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 Jan 2016 Savannah Lee
You don't look for me
In familiar faces all around you.
You don't think about me every time you see a sunset and wonder
How endings can be beautiful too
You don't look at the night sky and miss the constellations on my lips.

I wish you did
But then I know you don't.

You would not let me carve a cavity out of you
On a cold January night
And watch me leave in mid June,
When it's warm enough for me to fly
And you would not
Like the way I set fire on every home I have ever entered
Or how my touch would give you chills across your sweaty spine

And God, how I hoped you would,
But I know you don't.

You no longer walk that extra mile
To catch the sunrise in my smile
You  no longer stay up
Till the storm inside me subsides
You no longer want to end the day
By resting in the black of my eyes
You no longer name
The galaxies on my skin

And hence, I think it is time to make a change.

Because I hope you did but
I know you don't

And i know away from this pain,
A new horizon awaits.
As you looked away, I starred at you and I smiled.
I smiled because I never thought in a million years,
That I could be this happy.
I never thought I could find someone who would love me unconditionally,
Who would care about me more than anything else in this world.
Someone who puts all their time and attention into me.
Everything with you is just so perfect,
When I'm in your arms, I feel like I'm at home.
When your lips touch my skin, my heart races.
You make me feel things, I've never felt before.
Maybe it's too soon to say this,
But with everyday that passes by,
I feel myself slowly falling in love with every little thing about you.
But I'm not afraid,
I want you to have all of my heart,
I want you to have all of me.
 Jan 2016 Savannah Lee
Fell in love once but never again
When that person left they took my heart from within
Falling in love with them was a feeling I can't explain
Falling in love them was the sweetest pain
Falling in love with them bought me joy and happiness
Falling in love with them bought me pain and tears
Falling in love with them was something I never expected
But ****, I'd do it all again and focus on the parts of their love I neglected
Cause falling in love happens rarely
But I'll voluntarily give my love to you to fall for again
Cause falling in love bought more good than bad
But one couldn't forget the other ones past so falling in love was outta the question
But somehow I still fell in love with you
The dumbest yet smartest thing I could ever do
And if I had the chance to fall in love again
Id still pick you because cause to me our
love was the perfect 10

— The End —