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London    Name's Rhian and this be my story... Part of my Heart anyway The rest most will see day to day. A place to vent and ...
Rachel Doty
Young adult on a quest to find out the meaning of life. I love my Lord, my friends, my family, and animals. Singer, songwriter, pianist, ...


...---.... ...---...
...---... ...---... ...---...

my frantic fingers tap the telegraph
tapping tentatively , taking time
to repeat the single word, dot, dot, dash, dash , dash, dot, dot, dot...
tapping away like a cricket with arthritis
sending my signals and sounds into the night..., dot, dot, dash, dash, dash, dot , dot , dot...
but the neighbourhood sleeps quietly
and no one cares for an arthritic cricket
singing its song into the endless radio silence...

because dots and dashes are nothing more than
humble beginnings in 96.09.21
and the life dashes by and flat-lines on
a marble stone
1996 - (pretty soon)

...---... ...---...
...---... ...---... ...---...

dot, dot, dash, dash, dash, dot, dot, dot
dot, dot, dot, Dash, Dash, Dash, DOT, DOT, DOT
dot, dot, Dot, DASH, DASH, DASH, DOT, DOT, DOT
DOT, DOT, DOT, DASH...-------------------------------------------------------

t­he drummers pack away their drums, the beat forever fades

the thunder stops to rumble, from now on only clear days

my finger stops its tapping, lies numb across the telegraph

and somewhere outside... and arthritic cricket...
turns silent from its wrath

and the dots and dashes ...
that's been beating all this time...
my hearts stops singing with them...
and ends with one flat line

This poem uses a lot of visual aids, onomatopoeia and metaphors... so enjoy
Daniel Pokorny Jun 2020
Dot Dot Dot,
I write again with Dots,
Dot Dot Dot,
The Dot's form a shape,
Dot Dot Dot,
They form the shape of your face,
Dot Dot Dot,
I thought I moved away from your Dots,
Dot Dot Dot,
They continue to show me your face,
Dot Dot Dot,
The Dots still haunt me in my dreams,
Dot Dot Dot,
Leave me alone, I've moved on.
DC raw love Jan 2015
dot, dot, dot
please stop, please stop

dot, dot, dot
let it go, let it go

dot, dot, dot
no, no, no

dot, dot, dot
dont hurt me, don't hurt me

dot, dot, dot
why, why

dot, dot, dot
because I can, because I can

dot, dot, dot
I think not, I think not