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Don Lane and Graham Kennedy entertain in the after life cafe

Don lane '.    Oh yeah I am putting on my top hat, and I also wear nothing else
Because I am dead now, and I don't have to worry about being appropriately dressed,
And I also have a lady sitting over at the bar, and she has great looking legs and *****,
I want to go over to her, hey lady, how are you going today
Lady'.  I am fine, and I am Marilyn Monroe
Don Lane'.   I would've loved to interview on my show
Marilyn'.  No, I heard the afterlife was a good place for me, I was famous in life, I don't want to be famous here.
Don Lane'.  Ok let's go to this table, I know you as well, refresh my memory
And yes Ricky May poured sixteen ice cubes all over Don and
Don said  well, obviously these people didn't want to be famous, ok, who are you
Man said'.  I am Don Bradman
Don Lane'.  You died before me, have you showed the afterlife how you played cricket
Don Bradman'. Yes, and we beat Saturn by 15 runs, and I finally averaged 100, it is pretty cool
Don Lane'.   Who do you play next
Don Bradman'.  Well this weekend we play the Martians from Mars
Don Lane'.  Well here is Graham Kennedy with his after life song
Well I said I wouldn't make it here
Because of the weird joked I told
And I thought the devil will own my soul
But I was stood up straight and tall
Felthad a weird beer up here, they call it AAAA
And I have always wondered since that say
What does the A mean
Then it hit me, oh silly me
The A meant Afterlife
And we are with Ricky May and Tony Grieg
And Don Bradman and Joh Bjieke peterson
Yes, this afterlife is so much fun with a AAAA in my hand,
Ok Don Lane let's parry in the afterlife
Don Lane'.  Ok thanks Graham, now here is Bon Scott with his after life song
The clouds are shaking
And the moon is rocking with the men who are put in there
To scare bad guys away from doing evil on earth
And yes, AC/DC are still going strong on Earth
And I am doing well up here , because it is so easy, man
To be fit and healthy up here, I said you
Shook the after life, all night long
Oh yeah baby, you
Shook the afterlife, all night long
Don Lane'. See you next time, bye
Walking in the path,
A small foot path,
Made under the shade of trees,
By flattened grass of walking feets.
Walking and moving in endless thoughts,
I have reached a narrow muddy path,
I look behind and see a long empty lane,
I look forward again.....

I see a small endless muddy lane,
It's covered
Datura and Gum Arabic trees...
One is poisonous vespertine flowering plant another a thorny ****...
It's a narrow Lane we call it "Pagdandi"....a narrow Lane made in mud by people walking on it over and over again,

This lane has been unknown to me,
Miles and miles and destination less....
I heard my heart,
and here I am walking on this lane...
For unpredictable future...
It was dusty, dry and thorny...

I don't know IT'S destination,
I don't know "MY" destination..

Life is also just like this,
Endless lawns of meaningless green pasteurs...
Empty, silent sprinkled with colors,
When I move a nameless destination awaits..
And the desire to reach the destination keeps me moving...

In between I cross the tarred black roads, long like snakes,
I compare the black tarred road to relatives and friends who knock on our door,
They come smile, laugh and go...
And when I cross the road
I am left in the same muddy lane...
This muddy lane, I wonder,
Is it not a reflection of Life??

Everyone has a dream,
some even work on fulfilling the dream,
But, If one does achieve the dream even then,
Is not life just the same again??

Don't we all finally desire
Home cooked good food,
Eaten around happy faces,
In a place we call home,
Where our family lives...!!

Is not the life we had before is what we want later ??

But somewhere in the corner of heart
One aspires so much..
Wealth, Comfort, Desires, Name, Fame, Success...
All this in the name of HAPPINESS....!!

But the road to all this is same muddy lane we call "Pagdandi"...
Happiness is with all of them,
Who were thr in my thoughts...
When I walked in that lane...
Happiness is in the "muddy dusty lane"
Filled with thorns of Gum Arabic tree (babool)
Poisonous vespertine flowers of Datura plants...
Happiness is in walking in life what path we come across...
Happiness is making memories and filling it with laughter, stories and smiles.


Sparkle in Wisdom.
#pagdandi is a small muddy lane created by people walking on it.
Don Lane and Graham Kennedy entertain in the after life cafe

Don lane '.    Oh yeah I am putting on my top hat, and I also wear nothing else
Because I am dead now, and I don't have to worry about being appropriately dressed,
And I also have a lady sitting over at the bar, and she has great looking legs and *****,
I want to go over to her, hey lady, how are you going today
Lady'.  I am fine, and I am Marilyn Monroe
Don Lane'.   I would've loved to interview on my show
Marilyn'.  No, I heard the afterlife was a good place for me, I was famous in life, I don't want to be famous here.
Don Lane'.  Ok let's go to this table, I know you as well, refresh my memory
And yes Ricky May poured sixteen ice cubes all over Don and
Don said  well, obviously these people didn't want to be famous, ok, who are you
Man said'.  I am Don Bradman
Don Lane'.  You died before me, have you showed the afterlife how you played cricket
Don Bradman'. Yes, and we beat Saturn by 15 runs, and I finally averaged 100, it is pretty cool
Don Lane'.   Who do you play next
Don Bradman'.  Well this weekend we play the Martians from Mars
Don Lane'.  Well here is Graham Kennedy with his after life song
Well I said I wouldn't make it here
Because of the weird joked I told
And I thought the devil will own my soul
But I was stood up straight and tall
Felthad a weird beer up here, they call it AAAA
And I have always wondered since that say
What does the A mean
Then it hit me, oh silly me
The A meant Afterlife
And we are with Ricky May and Tony Grieg
And Don Bradman and Joh Bjieke peterson
Yes, this afterlife is so much fun with a AAAA in my hand,
Ok Don Lane let's parry in the afterlife
Don Lane'.  Ok thanks Graham, now here is Bon Scott with his after life song
The clouds are shaking
And the moon is rocking with the men who are put in there
To scare bad guys away from doing evil on earth
And yes, AC/DC are still going strong on Earth
And I am doing well up here , because it is so easy, man
To be fit and healthy up here, I said you
Shook the after life, all night long
Oh yeah baby, you
Shook the afterlife, all night long
Don Lane'. See you next time, bye
Tina ford  Jul 2015
Memory lane
Tina ford Jul 2015
Let's take a walk mum,
A memory walk,
Down that lane,
That's not the same, to you,

Let's have a talk mum,
A memory talk,
In that lane,
That's not the same, to you,

Let us remember mum,
Remember it all,
That the lane,
Is the same,

Can you remember me mum,
It's me, your T,
Please remember me,
I'm the same,
I am that lane,

That lane we walked,
That lane where we talked,
That lane filled with love,
Do you remember,
Do you remember,

Let's take a walk mum,
A long, long walk,
And visit your memories,
We will talk,
Along that lane.
A boy aged young
With a soul of many
Walked down Dreadful Lane
Bravery a plenty
He walk with merry
Where others became insane

No doubt in his heart
He saw a large house
Walking down Dreadful Lane
With large spider legs
And no regard for life
This had made others insane

The boy just smiled
Waved his hand in hello
And continued down Dreadful Lane
It was a busy street
With creatures and teachers
All who were completely insane

Angry snakes slithered slowly
Cockroaches of infinite holdings
Scurrying down Dreadful Lane
Eyes with no home
the fires of souls
The dead madly insane

The bats covering the birds
The grass perfectly parallel to the rain
Flying down Dreadful Lane
A carnivor seven
And the body of nine
Where making six insane

The blood on the trees
The teeth in the curb
Riddled through Dreadful Lane
Screws screaming from the pain
Masks laughing from pleasure
And the boy was still not insane

Still with a smile
He waved fairwell
As he turned off Dreadful Lane
But on the next street
He was surprised to meet
The girl who would make him insane.
Jude kyrie  Nov 2016
Haven Lane
Jude kyrie Nov 2016
Haven Lane
Jude Kyrie

The night brings dreams where specters host
Old memories coming alive like forgotten  ghost
I am looking to find  haven lane.
The place where i will be safe again.
Down the pathway
Along to the sea
I find the roads
but not for me.
In the fog the house lights glow
Blinking in air as white as snow

Where is my mother  she's here again
Cutting fruit for a pie at haven Lane
Her old  chair creaking in pain
As she carves apple skins at haven lane.

I know she's there at haven lane.
I must find haven lane again.
Grandmother cast a stitch of knitting
It's shapeless length the moments flitting.
growing stitch by stitch as she is sitting.
Clicking ceaselessly  in Haven Lane
Knit one purl one cast one
Clickity clicking again and again

Outside, In the fog, I feel the pain.
Cutting my flesh wide open again
Dreams  wash away in the morning rain
I am Lost and alone like haven lane
Dreamscapes and nightmares
Autumn Rose Sep 2017
I met my love
down the cherry lane,
Oh, down the old cherry lane
while stars were shining above

I kissed my darling
down the cherry lane,
Oh, down the old cherry lane
while the branches bend and swing

I farewelled my lover
down the cherry lane,
Oh, down the old cherry lane
while the moon made the night brighter
Jackie Mead  Jul 2018
Memory Lane
Jackie Mead Jul 2018
I wander down memory lane
Crossing corn fields, climbing over farm gates
Meandering through cobbled streets
Golden sandals on my feet
Tanned skin glowing, oh so brown
Smiling, laughing never a frown

I wander down memory lane
Swimming in blue sea, climbing rocks,
surfing in the choppy sea
I have a feeling of being young and carefree
Holding hands with my love, hands fit together like one soft glove

I wander down memory lane
Christmas tree standing tall, dropping needles on the floor
Mulled wine warming on the stove
Christmas tunes playing on the radio
Wrapping presents for the children, while they sleep
Presents wrapped, stored safely away from their keep

I wander down memory lane
This time a road trip to foreign lands
Car packed full to the brim, clothes, games, buckets and spades
Walking along glitzy promenades
Dip our toes in the warm ocean, walk on golden sands
Play mini golf, ride on a big dipper, have a late supper, go to the circus, catch a band

I wander down memory lane
To March and an usually warm sunny day
My wonderful Dad by my side, i step out the car a smile a mile wide
Todays the day I say i do for the rest of my days
It all goes by so quickly and in a bit of a fuzzy warm haze

I wander down memory lane
Full of wonderful memories and happy days
I wander down memory lane
Just for a while
The memories i recall making me smile
Its lovely to wander even just for a while
2 years on Thursday i lost my Dad, the weekend has been about remembering such happy times.
Penelope Winter Jan 2018
A rocking chair sits
On the porch
Of a house
On the corner of ol’ Honey Lane.
It looks over fields of lavender stems
And rocks with the wind and the rain.
I grew up walking past it,
On ol’ Honey Lane,
And would sometimes drop by for a swing.
I brought books and some snacks,
Played with dollies and jacks,
This poor rocker withstood everything.
I grew a bit older but kept coming back
To my rocker on ol’ Honey Lane.
I’d bring it my sorrows and rock til the morrow,
Forgetting my worries and pain.
The gentle caressing of lavender lullabies
Scattered the clouds of grey.
And whene’er I was lonely, I knew that only
My rocker could brighten my day.
Still older I grew and soon began dreaming
Of cities more couth and refined.
So I hopped on a plane, fled my ol' Honey Lane
And left my poor rocker behind.
I traded my jeans for a dazzling dress,
And dollies for wine and pearls.
But nothing within could dare to trade in

The mem’ry of that young, little girl.
The girl who spent hours watching lavender fields,
On the corner of ol’ Honey Lane.
I knew without haste, there was no time to waste,
I had to go find her again.
So back home I flew, to see family and friends,
To smell lavender waft through the air.
I ran to the porch of the old corner house,
And saw my dear old rocking chair.
I hopped on it’s seat, kicked my feet off the ground,
And remembered the wind and the rain.
As the sun went to sleep in the lavender fields,
So I slept on my rocker
On ol’ Honey Lane.

- p. winter
John Jordan Apr 2013
this message is brought
by those who fought
for lover's lane is now a vacant lot

I heard that at it's birth
lover's lane encompassed the earth
like a grand equator
the ultimate curator
of all things love
but then a dark mass came from above
it was a ball of cynism
and under the haze of malaise
created a schism

then like ripples in a pond
the schism ripped at the bond
that held lover's lane together
maybe it was cynism that allowed the darkness to see
that lover's lane was only real,
because of ideals held within you and me

the darkness knew it's route
was to first take root in the minds of the people
then gives it's followers the suit
and make the corporation it's steeple

the suits were faithful to their creed
called the gospel of greed
yet there was still a need
that they had to feed
that money could not buy
and believe me they would try
and try, and try
and try

deep down their apathy
was agony
happiness the supreme ideal
but all they wanted was to feel
they went to their vices
such as cellular devices
that created a virtual reality
that could make them virtually happy
for once they could virtually say
they were virtually ok
not in reality
the reality was they were desperately trying to forget
they were sardines trapped in the net

the net was growing too
misery likes company
but really loves a corporation
but what were we to do?
it had spread across the nations
lover's lane was shrinking
all we were thinking
was could love ever thrive agian?
could it even survive? when...
the darkness was so thorough
containing lover's lane to merely a borough

we tried to make them see
all that love can be
we tried with all forms of art
wrote, and spoke from the heart
but the suits were indifferent
they just didn't care
I realized then and there
that I'd be just one of the few numerals
at loves eminent funeral
wearing a suit
and after a tear, I'd start my commute
to be the corporation's next recruit

— The End —