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15/Non-binary    Hi, I'm Max. I'm 15 and in 10th grade. I write about serious topics including suicide, depression, anxiety, breakups, body issues, anorexia, etc. Most of ...
18/F/Atlanta, Ga    musician and poet .


Jude kyrie Oct 2015
Can you not feel it?
The warm sun filled glow
shining between us.
You say to me
You are my best friend
Even after we have made tove.

Can you not see it?
The thick fog between us
has  lifted to  only a light  mist..
I need you to stop saying
We are just friends.
you know how many times
we have crossed that line.

Can you not understand that
I ache to hold you close
each time we meet..
That the colors are all brighter.
The air is softer.
And the angel I keep hidden
Inside my heart
comes out and folds
her wings about us.

Can you not believe?
We are best friends
Just like you say we are.
Best friends.
Who  have  now progressed
Into lifelong lovers.
Nagilia Melendez Jun 2015
I'm going to tell you a story,
About a girl,
Who wanted nothing but fame and glory.

She dreamt of days without a worry.
A world when people have no need to be sorry.
She sits back and enjoys the moment,
With music in her ears as her docent.

Tunes from varying artist,
From tove lo, to G eazy, to the weeknd.
Creating moods that she never knew exist.
Everything was just pefect.

It began to rain,
She turns down the volume.
She cries quietly,
Listening to the stories drops create in her brain.

She tries not to remember the pain,
But the memories continued to swirl and destroy her,
Like a bunch of internal hurricanes.
Then, she remembers the relief of cutring open her veins.

She clenches her fists,
She tries to resit.
The voices begin to scream,
Stripping away her self esteem.

She covers her ears,
She continues to Cry!
"No more fears no more fears!"
She pops some pills trying to get high.

But she took too much,
And she dies.
This is just a story,
Of a girl who was used for fame and glory.
#sad #inspiration #suicide #depressed #