I feel too much
And it always ends
Stabbing me in the chest
Then I numb myself
To feel less pain
Trying to restrain
Yet this time
I took the risk
I showed my heart beat
Faster faster faster
Ticking ticking
Butterflies swirling
I told you
You were kind
But said you can't be mine
It hurts deep inside
But this time
I'm not going numb
My heart won't let me
It's beating endlessly
Except cruelly
It's been years since I felt
So deeply
Infacuated with another
I never showed my feelings
To someone I wanted
So very dearly
I guess you could say
I'm feeling a bit
Of heartache
It's not traumatizing
But it is agonizing
Slightly terrorizing
I think of you by mistake
It keeps me awake
It's colorful and cute
Then I remember
You said no thanks
Now it's all December
Cold inside me
My heart churns
As I yearn
Yearn to rip me open
And bandage up my swollen
Heart that's been shattered
Shattered a million times
By many different guys
But I think this takes the prize
I saw hope in your eyes
But it's my fault
It was so new and exciting
I was really trying
A bit too hard
Like a worn out ball of yarn
Stringing along
To a new cute song
Patter patter by the paws
Except I always get claws
Stuck inside me
I'm such a dummy
I fall too fast
And too rashly
But lastly
I love too much
Too quickly
For someone always alone
And unsightly
Rejection. Hurts been awhile since it hurt this much but hey I'm used to it is what I amways say yet it hurts more each day