Australia is on fire
and I imagine that I can smell
the burning fur and flesh of
animals I can’t even name.
I’m full of ****.
The truth of me is that
bushfires a world away
are not the reason
I haven’t been dry
a day since Christmas.
The World’s Problems
do not keep me awake.
Syrian children with melted skin
won’t ever feel as real as
knowing I have not looked -really looked
into the eyes of my own in months.
The m&m’s the Vraylar drug rep brought are real though
they are as real as the number on the scale.
Which is at least as real as my boss
when she used the words “corrective action.”
Which was at least as real as my ex-husband
who is back to the job of propping up his half of my life.
Which is at least as real as The Boy who is a friend turned stranger
who wrote the poem I stole those words from.
It’s turtles all the way down.