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Court Apr 2015
If you don't use the hashtag, but did the challenge and I don't see it feel free to message it to me because I'm loving seeing all y'all's poems and I don't want to miss one!
If you want to do the challenge:
Court  Apr 2015
Court Apr 2015
Choose a song, you can choose it randomly or it can be your favorite song, or just a song that you like. Write a poem while listening to that song. You don't have to write about the song but just write what comes to mind while you listen to it. I do this all the time and its amazing how it changes my mood and my writing. Title the poem the name of the song and use the hashtag #CourtsMusicChallenge and I will take the time to read all of them and repost them and leave some love in a comment.
Do the challenge then repost this so I know you did it.:)

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