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Cassidy Claire Johnson
Bradenton, FL    in the dawn of the day I sit waiting longing to see your face once more Cassidy Claire Johnson © 2010-2016.
Pikevile, NC    Writing is my passion.


sap sap deibi coli pik decía david cassidy a los pies
de su melancolía en primavera ¡oh!
esa melancolía sonaba como siete cañones grandes de la
primera guerra mundial
cuando él la agitaba o bailaba con su hermoso costado

pero ahora callar
david cassidy sube por las calles del pueblo
y es como si hubiera un oleaje seco frío
más ***** que la cólera que ardió

con todo eso ¿qué hacer? ¿eh, presidentes?
se le evaporaron jugos entrañas humedades a david cassidy
dejándole huesos tirantes
crepitaciones cuando roza el otoño

¿alguno sabe realmente qué hacer?
david cassidy pisa rosas muertas ha mucho
y levanta un olor a podrido frágil
como la tía francesa que escapó al amanecer

qué pies señor algún día
david cassidy se encontrará varado en Cochrane Street o en la
esquina del cine
y no habrá más remedio que regarlo y cuidarlo del sol

david cassidy seguirá convirtiéndose en rosas
distraídas que los niños arrancarán
será un bello final una bella continuación mejor dicho
en vez de andar vagando por tanta tierra agua fuego y otoño
como todo lo que se tuesta asa quema o chamusca

y los que lo envidiaron se morirán de rabia o rabiosos
no irán a pájaros ni a peces ni nada
mientras que david cassidy
cantará todo lo que tenga que cantar
Judypatooote Feb 2016
Hopalong Cassidy

When I was a little girl
Hopalong Cassidy
Was my hero
I would watch him on the television  
Riding his horse Topper
And then
Hiding behind chairs
Running from one to the other
Shooting the bad guys
With my finger gun.
One birthday my mom surprised me
With a whole Hopalong Cassidy outfit.
I had a vest with fringe,
The cowgirl skirt, the hat
And best of all
A Hopalong Cassidy WATCH
And a silver play gun in a holster
In my imagination
Back in the 40's
To play Cowboys and Indians
To shoot the bad guys
With a finger gun
Or a silver play gun
To use the word Indians
Without offending anyone
So Sad that kids can't play
Cowboys and Indians anymore
Because you wouldn't know
If that gun was real

By judy
I wrote rhis poem when i read an artical on a 5 year old boy who was exspelled from his school for pointing is finger at another student and saying bang bang.  What a different world we live in now compared to back when...
Judypatooote Mar 2015
Hopalong Cassidy

When I was a little girl
Hopalong Cassidy
Was my hero
I would watch him on the television  
Riding his horse Topper
And then
Hiding behind chairs
Running from one to the other
Shooting the bad guys
With my finger gun.
One birthday my mom surprised me
With a whole Hopalong Cassidy outfit.
I had a vest with fringe,
The cowgirl skirt, the hat
And best of all
A Hopalong Cassidy WATCH
And a silver play gun in a holster
In my imagination
Back in the 40's
To play Cowboys and Indians
To shoot the bad guys
With a finger gun
Or a silver play gun
To use the word Indians
Without offending anyone
So Sad that kids can't play
Cowboys and Indians anymore
Because you wouldn't know
If that gun was real
A memory of when life was simple and fun. Of course it was, I was a child.