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27/F/Malaysia    black ink on a dark page


Robin Carretti Jul 2018
Angry, E-book hunger
Tear diamond drop

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@ The Body-book shop

The Gold bonds his book Hot Rods
She reads about the Angels and Gods

He covers her mind and book
with his lotion

Are we ready for the E-book
In tip-top condition motion
Someone is mysteriously trying to tell me something?

How the moon hangs low
The book made her eyes
Open to really know?

I phone to book she's the grab bag
I'm leaving on a Jetplane
One chosen E-Book
Was Scarlet love flame

How the book needs to grab you
The day you were born or reborn
Never to lose your sight
But why does he split your pages

In a hot rush* money wages

The heart is bleeding out words
Feeling so crushed the bookend
Energetic stare or the blank stare
Your enticing book
What happens underside me
The pages one-sided

You're the sweet of the complicated
getting bittersweet to be love mated

The sundae banana split
*My ring book marker my lovely curls

I couldn't share my book what it said
Do you really love me
The spinning wheel
Feminity of book so girly but
Love so dizzy

To be told overstocked to be sold
But someone loved it
Its been properly viewed
Buying and reselling hearts of
book timeshare

His workout
he loves his curls
Ebook he sees he memorized
all his European beauty
turning do you love her books madly
The beast  is inside Jekyll
Girls needed to hide but got
The book seeing our life
From a blinded pageview
What's beside our words
We need to be upfront
Once in a million chances
The whole planet of funny books
beach house turned
Blank page
of a clown funhouse tree stalk

What is the point of view
Like an adult book raided
If you're the unadulterated
The innocents being naive
Wanting him so much
Whats the use it's like a
the blank page
Like your hairstyle
the sixties pageboy
You need book law and order
Like the Feng Shui book surrender
Be focused Graphically cool artist
And paint it colors no
gun it blanks no favors
My book place has the ambiance
Different mysteries
and suspense behaviors

Somehow it thickens
like "French" roue paste

You didn't want one
page to waste
E for the Exodus
A blank page is love minus
You're hitting a plateau
E- love of kiss-book
French Chateau
Ebook has a pattern the same thing
It repeats and devours your thoughts
The ancient Grecian her structural
form of statues
That rip page needed words to capture

The Clean-Slate page to restart
your flight
The prize
Empire to the book hire
E-book desire
It sets an example
we need to trust
Not to mislead your mind
Whats behind the book
Exhumed or to be doomed
Like Witchcraft magical hands

This wasn't the Godly land
The blank page had a spell
"The Burned Book" no one
will ever know
Can we take it back what was written inside
We need to restore give more (Cat and Mouse) chase

As my equal poison mind of sugar
Equally or naturally book gifted
Wrap silk ribbons or too much
the anxiety of red tape
Explosion of E=books
Elixir eyes to the Ebook doorway
But the blank pages were
still inside

E-book and the text
Whats next *** journalism
The kingdom of Elust
E-book became all excuses
Those blank tweets of
Like you got some
earwax all codes and emblems
My blank form income tax problems?

Storming damage to the max of my book

Hitting rock or book bottom
You're still living in a shape
of an eggcup

And reading by your nook
Your Ebook swish wish a nymph
floating mermaid

Things turn (Retro) just go
The book was the turn of events
More pages to heart mend

We are not experts or philosophers
Get inside the greener grass
like a grasshopper

Your lovely book a tranquil place
You were booked into your gown
But your ebooks is being
transported to other towns

Her heart was skipping his pages
She never got the chance to read
His chosen page
Life is so the open book
Eyes wide shut
E-book a cozy nook and where does it begin or end did I see some blank pages in between. I need a new for a taste for something on my speed I love to read it fascinated me every page but something stopped me to continue I wonder how long will this go on being fun and retro just go to the bookstore you may be pleasantly surprised of what you might see
noa harriott  Aug 2013
noa harriott Aug 2013
tell me, how fast
can your jetplane fly,
because i am drowning
and i don’t know where
or why

and lungs in a chest
cannot go more than
three minutes
without air
(c) noa harriort
Rob Sandman  Mar 2016
Rob Sandman Mar 2016
That's it,I've had enough of it it's time to go,
all the work I've put in,with nothing to show,
the cronyism,phonyism,plagiarism,thievery,
like the Ireland I love is a fading memory,
reeling in the years,yeah great  nostalgia,
but staying any longer is a form of mania-
the banks and the builders and political ****,
it's all work no play,no mon no fun,
so **** it,now my bags are packed jack,I'm hitting the road
broad shoulders slowly dipping from the constant load,
of backstabbers,moneygrabbers,tribunals,and deaths,
make a break while I can,they haven't beat me yet,
yeah I gotta get goin' while the goin's good,
I hope you understand my reason's,both friends and blood,
now it's time to make a move before I go insane,
don't be grieving when I'm leaving on the next **** plane
(Sample john denver here)

"I'm leavin on a jetplane,don't know when I'll be back again"

Looking at those before me you can trace the tracks,
from the Wild Geese to the political flak,
the Children of Eire,like the Children of Lir*
fly from lake to lake,driven by need and fear,
and optimism-everybody wants a better life,
to escape the butcher's apron,and the subtler knife,
of poverty,loss of identity,clan's torn asunder,
a lightning storm rages,listen to the thunder,
austerity cuts,don't make me laugh,
fat greedy politicians cut your wages in half,
so they can stuff their faces,wallets,and banks,
said it 12 years ago,you think they give a ****?,
about your family's health,they say tighten your belt,
well mine's met in the middle,time to hand out welts,
a proud Celtic tradition flushed down the drain,
so slan leat for now time to catch that plane.

Took a long time,to make this decision,
every tear,every smile is another incision,
in the heart of me the start of me,born again,
looking at my boarding pass brings a pang of pain,
but everyone knows for me-it's time to move on,
and I'll keep the torch lit,Yeah-EC strong
turned from Hermit to Hermes,with a message to pass,
I've took enough names,time to kick ***,
so wish me luck wish me well,watch me give em hell,
I got a way with words and what a story to tell,
hurdles to pass and a long way to go,
so much to say but I still flow slow,
memories are pulling me in two directions,
spun my tires so long,time to gain some traction,
it's time for action,my reason's are plain,
so hold it down for me here,I gotta catch that plane"
(Sample john denver here)

"I'm leavin on a jetplane,don't know when I'll be back again"
Another true story from the S-Files.
I wrote this song while waiting for a Plane in Dublin Airport many years ago.