Looking for home
Sun ablaze in his eyes
Such heat he feels it will take his soul.
Water splashes over the bow
Moisten dry lips for a second
Sun bleached clothes return with color
Heat attacks, they are left brittle as before.
Open eyes look to the horizon
Hope to have the watchful gaze of his love slips
A miricle waits for him at home.
One life that could change the furure.
An abandoned cry
The truth is too much to bare;
Thoughts of nurture seem too far in the past to remember
A passing moment
Shore line in sight
My love waits for me.
Waiting to see his face
Sun spots block her view
A haze on the horizon
Waves crash upon the shore
Wet feet for an instant
Hope sings sweet songs in her heart
Not to be diminished for a second
Storm clouds start to roll in
Thunder starts to roar
A stomach full with the greatest joy
A kick and a smile
Shutteing inside for what is to come
When will he get back?
Too much pain
Storm lightens up
A mast on the water
Family whole again.