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I remember being on the phone til 4:00 in the morning,
I remember you getting shot in the leg while me and you were talking.
As you  were running from those people.
I remember me telling you to eat cat food because you were locked in a room so they couldnt find you and you havent eaten,
I remember you telling me you loved me,
I said i didnt feel the same way,
You almost committed suicide while being at the harbor by your house.
I loved when we video chatted,
You had a transgender friend,
You always wrestled with what you called "it"
I thought it was rude...
But these memories just dont leave.
Because i keep feeding them with Images of what it would be like if i was there.
You told me you loved me,
You dated another girl, i  cried
But you broke up with her for me..
I kinda miss these memories.
I kinda did love  you.
(yeah, i have turned down a lot of people but this one meant the most)
I just  cant get rid of these tired memories. Because i give them your favorite energy drink ;)
Dear friend,

I couldn't find the answer today, for why the world is turning. A half-dozen lovers in a timeless frame, are now but bridges burning. The coffee makes me feel like hell in the morning, whenever morning is an option. You see, I've fallen for a misery, I have become the local burden. They invite me out to harmonise their doubt, over trends we have seen before; the brief salute from a military brute; the human cost of war.

It's been a misery for days and days – weeks and weeks if I tell the truth, but I have been baying at the nail, and sharpening the tooth. I think money is a postcard lover who promises salvation, but in truth can only under-achieve against cigarettes and meditation. The Bowl has been singing to me, but I cannot understand a word,  at times I think I hear the answer, or else the passing of an airborne ****.

Forgive me for crudeness, or for my vague choice of tone, I am kissing my pillow in my sleep, but waking up all alone. From that I have decided that I've got to ask for more, so I am slipping up my sentences, to become a well-spoken bore. I hope you find the answer each time you sip on tea, some heat upon your lips and tongue, some red blossoms on the tree.

I am going now I promise you, I'm serving out my time, I am going to hang out with my father, I'm going to chase it down with wine. For all the good I had desired to do, I am committed to this crime, don't drink in bed, do drugs instead, and do not forget to write.

with love.
We didn’t go down in history
No one played an anthem song
Everyone just went on as if we’d always been gone
We were barely buried
It took convincing for our caskets to be carried
We were never married
We hadn’t even made love
They didn’t set free a single dove
No one clamored and pushed
Not even a shove
To see our ceremony
No one read a eulogy
It was perfect harmony

We were the ****** of words
No one matters when they die
It doesn’t change the flight of the birds
Who cares where they fly?
It was a silent trumpet blast
It was lovers hands loosely clasped
There wasn’t a single breath gasped
Not when we met the end
Just me and you
My friend

The grave of death stood horribly still
This was the last weapon for us with to ****
With my last force of will
The heart beat that allows me to feel
I want you to shout loud enough for me to hear
Shake this cage free of fear
Nobody cares how we die
So let’s try not to commit suicide
Let’s promise
Let’s decide
Marjorie picks up the phone,
She's quite sure that she's alone.
Punches in her "good friend's" number
She's excited! It's no wonder!
Something naughty to convey!
Can't wait to tell! Can't wait to say!
"Hello, Sally? Yeah, it's me!
I'm at the window... guess what I see!
You know that ***** across the way?
She's with another man today!
Hannah's hubby, right next door.
Can you believe that little *****?!!
I'm telling you 'coz I'm your friend
This wicked business has to end!
Wait a minute... there they GO!
They're leaving! I'll bet you know
Where they're headed. Oh, you bet.

A motel room is what they'll get.

Juicy fruit spills from the lips
Open mouth and out it slips
Sweet as strychnine to the tongue
Where the poison apple's hung.
If you've nothing nice to say
We're all ears! Come our way!
There's a tale to be told
Don't matter if yo young or old
It's a secret on the block...

... if it's scandalous, LET'S TALK!!!

Sally John finds her PC.
She has another "friend" you see...
"Hello, Jane? Just talked to Marge,
Got some news, and it is LARGE!
You know that harlot up the street?
You'll never guess her latest meat!
Hannah's hubby! Oh, her ****!
I can't believe this awful biz!
Marge told me, it can't be wrong,
They were KISSING... ON THE LAWN!!!
Then they drove off  in his car...
They weren't going very far
No-Tell Motel's where they're at...
Whatcha expected from an alleycat.
Hannah's gonna flip her lid!

I won't tell, so keep it hid...


The story spread around, of course.
Hannah's filing for divorce.
Then her hubby lost his job...

... as pastor of a CHURCH of GOD.

And the *****? Well. She died.
She committed suicide.

The real story was quite sad,
And I hope it makes you mad.
"Harlot's" son? He needed pills.
Guess no one knew that he was ill.
She wasn't goin' very far...

... and her pastor had a car.

Who's the culprit? Who's to blame?
Guess we all know her name.
Who's to count the tragic cost?
With one stroke two lives were lost!
Her little boy went 'round the bend.
An alcoholic in the end.

The tongue can be a thing of praise
Or ignite a mighty blaze!
So check your heart. Check your mouth.
Make sure that it's not headin' SOUTH.
Kindness is joy in age or youth....

... you reap what you sow and


Catherine Jarvis
(C) July 5, 2010
Gossip, or character assassination, in the
Bible, is tantamount to ******.

Hello? Germaine, you there?
It's been a little over a year since you left us all
I miss you so much
You have no idea how much I miss you
I wish I could have talked to you that night
I wish I had given you more hugs
More smiles
More laughs
I wonder every night why you killed yourself
And I feel so lost
You were the one to hug me, make me laugh, make me smile when I was sad
And now I know you can never come back
It makes me so sad
I wish I had hung out with you more
And I wish I was there for you when you needed me the most
Please forgive me, Germaine.
I love you and miss you.
Hope it's nice up there in heaven.
Letter to my close friend who killed himself last year
© All rights reserved to Victoria C. F.

— The End —