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The Trees like Tassels—hit—and swung—
There seemed to rise a Tune
From Miniature Creatures
Accompanying the Sun—

Far Psalteries of Summer—
Enamoring the Ear
They never yet did satisfy—
Remotest—when most fair

The Sun shone whole at intervals—
Then Half—then utter hid—
As if Himself were optional
And had Estates of Cloud

Sufficient to enfold Him
Eternally from view—
Except it were a whim of His
To let the Orchards grow—

A Bird sat careless on the fence—
One gossipped in the Lane
On silver matters charmed a Snake
Just winding round a Stone—

Bright Flowers slit a Calyx
And soared upon a Stem
Like Hindered Flags—Sweet hoisted—
With Spices—in the Hem—

’Twas more—I cannot mention—
How mean—to those that see—
Vandyke’s Delineation
Of Nature’s—Summer Day!
Babu kandula Jul 2014
Never thought of this
Thing that could happen
Very soon
Happiness lost my soul
Sadness filling instead
I am all alone
Looking for the light
Sitting in the darkness
Hope someday will
Come and change everything
This is what life they say
Ups and downs
Making the path
Of life
Some shine and
Some moon light
I need today
Lin Cava Oct 2010
Reflecting Pool
Revised 12-31-17

The mirror never tells the story,
no matter how we live our lives;
Never shines upon our glory.
When all is said, it's who survives.

I was there when those twin towers
became a shadow in the sky,
Now we go and toss our flowers
and leave; a tear in every eye.

Where have we come today -
from such a yesterday?
What will tomorrow have us say?

When the snow comes down
And covers sacred ground
Listen for their hallowed, whispered sound.

So I turn my eyes toward learning
Future times already flying by.
Ignore the pain that's borne of yearning
To bring back simple days run dry.

Where have we come today –
from such a yesterday?
What will tomorrow have to say?

The mirror never tells the story,
no matter how we live our lives;
Never shines upon our glory.
When all is said, it's who survives.

When the snow comes down
And covers sacred ground
Hear their hallowed whispered sound.

Lin Cava ©

In 2001, in a multitude of coordinated acts, the United States of America was attacked on home ground.  We must never forget the fallen.
There must be a time when we collect a debt for a Nation, the survivors of those lost and the thousands of lost souls.

During the September 11 attacks of 2001, 2,996 people were killed (including 19 terrorists) and more than 6,000 others wounded.[1][2] These immediate deaths included 265 on the four planes (including the terrorists), 2,606 in the World Trade Center and in the surrounding area, and 125 at the Pentagon.[3][4] The attacks were the deadliest terrorist act in world history, and the most devastating foreign attack on American soil since the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.[5]

Lin Cava ©
Creative Commons
Tuesday, September 11, 2001, a sad day in American history a day of grief and mass lost. A day of confusion and fear. A day where more than fear itself was to be feared.
 The September 11 attacks killed 2,996 people and injured more than 6,000 others. Deaths included 265 on the four planes, 2,606 in the World Trade Center and in the surrounding area, and 125 at the Pentagon. These deaths were cruel and unnecessary. These people died early than they had to. 40 brave men and woman took down a hijacked plane to stop it from possibly crashing into the white house or the capitol building, where congress was in session that day. A total of  44 people died on that plane, that includes the 4 hijackeres. A memorial was built for all the deaths on that day but it will never be enough for the people who lost their friends and family.
Infamous one  Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
This guy decided to jump back into the dating world; after a few years of being single, he gave himself time to grow, and learned about himself.

He dated all the wrong girls; before most of them didn't know, what they wanted, or kept it casual. This was all new to him, since he lacked confidence, but on his first try things would be a successful.
The first girl he would ask out said "yes" they would have a romantic dinner in the college community; where they both attended.

He remembered going to prom alone, on this date things felt right. He grew up less fortunate, so he didn't date much. He was private person, most all didn't want others thinking less of him.

A very late bloomer, who didn't drive because his friends would drive him. On this date they would walk to this establishment; hand in hand talking to get one another. Sharing stories getting to know one another.

Not that skin tone matters, but he grew up in an all brown community. this girl he was dating was half black and white such a beautiful mixture in his eyes. His family was traditional sounds racist, stay with your people, he did not agree or believe it should be that way.

She was into him, but this was all new to him. Most of the time, if he was into anyone; they'd friend zone him. He always heard them complain or comfort them about their current relationship; he knew how to listen, and keep a secret.

This date was all new
Graff1980  Dec 2020
Untitled 606
Graff1980 Dec 2020
Bad morning,

I say that it’s okay
to bare all the pain

The sun is not
shining brightly
but smites me,
with harsh rays.

Dull day,

I sour and curdle
fall over the hurdles
I was trying to bound.

Dark present,

dreary moment,
I should own it
but my disposition
makes me hate
all the things
I once thought were great;

Except for the nighttime,

a sweet release,
as I go to sleep,
and don’t have to think,
until tomorrow
when I awaken refreshed,
with more optimistic words.

— The End —