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Micahel De Tomasso
Lewisville, Texas    To begin. I'm the one with the white shirt, and my sunglasses hanging on my chest..I was born in Brooklyn, NY. Moved to California at …
Canaan Massie
My mind is very cluttered. My thoughts are scrambled and my ideas dull. But I have to relieve my subconscious every now and again.
Anthony Casamassima
36/Cisgender Male/United States, NC    Musician, Educator & Lyricist | Free eBook:
Jamil Massa
32/M/Indonesia    A father, a reader, a poetry lover.
Jeffery Massey
62/M/Chicago    Native of Chicago, Illinois and a Viet Nam Era U.S. Air Force veteran. Master's in Special Education Saint Xavier University. Massey, is the author of …
Massi Lee
Brooklyn    Subway rants // hypersexual perpetually sad thoughts
I was born....under a wandering star......I love my life, my freinds and my family. We are the music makers and the dreamers of the dream.
Phoebe Thomasson
45/F/Dorset, UK    Artist & writer, just learning my trade in words.
Australia    I’ve had a lifetime love affair with writing, literally any sort of writing, but only recently has it become my sole earning activity. I’ve written …
AmandaLou Massingill
50/F/Dallas, TX    Just another wannabe poet, in love with words.
Jade Massey
Hell.    Hullo. The name's Jade and I am sixteen. I want to be a poet and a novelist. I am a Sophomore at Cypress Lakes Highschool.
Sydney Massey
Caitlin Virginia Massey
Texas    "Love him who deserves it the least, because that's when he needs it the most."
Olivia Massey
Olivia Massey
New Jersey    If it doesn't hurt, it never happened.
Katie Massei
louisville    wondering around my mind.
Katrice  Massey
Washington, Dc    32 year old Lesbian stud dom Cool, love people a future journalist That writes poetry of any kind. My inspiration and Idols are God, Jesus …
I do not exist.    when I was young, I was the queen of carrot flowers.

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