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 Jul 2014 saranade
dark musty I am attracted, opposite poles,
a moth to the absence of light,
my mushroom blooms
the deepest shade of azure
awakening here, molding at the spore,
the leafs and paper and rat droppings
echo down the causeway,
the red rusted gutter escape flows into
nothingness behind me, I hate you; so obese,
rotund like a dimorphism of rubenesquery and retardation,
bent beyond shape,
borrowed against ****,
I’ll collect the interest someday, maybe today,
or perhaps we’ll continue on smiling as we have
knowing that I pulled the last vestiges of your humanity,
shorn and weeping,
from your carcass years ago.

You are mine.
 Jul 2014 saranade
Milk white,
pure as unbroken *****,
innocence lain bare.

My touch,
aches, despoils. Alarms,
so soft; a feather’s caress.

Creamy smooth,
lotion filled *****, disarming
with a frown, down-turned; tears.

Teases me, terrifies me in its shroud. Free me, set me loose
from this cage, this frigid incarceration, lay me bare. My *****,
split and opened; exposed. Soft, pink tongue, coated crimson,
makes love to my wounds. My kitten, sweet, laps the saucer.

Abstracted from the fragments, broken in the wind of
your Madonna, holy, sincere. Shadow creases the
wrinkled skin, veins; varicose. Age comes ungracefully,
my beauty, wrapped in plastic.
 Jul 2014 saranade
 Jul 2014 saranade
There are bits of glass
strewn about
this empty
heart of mine.
 Jul 2014 saranade
I hate you with a passion. I hate that I bump into you in the hallways and how i always jam my toe on the side of you, on
your slick lean edges. Along with the time you hid my favorite shirt from me in your stash of collections, where you keep my
notes in your drawer of secrets. Don't let anyone in, close yourself up just like furniture you are. Silence thats all anyone
hears when they walk by you but not me. I can hear your legs creaking trying to keep you up, strong and tall like how you
should be. My mother wants to throw you away but i won't let her. She wants to replace you with a nice cherry wood drawer. But not me. I still adore your creaking legs, and your rusty knobs. I won't let her throw you away, i forgive you for all the splinters you gave me on my feet. I just want you to stay.


 Jul 2014 saranade
She sits in her cell,
Pretty sure she's in hell,
The walls trapping in the gloom,
How will she ever bloom?

I see her figure slightly behind the imaginary bars,
Arms faintly lined with scars,
Her eyes smeared with black,
Did I just hear her bones crack?

Long black hair,
With an unknown despair,
She could try and explain,
But who would understand her pain?

She regrets her birth,
Knowing she doesn't belong on this Earth,
Drastically misplaced,
Then relentlessly chased.

She drives a blade through her fading heart,
A desperate attempt to stop them tearing her apart.

 Jul 2014 saranade
david jm
I can recognize the symbols now,
A God complex is simple thought.
A happy night.
A Saturday.
We're number three from Mother Sun.

Sister Nature is my father,
Brother Earth in animus.
Out of line,
Just out of spite.
A blackout can't account for this.

Taping up the horse's mouth,
Reality is not relieving.
If this was real
I wouldn't have to hold on like it's leaving.

Awoke but never fell asleep,
The endless sleep has found a stop.
I can be your cellophane,
If you'll be my Salem's Lot.

Avoid the windows,
Faith is burning.
Too alive,
And too unnerving.
the circles I live in.
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