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X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$I HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$I HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$I HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$I HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$I HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$I HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$I HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$I HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$I HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$I HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$I HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$I HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$I HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$HAVE MADE A CONTRACT WITH OTHER TROLLS\/\/\/>/..™™™™™™™™™ NO MORE TROLL KILLING FOR NO ONE. I WILL LIKE POEMS NOT KILLIE KILLIE ANY BODY\;;:::-#-$--$+=+;+(=(+=+$(@)@9+#-@(=--@-=-$-$-
X MAN 01160346661221298000000044166909

;$$&$&$&$&$&$&#&&#Entry---@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@ XMAN IS NOT MR L,GARY ,/\/\/>>/>///>/>/HE IS INNOCENT I WAS GOING BY THE NAME DRACULACRACKINGYETTY TWO YEARS AGO NOW IM DONE/>\>\>£>£>..£..¢.£..£.£.¢¢¥¢¥¢¥¢¥£¥¢¥LET THE TROLLS DIE OUT BY THEIR OWN SWORD//\/\/\/\/\/\/.\/.\//\/\//.\/\
Eridan Ampora Aug 2014
I admit that in the past I was a nice guy
But I think it's time I better make a switch
So you'll find that nowadays
I've changed all my ways!
I've slaughtered, spilled their blood, oh yes a switch!
Oh Yes!
And I fortunately don't care about you
It's a feeling that I do not posses
Oh my fans, I think it's time
To end them all just like those Limes
Of all the Trolls so the story can progress

Poor Unfortunate Trolls!
In Pain,In Need!
D--> That one longing to be less Sweaty
This one wwants to get the girl
Should I help them?

Poor Unfortunate Trolls
So sad, so true
they come flocking to the fourth wall crying
Please Hussie, Please!
and do I help them?

Now it's happened once or twice
I did something really nice
but then next update

And I hear your sighs and complaints
but I simply am a Saint! (I made them after all)
To these Poor Unfortunate Trolls


Every Troll in either Session will be Slaughtered!
There's a lot of trolls to ****, that's for sure.
The Kids in either session may stay
but I will **** them another day
and if they die then they'll go god tier *yawn

Until you all adore you Huss
say goodbye since Haitus, my dear fans
In a sweep, and a song
the story will move along
and the pain, yes the pain will start again!

Come on you
Poor Unfortunate Fans
Go ahead
hail your Huss!
I'm the creator
Their Maker
and I've got Eternal life*

If you speak against me
then boohoo

You Poor Unfortunate Trolls
Life *****, for you
If you want to go adventuring
then you have to pay the toll

**** it up and get to dying for me
since I'm in full control!
And with my precious power, dear
All their heads will roll!

*Lime Bloods, they're all dead btw
The one who longs to be less Sweaty is Equius, thats why I put the Bow and Arrow. And Eridan Ampora is the one wwho wwants to get the girl. The --- part is where Dialouge which I'll fix later, comment some lines and I'll thank ya for em Plus I found the center option! WOO,
**read this as agan, not again.
***Inside Joke about Andrew
there are trolls
who are out of control
they daily go  
on their trolling patrols

these trolls can't be locked away
they're ever patrolling
as they so may

out of control
out of control

we must not let anymore of them
take over the place
there is already a few occupying
this patch's space

the trollometer
is an accurate gauge
it has registered
some trolls on the page

if you see trolls
who are acting suspicious
you'll know that their patrols
aren't any too auspicious

out of control
out of control

them trolls
sure need
to be bought
under our control
Logan Robertson Aug 2018
those **** trolls fish for gloom
baiting your roses and bloom
behind their mask and costume
a guise filled with malice loom
there spans from the beasts womb
a monster preying your doom
they take your light to dark displume
like fishes facing the jaws of gloom
eliot watches schools get entomb
like a stepping stone to their fume
it takes no rocket scientist's broom
to sweep the trolls from the classroom
nears the hour of our death, trolls resume

Logan Robertson

I wrote this poem very impromptu, almost with a giggle like motivation. I was smitten with the attention it's receiving however how I wished it was divided, and a poem like, A Workplace Rendezvous (which I like more than this poem), received a peak (wordplay!)_
jeffrey robin  Jan 2015
jeffrey robin Jan 2015

                                                          ~~~        ^^^    ~~~
TROLL : ( one who tries to control the narrative and bend it toward some desired end ---- destructive for the naive reader / most often used to describe implanted government operatives )



Feeding off youthful innocence and uncertainty


Most of the poets here seem to be TROLLS


The debasement of youth sexuality is no accident !


The image of STALKING the ****** object
In order to capture them and control their emotions

And to deny them their FREEDOM


To weaken the nation by driving its children
Into confusion

To turn the sexes against each other

To destroy all future families

And all possibilities of a united front
Against the fraud and criminality of our
Poisonous leaders !


These are not poets !
These are TROLLS !

Read them carefully

Their techniques are subliminal
But become obvious

They SOUND like they are kids too !

They SOUND like they are HURT

But underlying it all is



( TROLLS ! )


They teach that if you OPEN YOURSELVES
( note the violent imagery )

Allows you the status of VICTIM

allows you the option of VIOLENT REVENGE

And in a way reminiscent of our adult torture culture

With threats of DISMEMBERMENT

Not only for the LOVED ONE (sic )

But for FAMILY and FRIENDS !


And all this described as a NATURAL COMPONENT




Here to destroy you
To destroy the nation's Youth

to forever make you unable
to truly love at all !



Promoters of EVIL !

Agents of Alien Entities !

Disguised amongst us as poets !


To rip you up and spit you out as good as dead
Get your RSVP (Respondez s'il vous Plait)

Your presence is cordially invited
(If you please)
To the Troll Invitational Only Ball
Come one , come all !
Only the best heed this call
Featuring the Marque band ,
"Smashing Poets"
Playing their monster hits ,
"Clip You At The Knees" and "The Killer In Me Sets Me Free"

Join in the festivities
As we debase humankind
A great time is guaranteed
For all "Troll" beings
BIG or small
So come one , come all ye Trolls
To the Invitational Ball

Comments :

The Thaumaturge : When we're we supposed to get our invites ?

Thomas A Robinson : What ? You didn't get one ? Must be some kind of oversight !

The T. : I'm sending you hate mail as we speak so that you know my address this time .

TAR. : Will do , I'll be in wait . . . not !

The T. : I don't own a car and I was reading a book literally the other day .

Craig Moore : Is the ball going to be under a bridge ?

TAR. : Of course !

The T. : I feel like I'd be shunned at a trolls only ball since I'm more of an antitroll if anything .

TAR. : Well it takes one to break one .

The T. : Nice to know my efforts don't go unnoticed .

Craig Moore : But there is only one ?

TAR. : Proxy ! ! !

The T. : Oh alright . I've got like a billion of those .

TAR. : That's proxies , not proxy !

The T. : Yeah , I've got a billion proxy .

TAR. : Proxies ! ! !

The T. : No I have a lot of proxy .

TAR. : Ha ha , that sounds moxy !

The T. : Is it just a little bit foxy ?

TAR. : Now I'm shredding your invitation !

The T. : What ! Why ? I thought that would be a perfect example of trolling . Don't make me drop the B-bomb !

TAR. : Trolling - the act of dragging a lure or bait behind a boat in the hopes of attracting a fish to bite the bait or lure becoming hooked and caught . You're troll bait .

The T. : That was the whole proxy/proxies thing ! And as for you , you are a troll incarnate TAR and not even a clever one .
Yeah Thomas ! Leave yourself alone ! Anyway I was supposed to be invited but they tore it up after I arrived .

TAR. : And you call yourself a miracle worker ?

The T. : You want a miracle ! I'll show you a miracle !

TAR. : What ? Hack my account ? Been done already .

The T. : That's not a miracle . Tell me what would impress you ?

TAR. : Simple , eliminate all trolls from here permanately . Should be only a minor miracle .

Tap . Tap . Tap .

TAR. : I see he cannot eliminate even one troll .

The T. : What are you talking about ? They're all gone !

TAR. : Smoke and mirrors . Don't gaslight me ! I'm an optimist . One who sees through fog clearly .

The T. : My only weakness .

TAR. : So put up or shut up .

The T. : Honest is the best policy .

TAR. : Honesty ! ! !

The T. : Thomas A Robinson your obscene proclamations are easily dismissed by adults . What would you do to a child in a public restroom ?

TAR. : I would call you for advice . Whoops ! No I wouldn't ! I would take the knife out of your hand .

The T. : You remove the knife from my hand only to find out that I'm actually a large swarm of bees wearing a trench coat .

TAR. : I would be the bee and tan your hive !

The T. : Maybe make a moovee out of it ?

TAR. : Bagging the killer B's . Pyrethium dreams . Your honey's run dry . You sting me I **** you .

The T. : That'd just **** me twice .

TAR. : Well good night Miracle worker . Don't let the bee mites bite .

The T. : I hate those bee mites , sweet dreams are made of bees .

TAR. : Ha Ha Ha , dear Annie Lennox is fumigating now . You're a Pox on everyone .

Mya-Angel Madden : How dare I miss the Ball of Trolls ! Whatever happened to Lucifer ? **** .

TAR. : Ah , the days of Lucy, when the definition of a troll was perfected !
All others now are just doormats in comparison .

Pintu Mahakul : Join in the festivities and this is very amazing definitely .. .

TAR. : Thank you Pintu Mahakul .
A repost of a poem with comments .

— The End —