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TN    You can't imagine the pain I feel. Just as I cannot imagine the pain you feel. But maybe I can help you come close to …
Vaniexe Kafka
23/F/San Junipero    stuck in footnotes and appendices
Cristina Michelle Dexeus
It is hard for me to speak aloud and say what I mean inside Maybe this will help me explain who I am speak what …


uggjf cffcnoef virh ue xy uemrofevi4nc
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ryn  Nov 2015
ryn Nov 2015
            •vile plumes reaching to the
                   sky•killing the earth as days go
                      by•cutting corners, we dump our
                          waste•the easiest of solutions exe-
                          cuted in poor taste•there are many
                          signs, how could we miss•when
                               we are the ones who did this•
                               scores of geniuses and inte-
                              llects•can't come to consensus
                                   and drive a pact•to save the
                                           world for our children•
                                                  to save what's
                                                       left for
                                                           ­   gene-
                                                        ­         ra-
                                                             ­         ti-
                                                    ­              o
                                                 ­                    n
                                                               ­     s
                                                          ­              •

                                                ­                         **IIIIII
                        o                    o                   o           I    I       
                   OO               OO               OO           I    I      
           OOOO         OOOO        OOOO           I    I      
Concrete Poem 15 of 30

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
Ben Brinkburn Jan 2013
A cross once hung there on the scarred
stone wall.  Its outline burnished like
the shadow of a nuclear blast-
did the wooden icon perish in fire?

Crumbling igneous walls quarried from the
Tees-Exe line, mulatto stone, time as no friend.  
Tumbling ancient brick, red lumps
and shards, no good for anything.

We pick through dandelion and thistle;
a ruined keep in waning time.  You my love
are the expert, a geological feature of certainty.
I am the temporary marker.

We hold hands in this pretty ruin, this old
box of death. Roof long gone as if in a grand
gesture of soul release, as lazy grasshoppers
scratch in the evening, warm and sublime.