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F    Lover of wine, music and writing, and SUPERIOR at being mediocre.


A wild lion will not be contained...

When they say it cannot be done,
When they claim there is no better way to do it,
When they state how it has always been done this way,
When they speak of systems, talk about rules, culture, standards,
When they repeat the old mantra how that's just the way it is,
When you hear the words, *Status Quo,


Roar at the dawning.
Roar upon the noon.
In the middling of night,


In a pride the females do the hunting.

Male watches...

Sometimes he even eats his own children.

Tate Bowers Mar 2013
I rage
I roar
I pull at the restraints like
a mad man who only wants blood
I rage
I roar
They have you!
Locked away to where I can’t see you
They taunt me
They tease me
They look at me as if
I have turned into a savage dog
I rage
I roar
I scream at the top of my lungs your name,
but it only falls on the deaf ears of my tormenters
They are foolish
They don’t check the restraints
They don’t know that the chains
that keep me from you, are about to break
I rage
I roar
They hold a photo of you in front of my face
They ask me with a laugh, “Do you like our handy work?
They have painted your body black and blue
Your eyes…your eyes are swollen shut
I fall to my knees and grow numb
They roar with laughter thinking they have defeated me
Their laughter shakes me to the core,
where it blossoms into a magnificent fire
I rage
I roar
I shake uncontrollably
as I calmly stand with my eyes closed
They have grown silent
The shaking slows and stops
The fire inside of me explodes into an inferno
My eyes snap open and I look them in the eye
I rage
I roar
I pounce at them like a savage dog
tearing them to pieces
I rage
I roar
I run down the hall searching every room for you
It’s the last door I come to where I find you huddled in a dark corner
I fall to my knees with tears of joy leaking from my eyes
I hold you like a newborn baby
Letting you rest your head on my shoulder
You are strong
You are brave
We stand together hand in hand
Leaving this hellish place
No more raging
No more roaring
Jason Cirkovic Jan 2014
I Craw in the Urban Jungle night after night, making shadows my best friend
Because my pale skin would get sunburn in the day time.
Many of you have read about me on the internet,
But don't know if we exist like the Yeti or Bigfoot
Every now and then you see photos of me and hear stories about our existence
But here I am, White, Nerdy and…. Nerdy

Nerdy like the Nerds falling out of the box and skipping on the floor of my lair
(or my parents basement whatever you call it).
Some moments you will find me praying to my shrine for my savior, Weird Al Yankovic

Many of you may call us “ Losers”
But let me take a moment to tell you why you are wrong, in every way.
First off, We are not losers we just win at things that you don't care about
Like the Rubik's Cube, Dungeon and Dragons, and Larping
We don’t care about making friends, getting the poo tang, or getting high off of our *****
No we are too occupied trying to plan how we will survive the zombie apocalypse,
Or debating on if Star Wars is better than Star Track.
We are too busy reading comic books, Leveling up our one handedness
On Skyrim of course.

You think that we are hideous,
But in all reality, my acne improves my defenses against mother nature,
My braces are actually tools that government uses so they can reflect solar flares back to space
I'm ugly because god decided to make me pick up girls on ******* mode because before you Meet me it was way too easy.

Many of you think that we are weak
I may have spaghetti arms, no abs, but you know what, no problem,
Because if you look at my shadow, you see someone that 10 feet tall and bulletproof
I am a nerd, hear me roar.

My roar breaks your paper thin confidence
As it just floats in the wind like leaves, leaving the tree in October
My roar will rock your house with all of your friends leaving you alone because in the end, you May be popular but lets be honest, who are your real friends?
Call me weak, I dare you

Being a nerd has taught me many things
Like don't eat cake because it is deceiving
And that Neo should of taken the blue pill
Because that movie series was terrible.
And that DC Comics is the best, ***** Marvel
But the one thing it taught me the most is that be proud of myself.