heart!
Tumi sabacēẏē madhura means
You are the sweetest!


— The End —